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  1. #1
    gain 20 is offline New Member
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    Question on Test E Cycle

    Whats up. I am new to the site and cycles. About a year ago I ran a D-Bol and Deca Cycle. Went pretty good but I laid off of it for a while. I am now starting back into the gym and I got a hold of some Test. I just took my first shot last night. I want to run 1 shot/week @ 250mg. I am not trying to go crazy and gain 40 punds. Just looking for insight on what I should RELISTICALLY expect out of it. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

    Current weight: 125
    Cycle: 250mg Test E/wk for 10 wks.

    Any idea of what is capable? Also, when I should feel and see it kick in?

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    What are your full stats?
    Diet (in detail?)
    PCT knowledge?

  3. #3
    Maverick_J8's Avatar
    Maverick_J8 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gain 20
    Current weight: 125
    The usual response to this would be you need to eat more, not use steroids .

    Quote Originally Posted by gain 20
    Cycle: 250mg Test E/wk for 10 wks.
    500 for 10 weeks. I gained 20lbs, kept 15, kept the crazy strength gains. If you have enough gear, 250 twice/week.

    Quote Originally Posted by gain 20
    Also, when I should feel and see it kick in?
    Around week 4-5

  4. #4
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick_J8
    The usual response to this would be you need to eat more, not use steroids.
    not necessarily, he may be 4' tall

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maverick_J8
    500 for 10 weeks. I gained 20lbs, kept 15, kept the crazy strength gains. If you have enough gear, 250 twice/week.
    Not necessarily good advice, he may be 14 years old. Hard to advise without more info from the original poster.

  6. #6
    topnotch is offline Member
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    With being just 125 pounds, like you said unless he is 4 feet tall then steroids will do him no good at all...his diet is in some major need of forum and research man...stop taking the test right now in my shot wont shut you down so you need to get everything else lined out in my i dont know your age,so you may be too young also

  7. #7
    gain 20 is offline New Member
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    You guys are funny.. I should have put in more info.

    I am not 4 feet tall..close though

    I am 25, 5'4

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    250mg/wk is a bit on the low side, so if your diet is weak you may not see much in terms of gains. Are you running 250/wk just because you have a limited amount? If not I would bump it to 500/wk as Maverick said. What is your proposed pct? You really do need to take a close look at the diet forum, chances are you could do a lot more naturally if you were eating right. Remember, if you can't grow without gear, you also won't keep any gains you get from them.

  9. #9
    gain 20 is offline New Member
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    I am a very hard gainer... I have tried just about everything. I am running 250 for two reasons. I dont want to suffer severe side effects, and I have one bottle. I can get my hands on a bottle of Prop as well, but i wanted to see what the Enanthate would do. I am back and forth regarding what I am going to use when I come off.

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    what is your diet, in detail?

  11. #11
    gain 20 is offline New Member
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    am bowl of oatmeal, banana, high calorie protein shake
    snack protein shake, cereal
    lunch depending on what we order at work. cheese steak, fries, cheeseburgers etc
    snack oatmeal, some type of sandwich
    dinner, any source of protein, serving of veg, starch
    before bed protein shake.

  12. #12
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    there's your problem, if you really want to grow you'll have to do a lot better than that. Read up in the diet section on bulking diets. There are no hard gainers, just bad dieters.

  13. #13
    topnotch is offline Member
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    So you dont have your pct yet? You should never start your cycle before you have that on hand...Never know when something may happen. like ima said, i'd bump it up if you could possibly get ahold of some could run the prop as a kickstart but you'd need to inject at least every other day. you wont notice a lot more side effects from bumping it to 500...might wanna keep some nolva on hand just in case of some sensitive nips. You better be getting your pct lined out and ready to go ASAP though.

  14. #14
    customworksking's Avatar
    customworksking is offline Associate Member
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    as u I am new and asked the same Q's listen to what they say it's is key to grow and your pct ...also acne your going to get it ..u don't want to look like u been shot in your back with rock salt!

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