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Thread: please give opinion--cycle question

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002

    please give opinion--cycle question

    i wrote up a interesting cycle and i was wondering if you bros thought it would be an effective cycle

    cycle looks like this
    1)30 mg day----------------------------------------------
    2)30 mg day----------------------------------------------
    3)30 mg day-------800mg---------------------------------
    13)--------------------------400mg-----50mg day---------
    14)--------------------------400mg-----50mg day---------
    15)-------------------------------------50mg day---------
    16)-------------------------------------50mg day---------

    how does this look. i figure to size up then harden and make muscle more quality in end. the reason for test taper is thats all i will have and want it to last 8 weeks
    give me your opinions please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    at those doses obviously it will be affective, I think its a little long, maybe start the test at the same time as the d-bol to shorten it a little and I would run the clomid for three weeks.....16 weeks and you will be pretty well shut down....if you don't mind me asking where are you from?
    Oh ya and how about pass out is that a way out of your ring? Ha

  3. #3
    G-S Guest
    I'm a firm believer of using TEST as a base for every cycle, and running it for the duration.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    What ester test are you using?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    why not frontload 800mg for 1st 2 weeks, then run 600mg for the following 6 weeks. I would also start EQ and Test with the dbol on first week. I personally would just wait and get some more test and EQ and run them for 10 to 12 weeks. Whatever way you go, goodluck bro.

    Peace, Budman

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    I would run test and eq from week 1 to end otherwise dose duration looks fine.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thanks for the answers bros
    bob the way my instructor has been kicking our cardio pass out may be added to that

    diesel thanks for the good words bro yea there is a reason for this set up---never done one like it and was not sure of its effectiveness
    heres my logic
    every cycle ive done has been like budman,getting stupid and silver fox said--test as the base. i have plenty for a 24week test and eq cycle if i want but heres what i was considering
    it seems that each aas chemical has a effective life in the body--meaning that dbol works for 4-6 weeks after that no more real results,test seems about 8 weeks,eq is the exception for the longer on it the more effective, and winny is usually a 6 week drug.
    so what i was considering is to use each aa for the window of optimum growth and then switch to the next to continue growth. the reason why test is added when it is and eq when it is--is because it takes 2 weeks for each to kick in so i will be on the before ester and when off 1 ester the next should kick in
    this is actually not my next cycle
    my next cycle is dbol 4 weeks and test 10 weeks--30mg day dbol ,1200mg per week test first 2 weeks then 800mg per week test weeks 3-10. so this proposed one will be cycle after next. my future cycles will be lighter cycles of eq,winny and possibly omnis.
    these next 2 cycles are my last 2 bulking cycles.

    so that is my reasoning i was wondering about your opinions on wheather that would be an effective mixture to take advantage of each aas duration of effectivness in the body and move to next one for more results.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    sorry rickson,forgot, test is t200 from tornel and eq is 200mg ttokkyo,dbol is 5mg russian and our favorite winny

    also a clarification the next cycle is weeks 1-4 dbol and weeks 1-10 test at 1000mg week 1 and 2 then 800mg weeks 3-10. had to look back at what i wrote.
    also got plenty of eq to run eq entire 2nd proposed cycle then do other stuff as said?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    up for answers

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    It's interesting thoery on why you have laid out your cycle the way you have. My only suggestion would be to try it and see how it works. Keep in mind, i agree most of the growth seems to happen in 1st few weeks 8 or so, but doesn't mean your not gaining or making your gains solid by continuing. Plus if your competiting in BJJ, i assume you don't want huge increases in bodyweight?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Tapout, I am going to disagree with your thoughts that test only works for eight weeks. I think what you have been noticing is that for example, you feel the dbol for the first 4 weeks, then the stronger androgens kick in and by week 5 that is what you feel. That is why most don't run dbol for any longer, that and it is a 17aa. For longer cycles, you can switch esters to change things up or run some HCG for a week every 5 weeks or so. It is a good looking cycle; but like stated before me... run some type of test and the eq for the entire 14 weeks, then by adding the winny, that will help solidify your gains... just my $.02

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    oh ya i dont think ther is any reason to front load test if your running d-bol the d-bol is your front load (jump start) good luck.
    and im with Gettin Stupid all the way, run test the hole cycle.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thanks bros
    no limits--i see your point i guess i should say for me i have noticed that when i do test only cycles that after around the 8th week i see none or minimal gains--maybe hcg at week 5 then again at week 10 will keep gains coming.
    your right jj thats what i was trying to do
    switch esters every few weeks and start off with bulk compounds than go to harden it up a little.
    I HAVE NEVER RAN A CYCLE LIKE THIS BEFORE---just to let the bros know---it was a theory i was thinking about but i may have to rethink it. i was just bored with the usual cycle.
    from what ive been reading this looks a little better
    weeks 1-3 dbol 30mg day
    weeks 1-14 eq at 400mg per week
    weeks 1-12 test at 600-800mg per week
    weeks 9-16 winny 50mg per day
    weeks 17 and 18 clomid

    does that look better---its a more normal cycle for me anyways

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I have to agree with JJ. You are doing what many BB's do who stay on all the time but you should either low dose some test in between as a bridge or completely break it into two cycles. I like it when people play with cycles though and it was a good thought process.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Tapout, I like your second choice for a cycle. I know what you are saying about you think you don't feel the test after week eight. I think it's just you body getting use to your test levels. HCG will help with this, so would changing compounds mid cycle. But why do most pro's stay on for long, long periods... because it is still working. Good luck with it! I don't think a 16 week (12 weeks of test) cycle is considered a long cycle. On Monday, I start my 24-week adventure...

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    cool bro-good luck on your cycle-- whats it look like
    rickson(is that gracies brother rickson?)-i've always ment to ask that-----i have been doing the dbol bridge and it is kicking ass -i love it at 10mg per day keeping muscularity and pumps---yea your right need to break up the cycles
    I'M SORRY BROS--was just considering something different--i guess its like they say if its not broke dont fix it--i got big doing the norm why do crazy shit

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    up for a few more looks

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    good points juice junklie
    doing cardio to clean out is a great idea i've also heard that reps(20+) also clean out receptors as well.
    i will be off 10 weeks before i start my next cycle and then after 12 week cycle was planning on being off 3-4 months before next.
    i want to hear more about nootropics espically piracetam

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    even better, if your experimenting, try the d-bol/nolva bridge (20mg dbol in the a.m. and 20 to 40mgs of nolva each day). Just save your dbol for the bridge and split the rest into 2 - 8week cycles.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    thanks jj once again your the man
    everyone take a look at my october cycle

    you made a lot of sence earlier--thinking about it tonight---why bulk,at 5'10" how much bigger can i get---with my goal being 240 with 8-10% bodyfat and me at 240 with 16-18% bodyfat why not do cycles to keep my same weight and get leaner and more muscular

    i will do this my next 2 cycles and see what happens--oct-nov-dec and may-june-july

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2002


  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    6ft. away...but you can't

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    ha ha real funny lots of laughs i hope your enjoying this

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