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  1. #1
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quick Question About Vials

    Just a quick question about vials.

    Just say a vial contains 10ml and its does is 250mg per ml then obviously i would get 2500mg (10 shots) out of 1 vial.

    My question is how can one vial be used for 10 shots?

    After i have jammed it wont there be a hole in the top?

    This would allow air to get it, will this make the test turn bad??

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    there is a rubber stopper in the top, the needle makes a tiny hole that closes up when the needle is withdrawn from the vial.

  3. #3
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    there is a rubber stopper in the top, the needle makes a tiny hole that closes up when the needle is withdrawn from the vial.

    Cool, how many times can this be jabbed before the rubber stopper eventually becomes too damaged?

    Also, when loading the syringe it says to pump air into the vial to create pressure. Does this air eventually leave the vial?

    If not, does it affect the juice?

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
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    if you are drawing with a relatively small pin (not 18ga for instance) you can go for quite a while, I'd say 50 or more. I try to not go in the same spot on the stopper each time.
    No the air doesn't leave the vial, and no the air doesn't affect the juice. I wouldn't inject air then leave the vial for a really long time between cycles, but for the duration of a cycle I've never had any issues from it.

  5. #5
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    if you are drawing with a relatively small pin (not 18ga for instance) you can go for quite a while, I'd say 50 or more. I try to not go in the same spot on the stopper each time.
    No the air doesn't leave the vial, and no the air doesn't affect the juice. I wouldn't inject air then leave the vial for a really long time between cycles, but for the duration of a cycle I've never had any issues from it.

    Thanks dude. What would be the best size pin to use?

  6. #6
    Second2None's Avatar
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    I cant believe that question got asked, make this a stickey LOL
    s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m take the spaces out
    this might help
    Last edited by Second2None; 08-23-2007 at 07:47 PM.

  7. #7
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAY_WD
    Thanks dude. What would be the best size pin to use?
    I draw with 22 and shoot with 25

  8. #8
    PEWN's Avatar
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    i draw with 18 and shoot with 25

  9. #9
    Juicy J is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    i draw with 18 and shoot with 25
    same for me except i shoot with 22

  10. #10
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Second2None
    I cant believe that question got asked, make this a stickey LOL
    s p o t i n j e c t i o n s . c o m take the spaces out
    this might help

    Just had a look at this site and i am confused as to which needle i need to buy.

    I know i need a 1cc syringe with a 1.5inch needle that is 22ga.

    I cant find this for purchase on the site.

    Can someone help me?

  11. #11
    Big's Avatar
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    I use 3cc syringes, except for my slin pins that are 1cc, but that's a different story...

  12. #12
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ImaGetBigger
    I use 3cc syringes, except for my slin pins that are 1cc, but that's a different story...

    So would a 3cc syringe be better for injecting test?

    Can a 1cc syringe be used?

  13. #13
    Big's Avatar
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    The size of the syringe doesn't really matter, even though it's 3cc you can still just draw 1cc into it if that's all you want. I've never even seen 1cc syringes other than slin pins, not saying they don't make them, but I've never seen any. I've always used 3cc, buy them in boxes of 100

  14. #14
    bradd5150's Avatar
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    3cc just refers to the amount the syringe will hold. Most juicers commonly inject more than 1cc at a time but not more than 3cc, so a 3cc works best. More importantly is the guage and length of the pin depending on where ur injecting. I use a 25g 1" for quads and delts, most people use 23g 1 1/2" for glutes.

  15. #15
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Is there anything woring with drawing with a 22 or 23 and then injecting.

    Or should i draw with a differerent size?

  16. #16
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    needles should be very easy to get. They aren't controlled except for certain states. You can usually find them on vet web sites for fairly cheap

    Agreed with above, I've only used 3cc syringes

  17. #17
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAY_WD
    Is there anything woring with drawing with a 22 or 23 and then injecting.

    Or should i draw with a differerent size?
    I always switch needles after I draw, the needle can get dulled just a little going through the stopper, and I prefer to shoot with 25ga and they take too long to draw with anyway. Needles are cheap, no reason not to change them in my opinion.

  18. #18
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAY_WD
    Is there anything woring with drawing with a 22 or 23 and then injecting.

    Or should i draw with a differerent size?

    you can draw and inj. with the same needle

  19. #19
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    So how does it work you draw with one needle and then what you pull off the other needle and replace it with different one?

  20. #20
    Big's Avatar
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    yep, they screw off of the syringe

  21. #21
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    ...just try not to tuch the end or the bare needles.....and make sure you dispose of them in a hard plastic container like a laundry detergent don't want someone gettin poked!

  22. #22
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Case closed. Thanks for your help everyone... Now time to Plan PCT.

    Any recommendations for a newbie PCT.

    Something effective and simple.

  23. #23
    Kratos's Avatar
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    4 weeks of aromasin /nolva
    when you begin it depends on what you are using. For test-e or C two weeks after last injection

  24. #24
    JAY_WD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    4 weeks of aromasin /nolva
    when you begin it depends on what you are using. For test-e or C two weeks after last injection

    Aromasic/nolva will this bounce me back ok?

    Is there anything stronger i could take.

    Dont want to take any risks.

    What about hcg ?

  25. #25
    Second2None's Avatar
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    also make sure you get he air out before injecting.

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