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Thread: First Cycle

  1. #1
    Illusions's Avatar
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    Talking First Cycle

    I know your all going whoo hoo another thread about a first cycle. But hey I'm excided. After much thought I decided on my first cycle I'd say its pretty average for a first cycler. Although many vets don't like to see dbol in a first cycle.

    week 1-12 Test E 500mg weekly (250mg mon/thurs)
    week 1-4 Dbol 30mg ED

    a standard PCT of Clomid and Nolva obviously 14 days after last injection.

    getting enough nolva to run during the cycle if necessary, but I'm hoping that I won't have any major sides, as well as Letro as a just in case. I haven't been able to find a shelf like for Letro but seems to be good to have around for anyone who cycles anyway.

    My main concern right now is acne, It runs in my fam and I already have it though not bad. I ran 6-oxo before and noticed it got worst so I can only imagine with the extra test floating around in there. Anyone here already prone to acne and have any good advise?

    Other than that I feel confident that all will go great, my workout ethics are good, I don't miss days. My diets great, I try to supplement as little as possible, other than daily vitamens/flax/fish oil and unavoidably ON Whey to keep my protien levels where they need to be. Although I do admit when in a time constraint I have replace a meal with muscle milk, or at the end of the night if I don't feel like cottage cheese for some night time cassien.

    I'm 26
    BF is an estimate around 10 give or take 1 I don't know u tell me.
    195 lbs

    What I really want to get out of this cycle is a good understanding of how my body is going to react to these drugs I'm introducing. I really think that I'll have a clearer picture of what the rest of my BB career will look like after that. That and I want to put as much lean mass on my frame as possible, if I need to cut after thats fine but bulking is my priority here. That said generally speaking if I'm hovering around 3000 cal now and I'm staying the same BF%, how much should I realistically increase my intake. I know its kinda trial and error given that everyones body makeup is a bit different, but sometimes its nice to think theres an easy answer.

    Any constructive criticism is sure welcome!
    Last edited by Illusions; 09-24-2007 at 09:42 PM.

  2. #2
    nyjetsfan86's Avatar
    nyjetsfan86 is offline Anabolic Member
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    im prone to acne as well, im on week 5 of test e and no acne, you should be good with that but the dbol might cause a problem, and try to up those cals to 4000-5000 clean

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i would love to see ur diet breakdown in the Diet forum as diet will dictate everything that happens while ur on cycle...

    nothing wrong w/ dbol

    acne is easily controlled for most people w/ dawn dishwashing soap.. it never made my skin peal and it nerfs almost allacne.. though some have issues w/ it.

    as tall as u are i would say 210-220 would be a more ideal weight to start cyling at.. but to each their own.

    i would revise ur pct though.. im not going to tell u how but go read up in the pct forum...

  4. #4
    soccer#3's Avatar
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    i had a small break out of acne on my pct. the shit is still there but its not bad so i just left it like that.

    i'd say ur correct on the bf estimate. u got good arms but u need some chest and traps.

    i'd up the cals too like jetsfan said..

    thats all i got man, good luck on the cycle

  5. #5
    BuffDJ's Avatar
    BuffDJ is offline Associate Member
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    Your pretty lean and shredded. It looks to me that you havn't hit your platau naturally. I bet you could put another 15-20lbs on with a good diet and hitting the gym hard.

  6. #6
    Illusions's Avatar
    Illusions is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i would love to see ur diet breakdown in the Diet forum as diet will dictate everything that happens while ur on cycle...
    I'll try to put it when I can, hopefully I'll have some time tomorrow

    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    acne is easily controlled for most people w/ dawn dishwashing soap.. it never made my skin peal and it nerfs almost allacne.. though some have issues w/ it.
    Thats pretty neat never heard of that before I'll def give it a go.

    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i would revise ur pct though.. im not going to tell u how but go read up in the pct forum...
    I def don't want you to just flat out tell me, I'd rather figure it out and learn something, so I appreciate that. but an extra bump in the right direction wouldn't hurt. Are you suggesting running a SERM and an AI? I would assume running an AI durring PCT would help with acne and other high estrogen level problems. Based on what people are saying about Letro I'd like to keep from using it unless necessary. I think L-dex would go well with my PCT, alone it'll lower estro up to 80% a bit less with Nolva, but isn't best to not get rid of estogen all together? What is a good % of estrogen to have in your bloodstream durring PCT?

    so PCT would be more like this
    Day 1:
    Clomid 300mg
    Nolva 20mg
    L-dex .25mg
    Day 2 - 30:
    Clomid 100mg
    Nolva 20mg
    L-dex .25mg
    Day 31 - 37:
    Nolva 20mg
    L-dex .25mg

    and I think I'll keep extra L-dex on hand for during the cycle instead of running Nolva for symtoms, as well as the Letro if as a last resort.


  7. #7
    Illusions's Avatar
    Illusions is offline New Member
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    So basicly this is my little shopping list as of right now

    Test E - 6000mg
    Dbol - 840mg
    Clomid - 1800mg
    Nolva - 1000mg
    Letro - 30mg
    Arimidex - 15mg
    22 gauge 1.5 needles

    obviously some things I may be getting more of ex. I've seen Letro sold in 30ml bottles so I'd have more like 75 mg

    Other than that I think my math proper. lol I hope I can find all this stuff when the time comes. Nothing here is really out of the ordinary right? Meaning this gear is pretty basic stuff right?
    Last edited by Illusions; 08-27-2007 at 09:24 PM.

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