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Thread: First Cycle (Test + EQ) - Advice Appreciated

  1. #1

    First Cycle (Test + EQ) - Advice Appreciated

    Hi there,

    Just about ready to go on my first cycle.

    6 foot 4, 90kg, 26 years old, been training for a good 8 years but either plateau with muscle gain on bulks or get stuck with stubborn fat on a cut thus I'm making the plunge. Any opinions on the following?:

    Week 1 to 13: 10mg Nolvadex daily
    Week 1 to 10: 400mg of EQ weekly
    Week 1 to 10: 500mg TEST weekly
    Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
    Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
    Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily

    Many thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    arkansas/united states...

    test eq

    looks solid to me . keep diet tight. good luck bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    its well planned but i think 900 mg weekly of aas for a new user is a bit high y not to stick with just test as a 1st cycle & if ur diet & training is on spot u gonna see some good gains . jmho

  4. #4
    thanks for the input...I was going to only run Test E but a lot of people seem to say that I should take advantage of it being a first cycle and try and make the most gains by mixing in some EQ.

    Is my PCT long enough?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    u should take the advantage of it by running a single compound which is test belive me ull grow as if you r doing a stack as long as this is ur 1st cycle ur pct is ok only no need 2 run nolva @ 40 just 20 mg is enough

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