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  1. #1
    CanadianGear is offline New Member
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    blood pressure shot up to about 155 for a while??? WTF?

    I'm on my 4th week of 40mg/day of Anavar and 500mg/wk of Equipoise ... everything is going great.

    Well last week, which was my 5th week on, I added a shot of Testosterone Enanthate for "maintenance" purposes

    Shortly after the shot I walked around...felt kind of weird but couldn't pin point it so just brushed it off and continued to eat a big meal in front of the television.

    Well my heart started pounding, my head felt a little light (almost a dizzying feel)... I hooked up to the blood pressure monitor and it recorded 155! (can't remember the other number).

    But after some pacing and then trying to calm down... within 30 mins it went down to 140, then stayed around 130-135...

    Any idea what that was about? And if I should even continue my weekly shots of Test. Enanthate ?

    I wonder if it was just a freak accident of some kind because I injected in a vein or something? (I aspirate every single time I inject and will pull out if I get a bleeder)

    Any input would be great!


  2. #2
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanadianGear
    I'm on my 4th week of 40mg/day of Anavar and 500mg/wk of Equipoise ... everything is going great.

    Well last week, which was my 5th week on, I added a shot of Testosterone Enanthate for "maintenance" purposes

    Shortly after the shot I walked around...felt kind of weird but couldn't pin point it so just brushed it off and continued to eat a big meal in front of the television.

    Well my heart started pounding, my head felt a little light (almost a dizzying feel)... I hooked up to the blood pressure monitor and it recorded 155! (can't remember the other number).

    But after some pacing and then trying to calm down... within 30 mins it went down to 140, then stayed around 130-135...

    Any idea what that was about? And if I should even continue my weekly shots of Test. Enanthate ?

    I wonder if it was just a freak accident of some kind because I injected in a vein or something? (I aspirate every single time I inject and will pull out if I get a bleeder)

    Any input would be great!

    Sounds like you might have just nicked a vein, felt weird and got nervous, thus spiking your blood pressure..

    How are you feeling this week ???


  3. #3
    CanadianGear is offline New Member
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    I'm feeling absolutely great!

    so it must be that then...maybe nicked a vein on the way in and the gear seeped into it or iI just plain panicked?

    Awesome good to know. I'm now gonna delay my tren ace another week to see if my next EQ/TestEnth shot does the same again or not.

    Thanks man!

  4. #4
    cookiemonstR's Avatar
    cookiemonstR is offline Associate Member
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    Eqi is bad for raising blood pressure period in my opinion.

    What kind of cycle are you running anyways? you should run EQ for 12 + weeks to notice results from it, and you should run Test the whole time as well, cheers

  5. #5
    Juicy J is offline Associate Member
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    on my first cycle of test e, my bp stayed at about 160-165, but if u feek ok, chances r u will be

  6. #6
    ecto9's Avatar
    ecto9 is offline Banned
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    Could it be that test increases RBC and thereby increasing Blood pressure?

    If this is the case would donating blood help to lower BP? Just a thought.
    Last edited by ecto9; 08-25-2007 at 06:50 PM.

  7. #7
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by ecto9
    Could it be that test increases RBC and thereby increasing Blood pressure?

    If this is the case would donating blood help to lower BP? Just a thought.
    No fellas I beleive he is saying it was a one time thing that happend after his inject and than it went back to normal..

    Please re-read his first post and my responses..

    I just want to make sure wher clear here..



  8. #8
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    Keep an eye on that BP, unless you have more than one statistical outlier no need to worry.

  9. #9
    39+1 is offline Banned
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    BP 120/80 is normal. the important numer is the bottom one whihc tells how much pressure is in the closed sytem when your heart is relaxed or filling up wiht blood plus when you eat " a big meal" you increasing the pressure in you a**ominal cavity which will increase the total presure. if it goes back to normal dont sweat it. You wanna get your attention take you BP while you lifting with a belt on, getting pummpe is just when it means you putting up is just what it means.

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