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  1. #1
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    Houston, TX

    having to change cycle

    Ok guys...fixing to start my next cycle. I have used all of these compounds except for anavar so I'm excited to see how it turns out. I've had to change my cycle around quite a few times because of my stupid source. But here's what I have laid out...

    wks 1-12: Test Cypionate 750mgs/wk
    wks 1-4: Test Propionate 100mgs/eod
    wks 1-8: Tren Acetate 100mgs/eod
    wks 7-14: Anavar 40mgs/ed
    wks 11-14: Test Propionate 100mgs/eod

    Can I run nolva with Tren? If not how come? I've heard alot of other bros say not to. Is that too much test? the most I've run in past cycles is 600mg/wk of enanthate . I've also never kickstarted or ended a cycle with prop. Let me know what yall think

  2. #2
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    What are your stats? Bf% Age, height, cycle history and goals?

    It is not a good idea to run nolva with tren as it can potentially make gyno worse as tren is a progestin. Remember that nolva does not block estrogen, but is just a receptor modulator, activating and deactivating receptors. The problem with nolva is it can activate receptors that progestins bind to. You're best to run an anti e such as arimidex or letro.

    So you have a prop kickstart, high test cycle with tren and anavar . The prop is fine for your kickstart, I would maybe cut the test c to 600/w just to reduce aromatization. With compounds like tren in the mix with that much test you are going to have to run some ancillaries.

    I'd run letro at .25ed throughout the cycle to combat the high test and tren from aromatizing, letro also lowers progestin levels.

    What do you have planned for a pct?

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic

    What are your stats? Bf% Age, height, cycle history and goals?

    It is not a good idea to run nolva with tren as it can potentially make gyno worse as tren is a progestin. Remember that nolva does not block estrogen, but is just a receptor modulator, activating and deactivating receptors. The problem with nolva is it can activate receptors that progestins bind to. You're best to run an anti e such as arimidex or letro.

    So you have a prop kickstart, high test cycle with tren and anavar . The prop is fine for your kickstart, I would maybe cut the test c to 600/w just to reduce aromatization. With compounds like tren in the mix with that much test you are going to have to run some ancillaries.

    I'd run letro at .25ed throughout the cycle to combat the high test and tren from aromatizing, letro also lowers progestin levels.

    What do you have planned for a pct?
    letro lowers progest levels? or just downgrades the recepters so that the binding is less likely to occur as in decreasing the possible binding affinity? (i get this confused alot)

  4. #4
    TUnit is offline Associate Member
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    Houston, TX
    I'll definetly pick up the letro. Thanks for the info bro. What would you all run...tren first 8 and anavar last 8 or would you run the anavar first and the tren last?

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by TUnit
    I'll definetly pick up the letro. Thanks for the info bro. What would you all run...tren first 8 and anavar last 8 or would you run the anavar first and the tren last?
    well i wouldnt run var w/ tren lol. reason being is tren is so amazing that the results you see from tren will practically and completely mask the gains you see from var its like var will be non existent. so yeah i would definetly run them in that order.. var is so mild its great to run during the down time while u wait for test and other longer esters to clear, and tren is so powerful its the best dam kickstart you could ask for.

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