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  1. #1
    flex_w's Avatar
    flex_w is offline Associate Member
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    Getting Started on a 3rd Cycle please help

    before i start asking questions ill show you guys my stats
    Age: 21
    Height: 179cm
    Weight: 116kg (255 Pounds)
    Body Fat 15% or less not really sure
    Cycle 1: 700mg Test Enanthate 12wks Gained 14kg kept 12kg
    Cycle 2: 400mg Test Enanthate 400mg Test Prop 4mls Stanazol Gained 9kg kept all 9kg
    Goal: Wanting to get to 130kg Bulk then cut down too 110 - 115kg

    I would like to start a 3rd cycle consisting of the following:
    800mg Test Enanthate or 500mg Sus250 for 12 weeks <--- (dont know which 1 is more beneficial
    500mg Deca for 10weeks
    everyday 1ml shot of Stanazol for 12weeks

    I was wondering what people prefer more Sus250 or Test Enanthate. And Also i got 70iu's of Hgh and i was wondering if i could run that during my pct with clomid and tribulus so i can keep most of my gains?

  2. #2
    hosam4ever's Avatar
    hosam4ever is offline Anabolic Member
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    if u gonna run 800 mg of test then ill stick to sustanon to benfit from the prop ester stanazol for 12 weeks is long a little bit may be it gonna be better to run it untill 1 day before ur pct & adding gh 2 ur pct is a good idea to help in maintaining your gains good luck bro

  3. #3
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    houston, tx
    if you really feel the need to run 800mg of test, go with test e, it will be easier to keep blood levels stable and keep the sides down. The higher the dose, the more likelihood of sides. Its hard to keep blood levels constant with sust b/c of the 4 esters of test in it. I wouldnt run winny for 12 weeks will murder you liver and cholesterol values. Run it for the last 6 weeks IMO. 70 IU's of HGH is pointless too. Dont both running it unless you can get a lot more. You need to run it for at least 4 months. If you wanna run something during your PCT..look into IGF-1

  4. #4
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    I think 800mg of test is too much for a 3rd cycle. Keep the same level as your last cycle, when you stack it with deca you will have a synergist effect and it will work wonders. Go with the test e for more stable blood levels. 12 weeks for winny is too long 8 weeks is the max. I personally would not use it at all if your trying to bulk, save it for your cutter, it will work better. Instead use a kick start like dbol for the first 4 weeks. Using deca and test e it will take about 4 weeks before you start to feel them anyway. One more thing, I personally like to use deca for 12 weeks but if you only do 10 weeks then front load the first week. I hope you enjoy the cycle, you should gain some nice muscle size with it, I love the test/deca/dbol, you WILL grow on that. GL

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