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Thread: Deca Cycle Help

  1. #1
    Njectable's Avatar
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    Deca Cycle Help

    Hey guys, gonna be running deca for the first time in this next upcoming cycle. I just have a little confusion about how my PCT should look and which Anti-Es i should add to this cycle as opposed to previous cycles beings this cycle contains Deca which produces progesterone side effects.

    My cycle is gonna look like this;

    Test Prop - 700mg/EW (100mg/ED) for 12 weeks
    Deca - 600mg/EW for 10 weeks

    Unfortunately this is not the cycle i originally wanted. I wanted to run Prop with NPP, but due to the BS going on in china, long acting Deca is all i could get as opposed to NPP. I'm actually wondering if I should run the Prop for 3 weeks after my last deca shot as opposed to only 2 weeks after considering Prop is a short acting ester, and this ester of deca will be a long acting ester. Its really unconvient, but like i said its all that is available to me right now.

    But back to my question, I need to know what other compounds i should have on hand to run throughout the cycle, as well as for PCT. I have lots of Nolva and Clomid on hand from previous cycles where progesterone compounds weren't used. But from what i read it doesn't sound like its gonna be ideal to use those fro running a cycle that contains deca, sounds like i require letro and an aromatase inhibitor. If i could get a little help on this that would be great thanks guys.

  2. #2
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    yeah I would suggest running prop 3 weeks past your deca and I would strongly consider running some HCG during cycle....something like 500 IU's every 5-7 days until about a week before will help with recovery, esp b/c deca is very surpressive

  3. #3
    Njectable's Avatar
    Njectable is offline Member
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    hmmm i was wondering about HCG , ok and what about the PCT and compounds that should be used during the cycle besides HCG.

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    Njectable's Avatar
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  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    nolva/aromasin /hcg if you want for pct. letro and caber might be options if you really wanna stay dry through the cycle. Caber helps with any prolactin related sides.

  6. #6
    Njectable's Avatar
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    is clomid not recommended for PCT after a cycle containing deca , or it is just that fewer and fewer people are using clomid nowadays so no one recommends it?

  7. #7
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    clomid and nolva is what I commonly use for PCT...I run HCG during cycle, not PCT...Ive found it helps me recover way better..then again everybody is different

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