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  1. #1
    dank1970's Avatar
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    Unhappy got a hernia yesterday

    got a hernia yesterday and in the 6th week of cycle. 150 mgs prop eod and 100mgs winny ed. should I just stop and start pct now? I cant lift anything over 20 lbs and will be off work for at least 8 weeks.yea it f n sucks cuz it was going great 198 lbs and 7% bf now its all down the drain pct tomoxifen and clomid mix. also have letro

  2. #2
    timtim is offline Member
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    i would start pct. if you cant continue (and i wouldnt, dont want to make the rip larger) hit pct and set a surgery date asap.

  3. #3
    dank1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    i would start pct. if you cant continue (and i wouldnt, dont want to make the rip larger) hit pct and set a surgery date asap.
    date is set for Aug. 16th its a navel hernia my navel popped out and I can push the tissue back in with my finger. its a trip its like a little balloon.

  4. #4
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
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    Had a sub-lingual tear myself. Took 4 hours in the hospital to fix.... I was pumping iron 3 weeks later... I also have the navel hernia, but it is so small, the doc said not to worry about it. Barely noticable... but he said to let him know if it gets worse...
    Start PCT bro... if you are in week six, it is a good time... No sense running gear with no gym time. JMO.

  5. #5
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
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    BTW ,your hard work isn't down the drain... It's just on hold.

  6. #6
    dank1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy
    BTW ,your hard work isn't down the drain... It's just on hold.
    k thanks, my job requires me to have the surgury to return

  7. #7
    juicy_brucy's Avatar
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    Just make sure you have at least a week off... You may even need 2. There is no way you will be going back to work the first week....

  8. #8
    dank1970's Avatar
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    got the time

    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy
    Just make sure you have at least a week off... You may even need 2. There is no way you will be going back to work the first week....
    I am a fireman and the doc has already said 6 weeks minimum and then occupational health has to clear me so I am looking at about 8 weeks off total and the surgury isnt even til mid Aug. oh well I am still getting paid so its not all bad.

  9. #9
    timtim is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by dank1970
    I am a fireman and the doc has already said 6 weeks minimum and then occupational health has to clear me so I am looking at about 8 weeks off total and the surgury isnt even til mid Aug. oh well I am still getting paid so its not all bad.

    just continue to diet and keep healthy. ive seen people bounce right back and others required the whole 6 to 8 weeks to feel better.

    good luck and take it easy till then.

  10. #10
    passthetest's Avatar
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    ow man yah youll be fine i got one a couple years back, set me back but not for to long

  11. #11
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    I had 3 hernias repaired and was only out of the gym for a little less than 2 weeks. I had 2 inguinal and one umbilical hernia like yours. It wasnt unitl about 5 weeks that I was back to lifting normally though. When you go back use lighter weight and more machines, keep pressure off of your core. I did no leg presses, squats, bentover rows, or deadlifts for the first 2 weeks or so when I was back to the gym. Use pain as your guide.

  12. #12
    dank1970's Avatar
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    cool. I was only 5 weeks into my cycle not 6 . I checked my log and realized that this morning. I think I will take a good break and diet good then after 8 weeks off do a finaplix conversion and do a 8 week cycle of test cyp tren anadrol and winny. I got 60 adrol tabs I never used and 60ml of winny now that I cant use due to the hernia and would really like to make and use the tren. maybe the time off will give my body a good break and get better gains when I return to hit it hard again. I have leveled off in my strength and gains in the last year. so maybe a rest will do me good, I dunno

  13. #13
    Selene's Avatar
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    very sorry to hear, run your pct be clean for surgery and do not worry, you will be back in gym and back to lifts before you know

    good luck to you

  14. #14
    timidator34 is offline Junior Member
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    how can u avoid hernia's? i am assuming u get them by lifting very heavy. i have never had one and dont know anyone personally who has. when i do lat pull downs i feel a tight stretch in my abs where it feels like my gut is gonna exploid out. is that a sign of doing to much to where i could get a hernia?
    sorry if these are stupid questions, just wanna know if u can somehow avoid them..

  15. #15
    timtim is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by timidator34
    how can u avoid hernia's? i am assuming u get them by lifting very heavy. i have never had one and dont know anyone personally who has. when i do lat pull downs i feel a tight stretch in my abs where it feels like my gut is gonna exploid out. is that a sign of doing to much to where i could get a hernia?
    sorry if these are stupid questions, just wanna know if u can somehow avoid them..

    they are usually the result of a genetic weakness in the a**omin where the muscles tie together tightly like a woven blanket. if the ties are not secure all around these areas can be succeptible to tearing. you can research them. heavy lifting is a definite contributor but again, the genetic component has alot to do with hernias.

  16. #16
    dank1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by timidator34
    how can u avoid hernia's? i am assuming u get them by lifting very heavy. i have never had one and dont know anyone personally who has. when i do lat pull downs i feel a tight stretch in my abs where it feels like my gut is gonna exploid out. is that a sign of doing to much to where i could get a hernia?
    sorry if these are stupid questions, just wanna know if u can somehow avoid them..
    if u research it you can get all the answers you need. there are natural weakness pionts and they can tear. it could happen from a strain it could happen from doing nothing at all. they just happen to some people and some people never get one.always train hard when you are healthy if your going to get one you will and maybe you just never will.I wouldnt worry about it when you train though.
    Last edited by dank1970; 08-01-2007 at 05:03 PM.

  17. #17
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    One thing you can concentrate on is breathing properly during the lift. Not doing this right during things like squats and deadlifts could increase your chances of having a hernia.

  18. #18
    dank1970's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maldorf
    One thing you can concentrate on is breathing properly during the lift. Not doing this right during things like squats and deadlifts could increase your chances of having a hernia.
    really? wow I never thought of that. thanks man. maybe thats how it happened. seriously that never even crossed my mind, makes perfect sense

  19. #19
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dank1970
    really? wow I never thought of that. thanks man. maybe thats how it happened. seriously that never even crossed my mind, makes perfect sense
    yeah, if you hold your breath when you are pushing out like in a leg press or squat it will really increase your intra a**ominal pressure. Too much pressure on a place that is genetically weak could cause it to tear.

  20. #20
    midnight777's Avatar
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    I think this is how i got my umbilical hernia from not breathing properly or lifting too much weight. the surgery was really not that bad as when i had inguinal hernia that one was a longer one for me to get back. I guess it is in a sensitive area... get well soon and becareful when you get back....

  21. #21
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by midnight777
    I think this is how i got my umbilical hernia from not breathing properly or lifting too much weight. the surgery was really not that bad as when i had inguinal hernia that one was a longer one for me to get back. I guess it is in a sensitive area... get well soon and becareful when you get back....
    I had the same experience as you, the inguinal was much slower to recover. I was still getting pains down there months after the surgery. Was bad enough that I went in for a catscan but it showed everything was great. Inguinal hurts much more, for weeks after the surgery it felt like someone had my nut in a vice grip.

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