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Thread: steroids illegal!?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Angry steroids illegal!?

    Is it just me, or does the government really piss you off? I mean you can kill yourself by smoking and drinking...which is perfectly legal. But they'll be damned if you can enhance your performance level and looks with anabolics. I mean someone can pollute the air that my 13 month old breaths but we can't inject something that only makes us better. Well people tell me all the time, if you're not carefull steroids can kill to! Well duh!!! Just tell me this, how are you supposed to be carefull smoking so it does'nt kill you? Sometimes I think it's all *** backwards! Sorry ya'll, one of the ladies I work with just started in on me about her beliefs on how bad AS are. Just needed to vent.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Pasadena, Texas
    i have to agree 1000%

    the first time i ordered anything you would have sworn i ordered crack on how worried i was about being busted.

    i mean WTF! its my body, if im stupid enough to not learn before i use, so be it.

    if i can destroy myself with booze,smoking and who knows what else why cant i take something to help me along the path to bodybuilding success?

    it sure doesnt do it for you, heh we have to eat,rest and drink more carefully than anyone while on. thats freaking healthy in my book!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    Vent away bro...we all have the same concerns.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Another thing that pisses me off is that a few years ago I heard they came real close to legalizing steroids. I'm not sure it's true but I remember hearing somethig. It pisses me off but at the same time if it was legal....hell everyonewould be 250lbs or better.LOL

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Austin, TX
    If steroids were legal it would still have to be prescribed by doctors. Which is very good since a doctor could montior your progress and vital stats, new steroids would be developed (hopefully with less side effects), and it would still be diffucult for teens (they are to young) to still get them (they could still attend them like every bodybuilders do today), and society would be better educated of the benefits (if used right).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Tex.....well put. Smokers suck. lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Re: steroids illegal!?

    Originally posted by BIG TEXAN
    Well people tell me all the time, if you're not carefull steroids can kill to! Well duh!!!
    So can asprin or robitussin... I know exactly what you mean...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Your Girls House
    Just like booze
    we can Fight and die but cant have a drink till 21 (im actually 30)
    Dont know if there gonna repeal the Steriods Law but it sure looks good that they will repeal the 1994 Gun laws
    "An Armed society is a polite one"
    thought id add that in there to still the fire

  9. #9
    Big Show 23 Guest

    I can somewhat understand you P.O.V.

    I somewhat understand your P.O.V. but,from what I know/understand about AAS(I've been reading the main page).There are some potientialy dangerous side effects.And saying it's my body and I'll do what I want comes across a little snide.I know some smokers and they do want to quit because they want to live longer and don't want to risk any future health problems.The fact that there are self help programs like AA to help people get over addictions shows that people know and realize that what they're doing is dangerous.And for a time alcohol was illegal,I remember hearing reference to an event known as prohibition.And in the defence of smokers and alcohol consumers at least they don't have a problem admitting that over a period of time alcohol and nicotine are hazardous to ones health.And such is the reason why there are laws/guidelines governing alcohol and cigarettes.Perhaps if laws/guidelines governing AAS use are agreed upon by all parties then maybe things might change.I haven't spoken to enough AAS users to know how they think, but perhaps for a compromise to be reached AAS users should at least admit that,there are potential health risks.And work to achieve a compromise to benefit all parties.I mean look at Marijuana use,before it used to be outlawed like the plague but now medicinal use of Marijuana is perfectly fine.So perhaps a compromise on AAS use can be reached too.

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