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  1. #1
    gwig is offline Junior Member
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    What the #$%& is wrong with me?!

    I've tried various cycles over the past two years, and I keep going back to the same freakin weight that I started at!!

    I start 165lbs, about 10% bf, 24 years old, been lifting since I was in high school.

    I've tried stacks:
    Test E 500mg/week
    Eq 400mg/week
    Winny 50mg/day for 1 month at end of cycle
    PCT with clomid, nolv, and hcg

    Sustanon 500mg/week
    Deca 400mg/week
    D-bol 40mg/day for 1 month at beginning
    PCT with clomid, nolv, and hcg

    I've also just tried taking Clen and Anavar 50mg/day for a month
    I will get up to about 180-190lbs, but after a month or two of being off, I'm right back to where I began, 165lbs!! What the hell am I doing wrong??

    My metabolism is quite slow, so I try to keep most of my carb intake in the early part of the day. I will eat about 120-175 carbs a day, 150-200 grams of protein a day, 20-30 grams of fat a day. I always have a shake after I workout with 40 grams of protein and a banana and dextrose.

  2. #2
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    How are your work outs after your cycle? your strength?

  3. #3
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    How long have you been training? How consistent? Someone gaining 25 lbs in a cycle sounds like someone without even 1 year of regular training. If you havent been lifting long you will gain more while one and loose WAY more coming off.

  4. #4
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    With a deca cycle you should be keeping most of your gains, very surprised to see you lost it all???

  5. #5
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Now you see why there is so much bitchin at people about their diet, if it isn't right you can't hold the extra pounds of muscle. Muscle is metabolically very costly and the body is quick to dump it. Your body would be much happier with more fat rather that muscle to carry around. BTW you may want to take a second look at your diet before any further cycles.

  6. #6
    soccer#3's Avatar
    soccer#3 is offline Anabolic Member
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    to me it sounds like ur diet isnt right. i'd double up the carbs and increase the fat intake 50% too. so try gettin like 200 grams of protein, 300-350 grams of carbs and 50 grams of fat. i dunno what the calories would be but eat ur ass off day and night. and once u start ur pct u need to increase ur calories again to maintain ur gains. some like to get on creatine but i never like creatine. good luck

  7. #7
    JuicyJuiceface's Avatar
    JuicyJuiceface is offline Junior Member
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    how long are you running pct for at what doses?

  8. #8
    JuicyJuiceface's Avatar
    JuicyJuiceface is offline Junior Member
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    It sounds like your crashing after your cycles, maybe your taking placibo's for pct. Are you working out like your still on juice? you need to adjust your workout and drop the intensity a little, to reduce the catabolic effects of your body trying to drop the new muscle.

  9. #9
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    If I take the max amount of carbs, fat, and protein you said you consume daily, you are only consuming about 1800 calories a day!! Theres youre problem. Try increasing that amount significantly to get at least 3000 calories daily. This is just another example of someone who doesnt realize diet will dictate what kind of gains you get and keep from steroids !!

  10. #10
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Perfect example of someone not having built a solid foundation before experimenting with anabolic steroids . Sorry it happened to you buddy, but we all live and learn from our mistakes. I think its time to scrap anymore ideas of using steroids in the near future and focus on dialing in your diet and exercise game plan. Good luck in the future.

    Quote Originally Posted by gwig
    I've tried various cycles over the past two years, and I keep going back to the same freakin weight that I started at!!

    I start 165lbs, about 10% bf, 24 years old, been lifting since I was in high school.

  11. #11
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    Are you joking? I eat more than you do for breakfast... when im cutting...

  12. #12
    CheddaNips is offline Senior Member
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    diet counts as much off cycle as it does on cycle

  13. #13
    Tbone1975 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwig
    I've tried various cycles over the past two years, and I keep going back to the same freakin weight that I started at!!

    I start 165lbs, about 10% bf, 24 years old, been lifting since I was in high school.

    I've tried stacks:
    Test E 500mg/week
    Eq 400mg/week
    Winny 50mg/day for 1 month at end of cycle
    PCT with clomid, nolv, and hcg

    Sustanon 500mg/week
    Deca 400mg/week
    D-bol 40mg/day for 1 month at beginning
    PCT with clomid, nolv, and hcg

    I've also just tried taking Clen and Anavar 50mg/day for a month
    I will get up to about 180-190lbs, but after a month or two of being off, I'm right back to where I began, 165lbs!! What the hell am I doing wrong??

    My metabolism is quite slow, so I try to keep most of my carb intake in the early part of the day. I will eat about 120-175 carbs a day, 150-200 grams of protein a day, 20-30 grams of fat a day. I always have a shake after I workout with 40 grams of protein and a banana and dextrose.
    That is bs. It makes me mad just reading it. Oh I believe you, just makes me mad. My first cycle I gained a lot too and I was well established as a lifter. I'd been lifting forever and did my first at age 30. One question, R U sure you are exactly 10 percent bodyfat at 165 after these cycles? There's more factors involved than just weight, but if bodyfat is same also, we got a big problem. Is your strength the same after all these cycles? For instance, after cycle one say you were benching 350 after 2 months off. After cycle two, three, four, are you still benching the same weight after 2 months off? If I were you, STOP counting all those stupid calories at this point. Just eat after those cycles. Don't limit your carbs. Just keep the fats reasonable. Obviously lots of protein, lots of shakes. It's NOT over for you man LOL. Just eat. Things will turn around. If you DO choose to continue steroids , you must eat. A guy in your position can't eat like he's going into a competition, even if it is summer time. You may want to stop, get your hormones in check, start over with your diet and training and someday hit it up again. If you do continue ya gotta eat period. BTW, you don't need any clen that's for bleepin sure.

  14. #14
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    its ur diet.

  15. #15
    customworksking's Avatar
    customworksking is offline Associate Member
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    diet is key ...I had lets say a "Federal vacation" unwilling ! I had nothing but time so, in 7 months of eatting the same time every day no job and a ton of rest and NO aas zero,nothing!! I got gains that I am still tring to get to this that I am "free" it's hard to eat,work and sleep not go out on the weekends,watch tv etc.... it's 100% diet IMO

  16. #16
    SilverToungedDevil's Avatar
    SilverToungedDevil is offline Associate Member
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    diet diet diet... lack of foundation

  17. #17
    pimpdawgin's Avatar
    pimpdawgin is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by customworksking
    diet is key ...I had lets say a "Federal vacation" unwilling ! I had nothing but time so, in 7 months of eatting the same time every day no job and a ton of rest and NO aas zero,nothing!! I got gains that I am still tring to get to this that I am "free" it's hard to eat,work and sleep not go out on the weekends,watch tv etc.... it's 100% diet IMO
    HAHA, I love that euphemism. Classic.

  18. #18
    BigMC is offline Junior Member
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    My last cycle I went from 185 to 205..Test/Deca /Dbol I held all gains through pct. I ****ed off for 2 weeks on my diet and starting going to the lake and drinking and lost 10 lbs in no time. Im still holding roughly 8-10lbs after being off for 3 months but I starting eating like crazy again and cut the number of sets I was doing. Moral to the story here, your diet will kill you even if you go off course for a short time. Also try adding an AI to your cycles so your not holding so much water. I think maybe you had the false sense of 25lbs of muscle when much of it was maybe water gain from the Test?

    Heres a good rule of thumb on the calorie intake and I got this from a Dr. Take your weight and add a 0 to the end then add 500. So if you weigh 200lbs you have to eat 2500 calories just to maintain that weight. Hope this helps.

  19. #19
    ludakris9 is offline Associate Member
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    Have you tried injectable b12 it would help with energy? I agree with diet also. Good luck bro

  20. #20
    godkilla's Avatar
    godkilla is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gwig
    I will eat about 120-175 carbs a day, 150-200 grams of protein a day, 20-30 grams of fat a day.
    there is your prob right there. your not gonna get above 165 eating like a schoolgirl.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    I agree. 150-200g of protein ain't s$%t........ Need 200- 280g for your weight. EAT MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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