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  1. #1
    scottroxx's Avatar
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    intersting stack ???

    Hey guyz, I have resourses to a bunch of different stuff and seen a few that I thought might be interesting to try, let me know your thoughts on this stack. I am looking to put on a few more pounds of solid quality muscle!!!

    I am 220 lbs, 5'9" around 12%, a competitor and a long time user. I intend on taking 1 shot every 3rd day, each shot would include:

    andropen 275.....1cc
    durabolin 100......1cc

    Hope I gave all the needed info and I have Nolva, arimidex and clomid on hand !! Thanks guys, look forward to your input, you've always been a great help !!

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
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    what would be the length of time of the cycle, and each compound during the cycle?
    Also, why so much test and so little deca ?

  3. #3
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    Yeah, if you can lay out some doseages that would be helpful

    Andropen 550mg/w 1-14
    Deca 400mg/w 1-12
    Arimidex .5mg/ed throughout. No nolva as it can bind to progesterone receptors.

    What are your thoughts on pct?

  4. #4
    scottroxx's Avatar
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    Sorry guys guess I should have added the duration of cycle 3 month cycle consisting of the following:

    D-bol or anadrol weeks 1-4 ...not sure which to use ??
    andropen 550mg/weekly weeks 1-12
    Durabolin (not deca !! ) 200mg/weekly weeks 1-12
    T400 800mg/weekly weeks 1-12
    Arimidex 1mg/day

    My body handles gyno and other sides very well, luck I guess ??? Hope this helps? I am only asking about these products and cycle as they are all combination esters and yes alot of test but alot of other more exotic esters too and wanna make sure it is worth doing them all together without hindering each other in any way. I do see that the andropen and durabolin are more inclined to cutting stacks and that the t400 is more a bulking agent but as we all know you can cut on enanthate or cyp with the right diet and anti estrogen and water retention agents, but want to get some more knowledgable feedback to make sure it is a decent stack and any particular good ways to use them productively. I know there is alot of test but I am used to taking a gram of test with 700mg of tren along with 100mg of anavar in a week and sometimes all that and even more like winny or masteron or halo, I dunno but used to higher amounts of gear !! Thanks for listening .....

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    I'm confused, if it's not deca -durabolin , I don't know what your talking about, and andropen and t400 are both test, so it looks like you want to run 1.35 gram of test per week.

  6. #6
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    phenylpropionate ester ...NPP


  7. #7
    scottroxx's Avatar
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    its called Durabolin and consists of nandrolone phenylpropionate. As you just mentioned too, ya I guess it is all test just different types of esters, never really opened my eyes to that fact kindda funny !! I'm not doing any shows, this is just to get a bit more quality muscle mass so, think its a bit over kill as I don't know what to expect from some of these other esters in these combinations??

  8. #8
    Njord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottroxx
    its called Durabolin and consists of nandrolone phenylpropionate. As you just mentioned too, ya I guess it is all test just different types of esters, never really opened my eyes to that fact kindda funny !! I'm not doing any shows, this is just to get a bit more quality muscle mass so, think its a bit over kill as I don't know what to expect from some of these other esters in these combinations??
    NPP needs to be shot EOD and 200mg/week is a pretty low dose. If anything I would lower the Test dosage and up the NPP.

  9. #9
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottroxx
    its called Durabolin and consists of nandrolone phenylpropionate. As you just mentioned too, ya I guess it is all test just different types of esters, never really opened my eyes to that fact kindda funny !! I'm not doing any shows, this is just to get a bit more quality muscle mass so, think its a bit over kill as I don't know what to expect from some of these other esters in these combinations??
    Yep like I said NPP ( nandrolone phenylpropionate ).

    You could just use the andropen or the test 400 with the NPP..


  10. #10
    scottroxx's Avatar
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    I understand that the durabolin is basically like prop, right ?? would there be a better agent to use besides the durabolin, like deca ?? or is the durabolin really worth using??? and to front load would it be better to use D-bol or anadrol with the above mentionables?? thanks for the quick reply guys, appreciate it !!!
    Last edited by scottroxx; 09-01-2007 at 09:51 PM.

  11. #11
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottroxx
    I understand that the durabolin is basically like prop, right ?? would there be a better agent to use besides the durabolin, like deca?? or is the durabolin really worth using??? and to front load would it be better to use D-bol or anadrol with the above mentionables?? thanks for the quick reply guys, appreciate it !!!
    Its not like prop . Its a fast acting deca ..

    Here is the profile .


  12. #12
    scottroxx's Avatar
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    thanks for the link Merc, I read the description already I try to do my homework before I start wasting everyones time out here and I was kindda getting the impression it was like prop for some reason ??? so guess I can just substitute the durabolin for 500mg of deca a week. I am trying to keep the shots to a minimum as I am not getting ready for a show. the ed thing for 3 or 4 months gets rough near the end !!! thanks again Merc...

  13. #13
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Many different possibilities . Did you read the profile ? NPP is just fast acting nandrolone .

    You could try



    Andropen 275

  14. #14
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottroxx
    thanks for the link Merc, I read the description already I try to do my homework before I start wasting everyones time out here and I was kindda getting the impression it was like prop for some reason ??? so guess I can just substitute the durabolin for 500mg of deca a week. I am trying to keep the shots to a minimum as I am not getting ready for a show. the ed thing for 3 or 4 months gets rough near the end !!! thanks again Merc...
    No problem were all here to learn.

    Like Njord said NNP is used EOD I have even seen ED . I will also say some people use it every 3-4 days also. Just trying to give you some feedback so you can make a good decision on what your final cycle is going to be .

    There's a lot of threads on here about NPP if you want to research it some.


  15. #15
    scottroxx's Avatar
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    thanks for the input Merc, and leads to other threads, and everyone else. I think I am going to run my stack as this:
    1cc T400 ......every 3rd day for 12 weeks
    1cc andropen 275 every 3rd day for 12 weeks
    1 cc deca 250.....every 3rd day for 12 weeks
    noone made a comment on the d-bol or anadrol so think I am going to go with the anadrol.Little worried thou as the last time I did anadrol( 2 years ago )I ached so bad that I couldn't lift, felt hella strong but was just too sore to lift. Not too sure if I got a bad batch or my body just doesn't like anadrol?? Guess we will find out for sure soon anyone else have this type of complication with anadrol??

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    more like...

    durabolin -1cc every other day
    t400-1cc every 3 days.


    durabolin-1cc every other day
    andropen - 1cc every 3 days

    id prefer the t400 for more stable blood levels of testosterone . andropen from what ive read is a multi-ester blend like sust250 causing less stable blood levels in turn giving you more unwanted side effects like acne and bloating.

    what is the durabolin dosed at?

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