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Thread: Clen and alcohol

  1. #1

    Question Clen and alcohol

    I decided to start on some clen first for those that read my last thread. I think I am going to take 5 pills a day, 2 days on and two days off. There is only one problem. Some of those 2 days fall on the weekend and thats when I like to let lose and party! I've read that clen is not hard on your liver but I have not heard anything about drinking while you are on it. Is it advised against drinking while on it or does really even matter. Please help!

  2. #2
    Mike Guest
    The only reason it would really matter is for blood pressure - long term sides of drinking is high blood pressure which is a definite possibility with clen - probably not so much you need to worry bout it but i have very high BP and need to watch for stuff like that with things like clen

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Mike how high is your blood pressure? what's the highest it's been? are you on medication for it? Just curious bro


  4. #4
    Thnks a lot for your help Mike. It really helped me. Now I can stop worring because I do not have high blood pressure but I still will take some precautions while drinking and taking the clen.

  5. #5
    Mike Guest
    Kullman -

    Yes I am on bp meds - right now on my meds it rests at about 170/110 when I miss a couple days on meds or have a stessful day it is around 215/140-150 - the highest it has ever been is about that as well (215/155)

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