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  1. #1
    hockeyroom28 is offline Junior Member
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    Advantages/Disadvantages of Oral (Tab) Use

    I have been reading the forums for the past week along with the detailed summaries of the different types of gear so I feel like I have done enough research to bring my questions to the boards.

    I'm interested in buying for the start of Fall 07 Semester, but I have a few questions. First off, I'd prefer to avoid the needle and go the tab route, but what are the advantages/disadvantages?

    I've read on here that since the pills need to pass through your liver more than once to achieve results, the process can be painful on your liver and cause intense pain? Is that true? I have also read the same for injectables, a painful 1-2 days after the injection. Is this true for any product?

    I am planning to cycle a Test (probably Test E) with Proviron and have Nolva and possibly HCG for PCT, but the Nolva starting Week 2 of 16. I know this isn't a thread about my cycle so I will leave that for another thread.

    Thanks in advance,

  2. #2
    DHew's Avatar
    DHew is offline Senior Member
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    If you want to run test E and HCG there is no way to avoid the needle.

  3. #3
    hockeyroom28 is offline Junior Member
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    OK, thanks. I forgot that I read Test E is only injectable, and I wasn't focusing on the HCG .

    Anyway, is there intense liver/stomach pains on orals?

  4. #4
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
    cookiemonstR is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hockeyroom28
    OK, thanks. I forgot that I read Test E is only injectable, and I wasn't focusing on the HCG .

    Anyway, is there intense liver/stomach pains on orals?

    Orals serve their purpose, but IMO you can't usually get and keep good quality gains from them, and doing them on a regular basis, or enough to get those gains will hurt your liver, and you likely won't be able to keep them.

  5. #5
    DJWhiteT is offline New Member
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    Ive never heard of anyone having severe stomach pain from orals. Orals have long term disadvantages for your liver.

    Some shots are more painful than others. It all depends on what you are using and your skill with the needle. Test shots are intramuscular (in the muscle) and require a longer pin.

    Sub-q (under the skin) shots are not painful at all. (this is what you'll use for hcg )

    ...but all of this information is already on this forum...

  6. #6
    hockeyroom28 is offline Junior Member
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    OK thanks guys. I'm obviously nervous about the needles, but I gotta get it done. I know I am going with 22 or 23 gauge for the Test, can I use the same for HCG ?

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    with HCG you use insulin syringes

  8. #8
    NightWolf's Avatar
    NightWolf is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cookiemonstR
    Orals serve their purpose, but IMO you can't usually get and keep good quality gains from them, and doing them on a regular basis, or enough to get those gains will hurt your liver, and you likely won't be able to keep them.
    So you think you keep more from a Test E cycle then from a Var/Tboll cycle??

  9. #9
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    orals will most likely not cause pain..they add extra stress to your liver, thus elevating your liver enzymes. They are also murder on your cholesterol values. You will have very low HDL and a very high LDL..which is not good. Both of these side effects usually return to normal with a few weeks of stopping. The liver values dont concern me as much as cholesterol values go. The best way is still to use a needle. Just dont over do it on orals if you take them

  10. #10
    hockeyroom28 is offline Junior Member
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    OK thanks again guys. I'm gonna go over some more things and do a little more research and then write out a cycle.

  11. #11
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    after the first coupla sticks you'll be fine. Its really not that bad.

  12. #12
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
    Sir Lifts-a-lot is offline Senior Member
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    I don't even think about it when I stick myself now. You will get used to it pretty soon. It's getting over that intial prick. Everything in your body is telling you not to infect the pain on your body that is going to make you bleed, but you just gotta do it and you will be fine.

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