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  1. #1
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Does ANYTHING with propionate hurt badly?

    I keep hearing about how Test Prop hurts alot, but what about compounds like Drostanolone Propionate (Masteron )? Same thing with those as well?

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i have made 125mg/ml painless prop/acetate esters in grapeseed oil NO PROB
    22%bb/2%ba so its possible.. and is fairly common

  3. #3
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    That's great, but most labs don't use grapeseed oil in their gear as far as I know.

  4. #4
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    That's great, but most labs don't use grapeseed oil in their gear as far as I know.
    Mine does. Also guys, don't laugh if I goof this, but doesn't sust have prop in it? Either way, it doesn't hurt me at all. IMO, compounds to stay away from to avoid potentially severe pain are supertest 450 and test at 500 mgs/ml. I've done both and they are not worth it.

  5. #5
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tbone1975
    Mine does. Also guys, don't laugh if I goof this, but doesn't sust have prop in it? Either way, it doesn't hurt me at all. IMO, compounds to stay away from to avoid potentially severe pain are supertest 450 and test at 500 mgs/ml. I've done both and they are not worth it.
    Ya those and Omna's have 30mgs per 1ml. I'm pretty sensitive to Prop and I can use those two with no problems. I run into problems when I use 50mgs or more in one inj. YA I'M A BIG BABY!!

  6. #6
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    mast hurts me too but not as much as test prop,thats made at 2%ba-20%bb 100mg/ml,if u really wanna do prop and mast then just cut it with gso if u cant stand the pain

  7. #7
    JackBauer's Avatar
    JackBauer is offline Associate Member
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    so does it have more to do with how its cut or the powder in which its made? I remember reading a few days ago that the pain is caused by the crystalization that occurs at the site of injection after the oil is absorbed

  8. #8
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Hmm interesting. I am thinking of using Masteron in a cutting cycle later on this year after my upcoming cycle in a couple weeks.

    And about the 500mg/ml like Tbone said, I am wondering if the higher concentration per ml = more pain? I remember some guy at my gym told me that the recent Test E I just bought (which is 300mg/ml) would hurt alot, simply because it's a higher concentration per ml. Any truth to this?

  9. #9
    JackBauer's Avatar
    JackBauer is offline Associate Member
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    yeah i hear that a lot too... moreso in like the test 400 n shit like that.. real painfull stuff

  10. #10
    scaramouche's Avatar
    scaramouche is offline Senior Member
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    prop is a painful ester no 2 ways about it but it partly depends on ur personal tollerance levels,prop in mast and test hurts me like a bitch so i make it at at least 20%bb and cut it with equal amounts gso,on the other hand i know ppl who can inject it neat at 125mg/ml,id say err on the side of caution and expect pain cos in my experience more ppl suffer with prop than dont

  11. #11
    Atomini's Avatar
    Atomini is offline Banned
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    Seems like it's one of those situations where you've got to experiment.

  12. #12
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini
    Hmm interesting. I am thinking of using Masteron in a cutting cycle later on this year after my upcoming cycle in a couple weeks.

    And about the 500mg/ml like Tbone said, I am wondering if the higher concentration per ml = more pain? I remember some guy at my gym told me that the recent Test E I just bought (which is 300mg/ml) would hurt alot, simply because it's a higher concentration per ml. Any truth to this?
    I dont know that 300 mg/ml is a super high amount. I have decca at 300mg/ml and it is absolutely smooth. Its vet grade though, cost me an arm and a leg. ( i'll edit that out if its against the rules to post the price)

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