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Thread: cutting cycle for girlfriend..

  1. #1
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    cutting cycle for girlfriend..

    Ok so here I am again w/ questions.. My girlfriend and I are trying to come up with a solid cutting cycle for her, but I'm not so schooled on cycles for women.. figured I'd ask on here and find some good advice.

    Stats: 24 years old, 5'5, 125 pounds, and has been in solid shape for 5+ years.. Now she's just wanting to lose that extra bit. I mean don't get me wrong, she's in very good shape but wants that "olympic sprinter" ripped look.

    So I'm thinking this for cycle:

    var 10mg's - 20mg's ed daily
    clen 40 to 60mcgs daily and slowly moving up (3 times a day, morning, afternoon, later in day)

    And I have no clue where to go with a PCT really?

    Any recommendations would be great guys! Thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    You can also have her join our site ..

    We have a great female only forum..

    Their she can get advise from other girls with her same goals..


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    10-20mg var is a high starting point for a girl
    start at 5mg max and go up if it is well tolerated

    Have her start a profile and join the chica section, she will get better advise there from her own species.

  4. #4
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    Mar 2007
    A few years ago when I did my first cycle my wife did 10 mg a day of winstrol and also clenbuterol for 6 weeks. She had great results. With her being a former cheerleader and gymnast she had a good base to build on. She did not like how big she got and won't do steroids again but she likes just clen still. It did seem like our sex life was better. She seemed to get off easier. Maybe it was because she felt better about herself. I did notice that her clit seemed to be more erect and pronounced when we were going at it. Who knows if that was from the steroids or if she was just turned on more than usual. As for PCT, I would assume that men would be the only ones in need of PCT. But I dont know for sure.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    i would start wid clen and see how she gets droping weight,and i think IGF-1 is a better thing for a girl. My girlfriend in my avi uses clen only and gets ripped as,down to diet and cardio i think. Hope things go well boss good luck.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2007
    What would you recommend for the clen dosages?

    Do you think 40-60mcgs a day is sufficient spaced out throughout the day? Just wondering, this is kind of an experiment thing so she really doesn't want to join the group or anything.. She just wants to see what results she can attain. That's why I figured I'd just throw this out there.

    I mean a cutting cycle i'd think wouldn't be that all complicated...

    maybe I'll just start on clen and see what results come with that? And how long should cutting cycles run? I mean, I figure you need to give your body time to recover at some point

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    alot of chicks i work w/ i have them start 10mg var am.
    4weeks in we assess their composition if it isnt what expected from var we up to a 10mg 2xPer day 10hr split

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Why choose var over clen? just wondering

    Is it personal preference or just see better results with it?

    And what about recovery cycle? How long should the cycles be and when should it be stopped

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    clen is better for droping fat than var. var will give u more muscle growth. both protect muscle while droping bf%. The list of pros and cons go on,be4 u start i would read up with your girl on var and clen, and set your goals and go 4 it. Plus dont forget that diet is the magic key in getting lean, and in bulking. Good luck.

    ps..there are some good articals on this sit for clen and var.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Hey thanks for the help everyone..

    I think I'll read up on it a bit like you suggest and go for it.. How legit are the sponser sites that sell the stuff (var and clen)? Anyone gone through them?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    I just dont understand women wanting to take anabolic steroids unless they are competitive figure or bodybuilders. Unless they run them on a continual basis, all of the benefits will fade away. Too many masculine sides to worry about too, and for what? So she can be leaner? If she wants to be leaner then she should consult someone about getting on a good diet and training program. Getting leaner can be achieved easily without having to resort to these substances. If shes looking to build more muscle and maybe compete someday then AAS might make more sense.

    Does she plan on having any children someday? There are risks there too.

  12. #12
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    my wife has ran anavar 10mg per day, and clen at whatever was recommended for women several times. She got great results and totally loved how strong she got. She lifts weights 5 days a week, and runs 3 days a week. She likes it for the same reason that most of us guys do, the thrill of seeing your body composition change.

  13. #13
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    well she does compete in a lot of competitions athletic wise.. She's big into track and field, and wants to push her limits..

    She doesn't plan on staying on them more than a year considering she only has a year left.

    I think after reading up we will try andavar and a clen cycle and see where it takes her. I guess everyone just gets to their plateau genetically speaking and see's AAS as an oppurtunity to play God in a way changing their bodies in way not possible without.

    I played professional baseball (AA) and with a professional strength coach, nutritionist, and a machine like workout could only get my weight up to 192. I'm 184 now and would love to put on another 15 pounds of lean mass. That's my reasoning as well for turning.

    Hopefully she'll see some good results.. And loving the personal experience stories from people, keep um coming if your girlfriend, wife, or whoever had experience using anything!! THANKS

  14. #14
    Your girlfriend should join the site herself and get to know the other female members and what they have cycled. She cant rely on your knowledge alone.

  15. #15
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    fatrock is right she should join the female members forum and get isite from other girls.

  16. #16
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    Aug 2007
    bump... Taiboxa have you had any experience with clen at all?

    After much reading it seems like a clear better choice

  17. #17
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by NeverSummer29
    bump... Taiboxa have you had any experience with clen at all?

    After much reading it seems like a clear better choice
    yeah clen sucks for me i hate it.. but i have alot of people use it precomp and it works fairly well for them.. nothing major, just lil more effective than say ephedra.

  18. #18
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    Aug 2007
    yea well we'll probably go order both and experiment a little finding out which her body reacts to best.

    maybe i'll start with your recommendations on var with your clients and see how that goes. btw taiboxa, do you by any chance compete in muay thai? I actually lived with a friend in thailand for 3 months over the summer for study abroad and we both got hooked on it...

    I used to box golden gloves and AAU in CT and NYC, and figured I'd give it a try out there. To say the least those guys don't F**k around and I wish I did a little more training with legs. Not so potent.

    But now I'm back boxing in CO loving it. Just seeing if you were into it!

  19. #19
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    lol im not telling :D
    personally i'd opt for var over clen any time even though i hate both, but for women var will provide far more dramatic results on a much safer scale.

  20. #20
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    Jun 2007
    dont get stuck in the mind frame that when u plateau that aas are the key. Diet is the biggest thing in my eyes,food is anabolic people forget this. Plateaus can be over come by simple things like food intake and more rest less sets and so on. I remember when i got stuck at 210lb but now my eating is on i have hit 255lb,and this was done with only a 2% raise in bf and in a year half thanks 2 Dc and there diet plans.And on the same note my girl put on 17pounds on her frame in a year with no help what so ever,witch made her look a lot better on stage last year. U should in my eyes read every thing u can on diet and training and even how your muscles work and recover,u can never learn 2 much. even the vets on this site and many more sites are still learning.
    Sorry for the rant but i dont like it when people think that aas are the only way to meet ther goals,remeber u are only as strong as your weakest link.

  21. #21
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    The only reason I think AAS can help me to a large extent is because, like I mentioned before, I was on a strict diet and exercise plan with the help of C.S.C.S trainers and registered dieticians who were hired by our team to get the athletes in top condition. I mean I was playing AA ball for an L.A dodgers affiliate in California and keeping us at the top of our game were the peoples jobs.

    They were paid to bulk us up, paid to strengthen us.. But I was only able to attain roughly around 8 more pounds of lean mass. Kinda crappy to me if you consider I was eating ~6,000 calories a day compared to ~3,500 now.. I mean, I know to eat and lift, I'm a grad student in Nutrition and am certified now through C.S.C.S. But I really think an extra boost will help

  22. #22
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    Jun 2007
    sorry thought it was your girlfriend who wanted to do aas??
    steriods like var are ok 4 men but not quite 4 women in my eyes,like i said be4 i think igf-1 is better for women as long as the dose is low.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    personally i'd opt for var over clen any time even though i hate both, but for women var will provide far more dramatic results on a much safer scale.
    My girl would concur with this. Clen made her feel ill all the time on top of it and gave her real bad jitters and cramps.

    Anavar made her feel and look fantastic. Started with 5mg and worked up to 15mg at the end.

  24. #24
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by peterbondra
    My girl would concur with this. Clen made her feel ill all the time on top of it and gave her real bad jitters and cramps.

    Anavar made her feel and look fantastic. Started with 5mg and worked up to 15mg at the end.
    and the SEX IS ASTOUNDING! i make every chick i ever get involved w/ take it.. its either "TAKE THIS and HUMP MY BRAINS OUT" or "IM LEAVING U!"

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    and the SEX IS ASTOUNDING! i make every chick i ever get involved w/ take it.. its either "TAKE THIS and HUMP MY BRAINS OUT" or "IM LEAVING U!"
    No question that is a positive side effect! She's much more horny than usual while on and her body much more fun to play with too!

    The best was zero side effects. She briefly tried a low dose of NPP but that was atrocious as it gave her a crackling voice, water retention and general greasiness..all went away after she stopped using by 4 weeks. Would not recommend anything other than Anavar really.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by nap
    dont get stuck in the mind frame that when u plateau that aas are the key. Diet is the biggest thing in my eyes,food is anabolic people forget this. Plateaus can be over come by simple things like food intake and more rest less sets and so on. I remember when i got stuck at 210lb but now my eating is on i have hit 255lb,and this was done with only a 2% raise in bf and in a year half thanks 2 Dc and there diet plans.And on the same note my girl put on 17pounds on her frame in a year with no help what so ever,witch made her look a lot better on stage last year. U should in my eyes read every thing u can on diet and training and even how your muscles work and recover,u can never learn 2 much. even the vets on this site and many more sites are still learning.
    Sorry for the rant but i dont like it when people think that aas are the only way to meet ther goals,remeber u are only as strong as your weakest link.
    Blah, blah, blah...Have you used anabolics?

    This is a steroid site where ppl come for advice on how to use anabolics. The poster is not asking for your personal opinion about life choices....Also, if that's you in your avy, you're no where near 255lbs. Sorry, just my opinion.

    Poster: get your gf on var 5-10 mg/ed for 6-8 weeks. She is a chic, so she does not need pct. Good luck.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeverSummer29
    clen 40 to 60mcgs daily and slowly moving up (3 times a day, morning, afternoon, later in day)
    Sounds like you got all the info you needed.

    I'd just add, if she uses Clen start at the bottom w/20mcgs, and there's no need to divide your daily dosing because of the long half-life.
    Master Pai Mei of the White Lotus Clan

    My motto: SAFETY & RESPECT (for drugs and others).


    Difference between Drugs & Poisons

    Half-lives explained

    DNP like Chemotherapy, can be a useful poison, but both are still POISONS


  28. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Thanks for the advice everyone, really appreciate it and can't wait to get started with her!

    P.S - Anyone know how legit the sponsers on this site are? Thinking about going through them but just want to be sure!


    Oh and how long should a recovery period be if she's on it for a 6-8 week cycle?

    Before she goes at it again

  29. #29
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    Jun 2007
    Johny- too- small... the pic in the avy is my girlfriend boss.

    and blah blah blah soz for giving my view,didnt realize i was not allowed a point of veiw. But **** it hear it is again, in my eyes women should not take aas unless ther in competition,IN MY EYES IGF-1 is a better way 2 go. Hope me saying this is ok 4 u my king,my god.blah blah blah

  30. #30
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by nap
    Johny- too- small... the pic in the avy is my girlfriend boss.
    and blah blah blah soz for giving my view,didnt realize i was not allowed a point of veiw. But **** it hear it is again, in my eyes women should not take aas unless ther in competition,IN MY EYES IGF-1 is a better way 2 go. Hope me saying this is ok 4 u my king,my god.blah blah blah
    igf is waste of money.
    and WHY WOULD U HAVE A PIC of ur GIRLFRIEND'S BOSS in ur avie?! especially when he is a prime example of a premature ectomorph?
    i KNOW TONS of women who utilize Var very effectively and SAFELY and LOOK good, if GUYS CAN USE AAS and not compete WHY CANT WOMEN? settin double standards already are we? your gonna go far!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by nap
    Johny- too- small... the pic in the avy is my girlfriend boss.
    That doesn't make sence.

    Quote Originally Posted by nap
    and blah blah blah soz for giving my view,didnt realize i was not allowed a point of veiw. But **** it hear it is again, in my eyes women should not take aas unless ther in competition,IN MY EYES IGF-1 is a better way 2 go. Hope me saying this is ok 4 u my king,my god.blah blah blah
    You probably shouldn't talk to senior members like that. There are more grown-up ways to handle a disagreement

  32. #32
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    Ok let's have the argument end.. Especially cyber attacks on one another.. Maybe we should challenge each other to a game of minesweeper

    Anyway back to the original post.. After a 6-8 week cycle on Var, is their a recovery time needed? Or can you take this continuosly for as long as you'd like?

    And how legit are the sponser sites?

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by NeverSummer29
    Thanks for the advice everyone, really appreciate it and can't wait to get started with her!

    P.S - Anyone know how legit the sponsers on this site are? Thinking about going through them but just want to be sure!


    Oh and how long should a recovery period be if she's on it for a 6-8 week cycle?

    Before she goes at it again

    They have a great reputation or they would not be there. Yes they are legit.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by nap
    Johny- too- small... the pic in the avy is my girlfriend boss.

    Hope me saying this is ok 4 u my king,my god.blah blah blah

    Dude, where you molested or something?

  35. #35
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    Jhony 2 small, u are right i was molested as a kid, by your mum and dad with a strap on and a butt plug,****ed me for life still got the gen warts that your dad gave me the dirty bastard...dont hate just because i got your mum and dads love in more than one way...just love no hate.xxxxxx
    And to clear things up it is my girlfriend in my avie, and i have a pic of my women coz i am proud.. its not my girl friends boss.. soz for the typeO
    And why is IGF a waste of money,i love it in pct????

    Bring on the mindsweeper....

  36. #36
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by nap
    Jhony 2 small, u are right i was molested as a kid, by your mum and dad with a strap on and a butt plug,****ed me for life still got the gen warts that your dad gave me the dirty bastard...dont hate just because i got your mum and dads love in more than one way...just love no hate.xxxxxx
    And to clear things up it is my girlfriend in my avie, and i have a pic of my women coz i am proud.. its not my girl friends boss.. soz for the typeO
    And why is IGF a waste of money,i love it in pct????

    Bring on the mindsweeper....
    both of you sexual fiends need to lighten up.
    if thats your chica in ur avie she is very striated so props to her on that... but no need for the excessive dirty talk... we already removed the adult forum due to people humping their cpu's, now theres no need to get everyone rhyled back up in the aas section.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by nap
    Jhony 2 small, u are right i was molested as a kid, by your mum and dad with a strap on and a butt plug,****ed me for life still got the gen warts that your dad gave me the dirty bastard...
    Last edited by Johny-too-small; 08-27-2007 at 01:08 PM.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by NeverSummer29
    Ok let's have the argument end.. Especially cyber attacks on one another.. Maybe we should challenge each other to a game of minesweeper

    Anyway back to the original post.. After a 6-8 week cycle on Var, is their a recovery time needed? Or can you take this continuosly for as long as you'd like?

    And how legit are the sponser sites?
    If you mean the roid store don't even bother with it.....
    If you mean Lion AR-R then he has legit clen that has worked wonders for me.

    With var there is a recovery time needed you have to cycle on and off. Var is mildly toxic to the liver and it will destroy your cholesterol values. 6-8 weeks is a good time frame for your G/F. Clen will be taken for 2 weeks and use the KETO or Benadryl to allow her to stay on for longer because her receptors will be very desensitized to the clen after a couple of weeks.
    GL with your girlfriends cycle.

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    Helpful info Renesis...

    I'll follow up with all of you and let you know how things are going.. Thanks!

    I suggest a thumb wrestling match to settle the beef b/w you two

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Edited. Taiboxa,soz for all the agro but i am one that likes to speak my mind,my girl has bin compeating for the last 3 years and i see women who have used aas and hgh who have ****ed them selfs,u can hear it in there voice so **** knows what there clit looks like. I know var is ok but i would not like to take the chance,i know this is my view and i dont expect others to share it,.soz

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