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Thread: hgh,test for my dad

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    hgh,test for my dad

    ive been reading alot on hgh,IGF, frag. the more i read on these great drugs the more i wonder if they may help my dad. my father is 55 years old been doing hard labor his hole life. with this has come a f'd up back, high blood pressure and all together his just been beat down. i was wondering if small dose of hgh would help him. i was thinking along the lines of 2iu a day. he doesnt workout so this isnt to build muscle. i was also wondering about a test, would this be a problem being he already has high blood pressure? didnt know if low dose would be bad for his blood pressure. also if he did start some type of hrt dose of test, would this be for the rest of his life. any info on this would be much apperated. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    yeah, but the high blood pressure thing is no good. Call a Doc, get a complete physical and go for it...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    houston, tx
    Im also wondering the same thing. My dad has a pretty messed up back too. His doc just put him on androgel several months back and he feels a lot better, but his back still bothers him. He gets cortisone shots to help with the pain. He does go to the gym and work out what he can. I wonder in some HGH might help out with his back problems too

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    thats my though, it a great healer from what i read. plus every anti-aging site i read about talks about hgh in men over 50 being a great thing. test im not real sure about because of his blood pessure, and he will not go on bp meds or to a doc for that matter.

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