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  1. #1
    J0k3R's Avatar
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    sustanon 250 detection

    I know that it has been said sustanon 250 takes 3+ months to get out of your system... and that it varies from person to person.. but what exactly leaves the body for the steroid to be undetectable? and can it possibly take less than 3 months to be undetectable? just curious and would like some nice responses, thanks


  2. #2
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Depends who is testing you. It is a natural hormone in your body and therefore hard to test for.
    Testosterone is detected by Testosterone/epitestosterone ratio.
    Unlike a positive for other steroids an upset in this balance does not always indicate steroid use .
    The only way for them to be sure is to do an isotope test (rare and expensive). If you are suspected of cheating at a high level of competition they may spend the $ to get it done.
    If it is just a basic test they will either ignore the high t/et ratio or have you come back for another test at a later date.

  3. #3
    J0k3R's Avatar
    J0k3R is offline Associate Member
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    GREAT response kratos , i know a steroid test cost from anywhere from $120-$240 from what i was told? is this the isotope test where they see if the testosterone compound is synthetic instead of natural? or would this test be like a $500 test? or just a little bit more than a basic test? thanks

    Last edited by J0k3R; 08-14-2007 at 12:26 PM.

  4. #4
    Kratos's Avatar
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    I'm guessing more that $1000
    Who is testing you?

  5. #5
    J0k3R's Avatar
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    My cousin was curious about the juice for a long time, so i explained to him that it wasnt just a shoot and explode kind of deal. He had to follow the correct procedures to gain right, maintain levels, and follow through with a good pct. So i get him a 10 weeker of sustanon ... and he uses it for his 18 year old son.... who plays in the great state of Texas and is now at risk of a steroid test. So for some reason its up to me to figure out what he should do

  6. #6
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Sounds like father of the year.
    If he hasn't been off at least a while he is going to have a really out of wack t/et ratio, and they are probably going to call him guilty and leave it at that. Mabe he can apeal it, mabe not. College sports they can do as they please. I was reading one of you threads and I knew you had been off awhile so I assumed you would be O.K. even if there was a little discrepency in ratio.
    Mabe look into one of those fake penis with clean urine in the ball bag for test day.

  7. #7
    Kratos's Avatar
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    You can take epi-test shots to fool the test, but you have to be a pro-cyclist to know where to get it.

  8. #8
    J0k3R's Avatar
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    Yes i have told him to order the whizzinator... and he complained about the 150$ price.. but the kid has been off for say..... almost 25 days now, i was informed when he was on his 8th week and told him to stop there before he messed up his body any further, will he have any drastic sides, i ordered him nolva, hcg , and aromasin as i did for my cycle .. but i'm concerned about his son's health.

  9. #9
    J0k3R's Avatar
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    I am no pro thats for sure , only hold 1 cycle under my belt, but i will do some research into it and see what i can do

  10. #10
    Kratos's Avatar
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    I ment bicycle racer.

  11. #11
    J0k3R's Avatar
    J0k3R is offline Associate Member
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    ohhh , do i feel like an idiot. maybe i can get Floyd Landis' number real quick ha ha

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