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  1. #1
    bradd5150's Avatar
    bradd5150 is offline Associate Member
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    leaky ******* satchets

    So I was very impressed with the quick and discreet shipping of my ******* gear. Received all 3 packages within two weeks. Out of 16 tren a and 8 test e 5ml satchets, 3 of the test e satchets were leaking. Looks like they were damaged in shipping. Do u guys think I should just order more satchets or go with the vials this time? Anyone else receive leaky satchets?

  2. #2
    Njord's Avatar
    Njord is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bradd5150
    So I was very impressed with the quick and discreet shipping of my ******* gear. Received all 3 packages within two weeks. Out of 16 tren a and 8 test e 5ml satchets, 3 of the test e satchets were leaking. Looks like they were damaged in shipping. Do u guys think I should just order more satchets or go with the vials this time? Anyone else receive leaky satchets?
    I got a busted sachet as well last time I ordered them. It had leaked all the way through the envelope, surpised it made it through. I'm done with sachets, they are a pain in the a$$.

  3. #3
    bradd5150's Avatar
    bradd5150 is offline Associate Member
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    Yeah, it was a pain getting the gear out of the satchet and filtering it into a vial, very time consuming and the vials arent that much more expensive from my supplier anyways. So I guess it comes down to that I know I can get my ******* gear, but will it be leaky....and with vials, there's more risk with customs.

  4. #4
    RICK79916's Avatar
    RICK79916 is offline Junior Member
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    Thannx for the info....was just about to order some satchets !

  5. #5
    Njord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bradd5150
    Yeah, it was a pain getting the gear out of the satchet and filtering it into a vial, very time consuming and the vials arent that much more expensive from my supplier anyways. So I guess it comes down to that I know I can get my ******* gear, but will it be leaky....and with vials, there's more risk with customs.
    Get a domestic supplier and you wont have to deal with customs.

  6. #6
    bradd5150's Avatar
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    Other than the fact 3 of the satchets were leaking, I'm completely happy with the transaction. Haven't started cycle yet so I can't comment on the quality of the gear itself...but the price was right.

  7. #7
    peterbondra's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bradd5150
    Other than the fact 3 of the satchets were leaking, I'm completely happy with the transaction. Haven't started cycle yet so I can't comment on the quality of the gear itself...but the price was right.
    I've personally never had a problem with leaky satchets and the product is great!

    Never had them ganked by customs.

    Its not that hard to draw from if you have 18 gauge pins. It took me about 10 minutes to set up 8 satchets into 50ml vial.

  8. #8
    Nitz5785 is offline Associate Member
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    I love how people keep saying to get a domestic source to avoid customs and then no one will say where one is...

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitz5785
    I love how people keep saying to get a domestic source to avoid customs and then no one will say where one is...
    no source fishing allowed, do you really think people are going to post sources?

  10. #10
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    i wouldnt order sachets/ I have no problems with customs going international.

  11. #11
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
    domeyeahaigh is offline Senior Member
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    forget sachets man, yeah mine were all leaky all over the place i think it may have been from heat...the gear is good but there is risks involved, sterility for one..

  12. #12
    bradd5150's Avatar
    bradd5150 is offline Associate Member
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    Well the 12 packages of tren were perfect, filtered them with a .2 whatman filter into 3 20ml vials, took awhile but wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. F*ck it, I just ordered 80ml more of test, hopefully none of that will be damaged in shipping, but even if some of it is, I ordered plenty.

  13. #13
    Roidal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nitz5785
    I love how people keep saying to get a domestic source to avoid customs and then no one will say where one is...
    lol, I was like you once, till I found the source of all sources and it was just by chance, and no I won't say, infact I may have to edit this post cause I think I revealed too much.
    Last edited by Roidal; 08-18-2007 at 01:15 AM.

  14. #14
    timtim is offline Member
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    you guys have gotten leaky packages and continue to order? wow, risk takers.

  15. #15
    PEWN's Avatar
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    i hate ... fing satchets.... every one i know tht used them had some sort of problem..

  16. #16
    TheArtist's Avatar
    TheArtist is offline Member
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    just got mine actually, VERY satisfied.

  17. #17
    ZiOh6's Avatar
    ZiOh6 is offline Junior Member
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    I would contact your source and bitch at him for packaging them poorly.

  18. #18
    bradd5150's Avatar
    bradd5150 is offline Associate Member
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    I don't think the problem was packaging...i think some idiot dropped a heavy package on top of mine at the post office. I did email my source, didn't get a response within a few days so I emailed again asking if I could just order enough to replace what was damaged (less then his minimum order), which he agreed to.

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