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Thread: how much to inject

  1. #1

    how much to inject

    hi folks,first time here for injecting.will be using winny.i'm 41 and weigh 210 .lbs and have been working out for 3 years and did do the tabs in the past but want to use the injection now.i was wondering if anyone of you folks could guide me in the right direction as to how much to inject and how often.i also purchased some clen and wondered when that should be thrown in as well,they are tablet form.i hope i used the right forum and sorry if not,still wondering around in here.thanks for your time and keep on the exercising.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    What are your goals with your winny only cycle. Are you looking just to cut?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    depending on experience, most use 50-100mg/ed for winny. will you be using winny alone? if so, why not include a test as well? you wont get any significant amount of growth or strength from winny alone. what is your bf% and what are your goals? since this is your 2nd go around, i'd do 50mg/ed for 6-8 weeks only since winny is a 17AA and is harsh on your liver. make certain you're taking liver detoxin as well. are you running any anti-e's and what does your pct look like? again, however, you should really consider running a test with that as well.


  4. #4

    how much to inject

    thats correct,looking to cut up.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Standing Above Weakness
    winny isn't a miricle drug either, what is your diet like?

  6. #6
    my diets mainly chicken,tuna red meat now and then.exercise everyday different body parts.protein drinks

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    I would agree with Igifuno line of thinking that a solid diet and cardio regime is paramount to cutting down. I have used Winny alone in the lead up to a kick boxing fight to do exactly what you are looking to do but that was before I joined here and got a little better educated. I used 75mg ED for 4 weeks in the lead up with decent results.
    I would now personally complete a cycle use a short estered test like test prop (i am not afraid of needles) and finish up with 4 weeks of Winny and have a solid pct. Just my opinon for what its worth

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    On the toilet
    IMO you should at atleast throw in a little test prop @ 50-75mg/day.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    long island
    before we can help you wiht injecting we need to know where youre going to inject, and theres a whole section on this websites home page, click on "steroid injection info"

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    On the toilet
    agreed your asking us to answer your question of how much to inject but you have not given us any information. First what is your inj. winny dosed at? how many mg/day did you take on your previous winny cycle? Again I would suggest 75mg/day of test prop & 50mg/day of winny.

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