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Started out as a sutting cycle, achieved everything I wanted, lasted for 2 months or so, and then or the last month I turned it into a bulking cycle (bacuse of the way my body responds to food after a long time of dieting)(no cardio, eating tons more clean foods, addinig naposim and so on, anyway the tren is done, i have 14 days of 100 mg prop EOD day left, and 50 mg of naps, I want to add something more if I want to see some more gains for the end, because I will be taking a long break after this and an extensive PCT. Usually I'd just up my prop dosage for the month and call it das but all I can get is winstrol depot - do you think it would make sense in a , what is now, a lean bulk cycle?
If you agree what dosage of wistrol depot would you recomennd and should I drop my dosage of prop a bit to make it last longer?