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  1. #1
    seemore is offline New Member
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    Advice needed on testicular atrophy

    I'll cut to the chase, I Have done the following cycles: The months are from memory....I know that I waited 4 months between cycles.

    April 2006 10 weeks of 250mg Sustanon and 275mg deca per week

    September 2006 10 weeks of andropen 275...1mL per week

    January 2007 4 weeks of deca 275...1mL per week

    The last cycle of deca only was bad idea.
    Now I got severe sexual sides on the last one and discontinued. Erectile dysfunction and severe testicular atrophy (really scarey). Now I have read up on deca and see that it is long acting and completely kills test production after 5 days and lingers a full 30 days after the shot. So I figure my body was without test for about 7 weeks and I am a little concerned that I have caused cell apoptosis in my nads and caused permanent damage/shrinkage. They took ages to start coming back and I still think they haven't bounced back completely. I am doing my head in. I don't get erections really that often...morning ones some of the time.

    I have tried ordering HcG twice from overseas suppliers and both got done, (I am in Australia). Should I bite the bullet and see a doctor?

  2. #2
    justtrnd40's Avatar
    justtrnd40 is offline Associate Member
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    Go to the Doctor and get some help. You will probably waste a bunch of time trying to get what you need to run an intense pct and if you haven't been able to get hcg by now (which you will definately need) you are just wasting time. The doc should be able to help you out and even get you to an endo to maybe look into some sort of hrt if you need it. Don't know your age but hrt is always an option.

  3. #3
    dildoman is offline Associate Member
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    You need to have PCT at the end of your cycle, or it will take a long time to get to normal naturally, and most of your gains down the drain. Go see a doctor if you cant get your hands on anything, maybe he/she will help.

  4. #4
    kfrost06's Avatar
    kfrost06 is offline Banned
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    Deca will shut you down completely and it will take longer than 30 days to recover. It takes 30 days for a single 100mg dose. I am sure you did more than that. I would recommend doing a pct right now which should include proviron to lower SHBG which will in turn increase your free test, this will give you erections. Also use a SERM like nolva, this will increase your production of endogenous testosterone . You will be fine in 2-3 weeks time or sooner. GL

  5. #5
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kfrost06
    Deca will shut you down completely and it will take longer than 30 days to recover. It takes 30 days for a single 100mg dose. I am sure you did more than that. I would recommend doing a pct right now which should include proviron to lower SHBG which will in turn increase your free test, this will give you erections. Also use a SERM like nolva, this will increase your production of endogenous testosterone. You will be fine in 2-3 weeks time or sooner. GL
    I would throw in some aromasin to help out.

    And yes, you've had to learn the hard way. A single 100ml shot of deca shuts you down full after 1 day. Now you know, good luck on the recovery/.

  6. #6
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    Excuse me, but are you dumb?

  7. #7
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    Sorry I take that back... You really need to learn more before you do something you really have no idea about...

  8. #8
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pr0digy9daniel
    Excuse me, but are you dumb?
    So he made a mistake, your post did nothing contructive to help.

  9. #9
    seemore is offline New Member
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    Well it's been 6 months since my last shot on the deca ....I'm 25. I understand that taking test with it would have been better, I wouldn't have been able to get my hands on any, there was a bust with my source (he made the paper) and I was left with a bottle of deca.
    There's a possiblity I might be able to get my hands on some hcG on the sly as I'd like to avoid going to the doctor I feel stupid enough about the whole thing as it is. My balls are reasonably close to the size they were, but I want to get them back to fullness and I'm going natural training from now on.

    Thank-you to those providing helpful comments.
    Last edited by seemore; 08-29-2007 at 04:59 PM.

  10. #10
    crazycrab is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pr0digy9daniel
    Excuse me, but are you dumb?
    The man asking for help. We all need help sometimes and responses like this do not help anyone.

    There is a lot of good info on this site. I would def go to the doc for some help if you can not get your hands on pct.

  11. #11
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    who cares if ya got small balls..

  12. #12
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goosed by Tai
    who cares if ya got small balls..
    He will, if he cares about having children some day...

  13. #13
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    I wouldnt be 'embarassed' to see the doctor. they are medical professionals, you may get scolded for running aas, but really does that matter? Your health matters, run some blood tests to see where your natty test levels are.

  14. #14
    billybambam's Avatar
    billybambam is offline Banned
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    Don't be affraid to see a Doc. I have come across a couple that completely understand why you are taking AAS, and they know the side effects, and will be there to help you. The best advise I could give you would be to go see your Doctor and explain what has happened.

  15. #15
    seemore is offline New Member
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    ok I am booked in for tomorrow at 11.

    I'm concerned they won't bounce back to full size. They are noticeably smaller now still within a "normal" range though I'd imagine but not micro like they were straight after. I hope I didn't leave it for too long.

    I had received advice from another steroid forum that if I wasn't going to be doing another cycle to "let time heal all" as any more exogenous compounds may further complicate the matter.

    Your health matters, run some blood tests to see where your natty test levels are.
    I'd say they are shot....haven't slept well in a while, concentration has been bad and I get fatigued pretty easily.

    The funny thing is that I started HST training and I am coming up to the end of my first 8 week cycle and I gained 9 pounds so far with good strength gains (I know some of the weight is fat but still a good sign with shot test levels).
    Last edited by seemore; 08-29-2007 at 08:04 PM.

  16. #16
    Kratos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pr0digy9daniel
    Excuse me, but are you dumb?
    Read Booz no flame policy post, it's what has kept me from saying you should change your name from prodigy to netzero after reading some of your posts.

    To threadstarter if you have been off awhile u don't need hcg . Go with nolva/aromasin or nolva/proviron like kfrost said. What can you get your hands on?

  17. #17
    seemore is offline New Member
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    well I'm going to the doctor tomorrow and we'll see what they say, it'll be 3 business days before any test results come back which is annoying seeing as we all know what they are most likely going to say.

    I haven't been in recent contact with my guy, but I think he was talking about nolvadex and HcG ...and of course he can get dianabol , DECA and some of the others.

    At this point I am most concerned about size.

  18. #18
    seemore is offline New Member
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    ok I went to the doctor and got my test results back and

    LH was 15nmol/L (20 was the upper range of normal - nailed it!)

    Test was 25 nmol/L (within normal range, about midrange)

    Said I didn't need anything and if I have atrophy then that is the way the cookie crumbles and my penis is probably smaller also (I don't think it is, but he seemed to think so). I think he was trying to scare me.
    BTW the doctor was really shitty with me thought I was steroid shopping with him.

    So all is good hormone wise, now I have measured the volume of my ball sack and it is 101.79 CC which is 6.16 cubic inches.
    This is well within normal and I think I was having a freakout over nothing.

    I measured this by filling a glass right to the very top with water (in the shower) and then lowering my balls into it and pulling them back out. Now you will have a lower water line from the volume your nut sack displaced. Measure the length of liquid displaced and work out the volume using your old maths formula for a cylinder.

  19. #19
    SNUKA's Avatar
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    lol crazy methods cograts on going through with going to the doctor and getting everything straightened out i could imagine how annoyed you would be by doing that, but all is good now

  20. #20
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    lol at tea baggin a glass of water

  21. #21
    dean12345 is offline New Member
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    So all is good hormone wise, now I have measured the volume of my ball sack and it is 101.79 CC which is 6.16 cubic inches.
    This is well within normal and I think I was having a freakout over nothing.

    I measured this by filling a glass right to the very top with water (in the shower) and then lowering my balls into it and pulling them back out. Now you will have a lower water line from the volume your nut sack displaced. Measure the length of liquid displaced and work out the volume using your old maths formula for a cylinder.[/QUOTE]

    Dude you totally made my day, thank you

  22. #22
    seemore is offline New Member
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    hey I enjoyed it and the cup enjoyed it.

  23. #23
    Seattle Junk's Avatar
    Seattle Junk is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by seemore
    ok I went to the doctor and got my test results back and

    LH was 15nmol/L (20 was the upper range of normal - nailed it!)

    Test was 25 nmol/L (within normal range, about midrange)

    Said I didn't need anything and if I have atrophy then that is the way the cookie crumbles and my penis is probably smaller also (I don't think it is, but he seemed to think so). I think he was trying to scare me.
    BTW the doctor was really shitty with me thought I was steroid shopping with him.

    So all is good hormone wise, now I have measured the volume of my ball sack and it is 101.79 CC which is 6.16 cubic inches.
    This is well within normal and I think I was having a freakout over nothing.

    I measured this by filling a glass right to the very top with water (in the shower) and then lowering my balls into it and pulling them back out. Now you will have a lower water line from the volume your nut sack displaced. Measure the length of liquid displaced and work out the volume using your old maths formula for a cylinder.
    Hold up here, IMO I think this dude is looking for some male attention. Don't fall into this trap.

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