dont get stuck in the mind frame that when u plateau that aas are the key. Diet is the biggest thing in my eyes,food is anabolic people forget this. Plateaus can be over come by simple things like food intake and more rest less sets and so on. I remember when i got stuck at 210lb but now my eating is on i have hit 255lb,and this was done with only a 2% raise in bf and in a year half thanks 2 Dc and there diet plans.And on the same note my girl put on 17pounds on her frame in a year with no help what so ever,witch made her look a lot better on stage last year. U should in my eyes read every thing u can on diet and training and even how your muscles work and recover,u can never learn 2 much. even the vets on this site and many more sites are still learning.
Sorry for the rant but i dont like it when people think that aas are the only way to meet ther goals,remeber u are only as strong as your weakest link.