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  1. #1
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    ordering next cycle, please critque

    This will be my 4th cycle. I'm 24 years old and I'm 6-6'1 at about 225lbs. My previous cycles have been test only, test and eq, and test and tren .I added dbol in my test and tren and hated it so I stopped it at the 2nd week. I am planning to use test cyp, tren e, eq, and kickstart it with prop.

    wks 1-15: Test Cyp 750mgs/wk
    wks 1-4: Prop 100mgs/eod
    wks 1-15: Eq 600mgs/wk
    wks 1-10: Tren E 400mgs/wk

    how does this look? How could I incorporate hcg during the cycle?

  2. #2
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    I go twelve wk on the tren E


  3. #3
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Are you using any AI's on this cycle??


  4. #4
    JackBauer's Avatar
    JackBauer is offline Associate Member
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    interesting your kickstarting with prop, i was wondering about that yesterday... you think 4 weeks is long enough for the cyp to kick in though?

  5. #5
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Looks good for your 4th! I would definitely be using an AI of some sorts. Your like me, don't like the d-bol too much. Anyway good luck with this cycle.....

  6. #6
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackBauer
    interesting your kickstarting with prop, i was wondering about that yesterday... you think 4 weeks is long enough for the cyp to kick in though?

    Jack didnt we just talk about this???

    I told you last night most peeps use prop for a kickstart for about 4-5 wks ..

    Everyones diffrent so no one can say exactly when longer esters will kick in..

    For some its fairly qiuck, some its not until week 6 or even longer..


  7. #7
    JackBauer's Avatar
    JackBauer is offline Associate Member
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    yeah i remember thats what i was wondering if the 4 weeks is long enough for it to kick in, my problem is that I dont know how long it takes for it to kick in for me so its impossible to plan to start with prop

  8. #8
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    of course...sorry I forgot to add it. I tend to bloat easily so I will be using arimidex at .5-1mg eod. Well I don't like the dbol at all and I have 3 10mL bottles of prop just laying around so I figured I get some use out of them. You think I should extend the prop for 6wks? I don't mind it...I know it's just going to be a pain in the ass. LITERALLY!! Well the bottle of tren I'm getting only has enough for 10wks...should I really extend it to 12 and order another 10mL or should I be fine with 10wks?

  9. #9
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by JackBauer
    yeah i remember thats what i was wondering if the 4 weeks is long enough for it to kick in, my problem is that I dont know how long it takes for it to kick in for me so its impossible to plan to start with prop

    Keep in mind a kickstart is just a way to start seeing some gains quicker .. It does not matter if your test e has kicked in when you drop the prop.. Remember in your thread last night I said kinda just think about it like if someone is going to use dbol as a kicker for 4 wks on a cycle using a longer acting compound.. Its just to get a jumpstart on seeing some gains.. See what i am saying????


  10. #10
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by TUnit
    of course...sorry I forgot to add it. I tend to bloat easily so I will be using arimidex at .5-1mg eod. Well I don't like the dbol at all and I have 3 10mL bottles of prop just laying around so I figured I get some use out of them. You think I should extend the prop for 6wks? I don't mind it...I know it's just going to be a pain in the ass. LITERALLY!! Well the bottle of tren I'm getting only has enough for 10wks...should I really extend it to 12 and order another 10mL or should I be fine with 10wks?
    You can go 4-6 six weeks with the prop kickstart if you want to..

    Also try cutting the prop with sterile oil as this makes all the difference in the world for me. I cant use prop cause of the pain I get from it unless i cut it with sterile oil ( believe me I have tried). Cut with sterile oil I dont even feel it at all ..

    It is better to go 12 weeks with tren E IMO. Just like your going longer with the cyp( due to the longer chained ester ) the same applies with the tren E.. I know what your saying about not having enough . Its all up to you in the end anyways I am just shooting you some suggestions..


  11. #11
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    I'm usually a late bloomer with the test anyways...test takes about 6-8weeks for me and prop can can 2-4weeks. I'm kinda short on money anyways, I'm already pushing my expenses with this cycle so I may just order another bottle about a month, month and a half into the cycle. Whats the longest I can run the tren e? If I get some more I will have enough tren for 15 weeks and since I prolly wont do another cycle with tren for awhile I may as well use all that I can so it doesn't go to waste

  12. #12
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by TUnit
    I'm usually a late bloomer with the test anyways...test takes about 6-8weeks for me and prop can can 2-4weeks. I'm kinda short on money anyways, I'm already pushing my expenses with this cycle so I may just order another bottle about a month, month and a half into the cycle. Whats the longest I can run the tren e? If I get some more I will have enough tren for 15 weeks and since I prolly wont do another cycle with tren for awhile I may as well use all that I can so it doesn't go to waste
    I suggest tren e for 12 wks but i know peeps that go longer ..


  13. #13
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    too many posts for me to read suggestions.. so i will throw in my input prior to any ammendments being made.

    eq and tren together are kind of a waste IMO .. eq MIGHT increase vascularity of tren.. and that is the ONLY THING it will do noticable in the cycle besides increase blood pressure... the gains from it will be masked by tren its self.

    i'd also opt for Frontloading inplace of jumpstarting w/ prop

  14. #14
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    too many posts for me to read suggestions.. so i will throw in my input prior to any ammendments being made.

    eq and tren together are kind of a waste IMO .. eq MIGHT increase vascularity of tren.. and that is the ONLY THING it will do noticable in the cycle besides increase blood pressure... the gains from it will be masked by tren its self.

    i'd also opt for Frontloading inplace of jumpstarting w/ prop
    I know you didnt read through tia ..

    I was going to suggest frontload also but he said he has quite a few bottles of prop he wanted to use..


  15. #15
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    prop is dumb and it kan suc my balls like eq

  16. #16
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by TUnit
    so I may just order another bottle about a month, month and a half into the cycle.
    If I may add, it's better if you have your battleplan down to a "T" before you start. Know what your using,when,and how much,for how long. You do not want to run out of goods in the middle of a cycle, wondering if your other shipment will make it or not...

  17. #17
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by jon77
    If I may add, it's better if you have your battleplan down to a "T" before you start. Know what your using,when,and how much,for how long. You do not want to run out of goods in the middle of a cycle, wondering if your other shipment will make it or not...
    that has to be most common post..
    Q: "I started my cycle w/ 6 amps of sust and 20 tabs of dbol .. next week will be my last week my source wont have anymore till next month.. HOW DO I HANDLE THIS SITUATION"

    A: "I'd start by going and playing in traffic."

  18. #18
    lightwaytbaby's Avatar
    lightwaytbaby is offline "Anabolic Reviews Affliction"
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    why tai no likey the prop???

  19. #19
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by lightwaytbaby
    why tai no likey the prop???
    short esters are DUMB.. u kan cram like 3x more mg/ml in long esters and they kan work just as fast w/ a frontload i.e. trenE frontload can produce effects in like 4 days. so short esters are only good when ur in precomp w/ only 4-6weeks left

  20. #20
    jon77 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    that has to be most common post..
    Q: "I started my cycle w/ 6 amps of sust and 20 tabs of dbol .. next week will be my last week my source wont have anymore till next month.. HOW DO I HANDLE THIS SITUATION"

    A: "I'd start by going and playing in traffic."
    I'm currently developing a thread on first time do's and don'ts. Hopefully it will reach into the minds of the less informed peeps.......

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