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Thread: Antibiotics

  1. #1
    pittbul45 is offline New Member
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    Hey guys. I have a small infection at an injection site and was wondering which antibiotics you all use. I have some AB from about two months ago from some other infection and wondering if that would be okay but i dont have much left. I know different AB work differently for different people. Was thinking if maybe i could start with the ones I have just to maybe knock it out while it is a small infection. I can get pretty much any AB that I want so my question is what are some of the better AB to get for infections. Thanks in advanced guys.

    By the way, this is my 4th cycle. Never had an infection before from injecting. Just have small swelling and a little redness.


  2. #2
    ecivon is offline Member
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    There are a lot of antibiotics that can be used. But I wouldn't self-prescribe, or come on here asking for medical opinion. Skin infections can very quickly become life threatening situations -- sometimes very, very quickly. Why take the chance, call your doctor to be safe.

    Some skin infections are MRSA and you could be in deep doo-doo by being risky, or under cautious and waiting a little too long and end up in the hospital.

    These days infections need to be taken seriously.

  3. #3
    pittbul45 is offline New Member
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    Hey...thanks for the reply. I know how risky and dangerous an infection can be. I was asking for medical advice, yeah, but really out of curiosity on what you guys all use. I have a doctor and all but do not go until early next week. he will do what is needed. I was wondering what brands or names you all use. So when I talk to a doctor I can ask him about different ones you all have talked about and see what he has to say about them or whatever.

    thanks for the reply.

  4. #4
    ecivon is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pittbul45
    Hey...thanks for the reply. I know how risky and dangerous an infection can be. I was asking for medical advice, yeah, but really out of curiosity on what you guys all use. I have a doctor and all but do not go until early next week. he will do what is needed. I was wondering what brands or names you all use. So when I talk to a doctor I can ask him about different ones you all have talked about and see what he has to say about them or whatever.

    thanks for the reply.
    Understand that Bro ... But everyone is affected differently by the same antibiotic for the same infection and skin infections can progress rapidly, as fast as a day, or two. Sometimes starting one antibiotic and then another can be counterproductive, if not harmful.

    You will probably be okay to wait to see your doctor, but watch your arm closely for red striations, warm/hot to the touch around the site, fevers, chills and call him, or get medical attention right away. You do not want that crap to get into your blood -- that would not be good as it can travel around your body and lodge in any number of places.

  5. #5
    pittbul45 is offline New Member
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    ok bro thanks for the information

  6. #6
    jc77x is offline New Member
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    Ive had 2 infections.......first one I was on Clindamycin Hcl for 7 days and started clearing up within 3 days on the med.....2nd one was a little more serious and larger and I was on Clindamycin Hcl and DOXYCYCLINE for 10 days...........this one took about 7-8 days before it started clearing up.........they stuck a needle in the the first one and only blood came the 2nd one I stuck a needle in myself and blood came spurting out like a squirt gun but I felt a great relief from the pain after doing that......hope this helps and good luck....Infections are not fun

  7. #7
    pittbul45 is offline New Member
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    that dont sound like fun i hope mine dont turn out like that i appreciate all your help and information

  8. #8
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    Ummm never finishing your antibiotics is always a big nono!! Why? because theres always the chance that the bacteria can become immune to it because you didn't kill all of it off. So don't touch that left over stuff you have because say it does work, but it doesn't kill all the bacteria then you could have on your hands some AB immune bacteria that are now a PITA to kill -.-

  9. #9
    pittbul45 is offline New Member
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    Aug 2007
    ok bro i appreciate the help and information

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