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Thread: up dose or not

  1. #1
    flex25j's Avatar
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    Question up dose or not

    i have not cycled in 5 years i just got 10 sustanon 250 i started out with 500mg my first dose then 250mg twice a week its been a little over 2 weeks and i have noticed great strength increases only gained 6 pds though i think its just the prop kicking in. i have 3 amps left and 20 on the way i was thinking of taking 3 amps a week split up mon, wed, fri what is your opion keep it at 2 a week or up it to 3 a week

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    hard to say without knowing your stats and goals.
    personally though, I would never start a cycle without having all the cycle and pct in hand, what happens if for some reason the 20 on the way don't make it? What do you have planned for pct?

  3. #3
    flex25j's Avatar
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    well there here i just have to go pick them up i have accses to what ever i just wanted to run straight test and my stats are 6' 215lb my goal is around 240

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    Is this your first cycle?
    What's your body fat%?
    What do you have planned for pct?
    How long are you planning on running the current cycle?
    Sorry to ask so many questions, but I don't like giving "cookie-cutter" advice, I want to match my advice to your specific situation.

  5. #5
    RBD85's Avatar
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    you should always have everything before you start your cycle. As far as upping your dose or not that is up to you. Are you happy so far? it has been 4 weeks so far and the next couple of weeks should be the best. With me I gain most of my weight within the fist 4 weeks (water) so if your happy with the gains so far I would stay at 2 amps/week and up your clean calories. I think you would be happy.

  6. #6
    flex25j's Avatar
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    this is my first cycle in five years i stayed on for about 1 yr last time i plan on staying on for about 4 months followed by hcg and clomid i have not figured out what dose yet for pct my my body fat right now is about 12%

  7. #7
    RBD85's Avatar
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    You stayed on for a full year? @ what dosages and how was it coming off>

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
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    Well you still didn't state your age, but anyway, I think you would be good at 500/week, but I'm not sure I would run for 16 weeks, that seems long to me. I'd say 500/week for 12 weeks followed by pct. I hope you've learned a lot since you stayed on for 1 year, and I hope you got blood work before you started this time.

  9. #9
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    well i turn 27 in oct and when i stayed on for a year i was 21 and weighed 150 at 6' skinny as hell i started taking omadren 250 twice a week with 40mg of dbol daily ended dbol about after 6 weeks and switched to deca for about 6 weeks while staying on the omadren then i was taking about 800mgs of cyp/wk when i ran out of the omadren that lasted a few months and then hit test suspension 200mg eod with anadrol 50 50mg for 10 days 100mg for 15 days then back down to 50 did the suspension for about 2 months and then went to duratest 1000 mg a week until i came off wich sucked because i went to jail for some other bullshit charge not related to juice so i crashed tough and lost about 20 lbs in about 4 months i was 220 at about 9% body fat at my peak from a skinny 150 iknow they said my blood pressure was high but eventually went normal i dont know if any other damage occured i live a vey clen lifestyle for 5 years in the pen

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
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    so did you actually plan the year long cycle?

  11. #11
    RBD85's Avatar
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    damn you were in jail for 5 years? what did you do? How much did you lose in those 5 years? Now that your out and you found these forums you should know better than to go on a year cycle.

  12. #12
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    well iwent to jail for selling drugs and while i was in there i joined the power lifting team and slowing got strength back and put alot of weight on i went up to about 245 but was at 18% body fat and a 40 inch waist but it did not matter because iwas eating everything lots of tuna and peanut butter and the had protien powder used to have creatine but stopped 3 yaers into my bid i was at my strongest ever in there at that weight just the way i was traing but after time it started to affect my joints so my last year there i dieted down to about 195 still lifted just differnt program and cut alot of carbs and fat out of my diet ive been home now for 3 months now and put on 20 lbs without increasing waist size 35 now mostly eating and over the counter supplements just started the juice 2 weeks ago got alot stronger but only 6 pds of body weight in the last 2 weeks my stats in prison for power lifter were 242 weight class bench 395 squat 560 deadlift 610 all raw now assistance suits or wraps

  13. #13
    RBD85's Avatar
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    Were you selling a lot of drugs or was it just here and there?

  14. #14
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    to anwser imaget bigger no i did not plan to stay on a year i was just around the wrong people that so how much potential i had and most of them were about 10 years older than me and did bodybuiding shows and was trying to put me up because i responding so well to lifting and the juice ill send some pics once i get a dig camera and figure this computer shit out

  15. #15
    flex25j's Avatar
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    to r**85 it was alot

  16. #16
    flex25j's Avatar
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    i got a 6 to 12 year sentence first offense got out early for good behavior the prison system is packed

  17. #17
    RBD85's Avatar
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    so are you done selling?

  18. #18
    flex25j's Avatar
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    hell ya its not worth it in the long run you cant get back time

  19. #19
    RBD85's Avatar
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    good to hear, when u figure it out post up them pics you sound like a beast.

  20. #20
    flex25j's Avatar
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    will do they have a local show every year here for bodybuilding its in sept so i plan on training hard and make it next year 2008 you need to get overal in your weight class to qualify for nationals in pittsburgh so if iam going to do it iam going to win but at 6' iwould like to be super heavy class or top end of heavy

  21. #21
    RBD85's Avatar
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    Awesome keep us updated

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