Does anyone feel lethargic on d bol but not on injecteable types of test like prop?
Does anyone feel lethargic on d bol but not on injecteable types of test like prop?
not me although I do lose my endurance, like when it comes to running I get tired/winded quick but when you say lethargic I picture being tired/sleepy. That does not happen to me on dbol. Maybe you are working out harder and making your body tired???
Dbol does the opposite for me. I have a hard time falling asleep when using dbol. Maybe you got drol instead?
Hey Bor,Originally Posted by bor
I know peeps that swear dbol makes em tired....
dbol makes me tired...
you running anything else with the dbol? It sure did make me lethargic
prop and arimidex
I've been researching it a bit-----
came across 2 things
1) ginseng
2) daily b 12 shots
what do you guys think?
3) Ca-C...........I dunno why it would give me energy
oh and I'm not looking for caffeine, epf, or anything like that.....not a burst of energy - something more "slow release"
.....btw diet, training, sleep, nutrition - all in of the things thats fvcking me up for sure is the freakin' warm weather......
Last edited by bor; 08-17-2007 at 12:09 PM.
.....taking a good multi too.....
Originally Posted by bor
Yea that was my next question, Hows your Diet and sleep ????? Your not depressed or anything are you??
Make sure to drink shit loads of water also..
B-12 could be help..
Not sure on the ginseing ( do know much about it)
Are you taking any milk thisle ???
yup taking milk thistle......lots of fluids too....
Not depressed.....
Can b 12 also come in pills ? What dose would you suggest?
...also seems like donating blood could help,dropping the arimidex for a bit,and megadosing timereleased vit c....
Keep in mind i was cutting for a long time, switched to a lean bulker droppped the tren, doubped the prop, and am taknig a pretty high dosage of dbol right now to use it up (about 70 mg for 10 days or so.....)
What kind of dose are taking? Have you done blood tests on kidney/liver function before and after cycle?
could lok into sublingual b-12 not the regular pills..
dbol made me lose my appetite(through water retention maybe)but felt and was so much stronger on it!! maybe vit b12 like other guys said will help.
I experienced some lethargy on dbol personally. Just like everything, different people react differently to different things. Make sure your diet is clean so that sugar levels are as consistent as possible. Alittle coffee wouldn't hurt throughout the day.
I actually went limp after a while while having sex with my girl I guess my problem is most probably high bp, having it cheched timmorow....
Dbol makes you lethargic because of the red blood cell (RBC) increase. Your blood volume increases and slows the ability to move oxygen. It also increases your blood pressure. Donate blood. You might want to choose an injectable.
OK, so I :
1. dropped the dbol - taking 10 mg in the morning, don't wanna drop it too sudden, I'm left with 100 mg prop ED, should I still do a blood donation?
2. Taking 3 mg of time released (24h) vit c
3. Taking ginkgo (forte - 60 mg - says do 1 pill daily, I'm doing 2)
4. Taking 500 mg inj b12 ED with my prop
I'll be giving you an update on how I feel....
Last edited by bor; 08-18-2007 at 03:23 AM.
Not sure if I should touch the arimidex, I'm at 0.25 ED now
Sorry to bump this , but will my RGB count be returning to normsl now that I have dropped the d bol?
Are you experiencing alot of bloat???Originally Posted by bor
Your almost at the end of your cycle right ??( i cant remember for sure I have been posting alot lately , sorry for not remembering) And have you used any AIs or SERMS at any point in this run???
heard something about eating grape fruit![]()
If i remember correctly ( this is just off the top of my but anyways )Under normal conditions(not using steroids) red blood cells have a lifespan of about 120 days..Originally Posted by bor
So since you used dbol it can take time for it to to go back to normal..
A month to go, doubled the prop dosage for the last month rember, been running arimidex almost all the hay through....Originally Posted by Merc.
Ahh yes ,Originally Posted by bor
Nargirin !!!
I posted my take on it here..
You could give it a shot ..
yeah but i used the megadose (75mg) for like a week or so....Originally Posted by Merc.
felin' much better on the lethargy thing though....
Last edited by bor; 08-19-2007 at 11:02 AM.
yeah thats where i read itOriginally Posted by Merc.
I remember now BorOriginally Posted by bor
.. I just needed a little spark to remind me lol....
Totally up to you on the adex .. If you gaining good and feeling good you can just run it until the end... ...
you agree about all the things i did energy wise?Originally Posted by Merc.
Ah yea i agreeOriginally Posted by bor
You said your feeling better and thats GREAT news..![]()
Glad to hear it man !!!!
The B-12 is probably helping alot IMO....
yeah i think so too....
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