I am 21 5'10" 200 prob around 12% body fat. I have used clen several times and Var. I am planning on doing my first injectable cycle and was thinking of running Test E and Eq. I am not necessary looking to gain weight just lean mass and strength. I have been powerlifting for 5 years. I will not do this cycle for several months, but I wanted to go ahead and plan it out.
Test E 500mg (2 shots a week 250/shot)
Eq 600mg
I have letro which i will prob run at .25 so I don't get gyno.
Pct Nolva and Clomid
Diet is clean 6 to 7 meals a day, usually 2 or 3 are from protein shakes the rest is chicken, steak, turkey, fish, oatmeal, kashi cereal, whole wheat spagetti etc. etc.
Any advice is welcome!