Went to the Doc. 2.5 year ago after having found a lump on top of my
bi-cep. Not sure when how I ran accross it. It was just there one day. It seems to be attached on both ends and just sorta floats in one spot.
-----o----- Retarded looking illustration I know, but in essence that is what it feels like when touched. My Doc. told me it was just torn muscle that had balled up and was nothing to worry about. It had never caused me any problems. It doesn't cause pain, heat, fever...none of it. Sometimes it does feel sore though. (nothing major) I guess my major concern is that since I did site injections before that it may be something more serious! I've done hundreds of injections in the last few years and never had an incident. I've always lifted heavy as possible and probably should have warmed up better. While writing this I found another much smaller (ball) behind it attached on the same tissue or line. (wonder how long this had been there?) I shot some winny years ago suspended in PEG400 in that area before. Way to thick for my taste and so I never used it again. Could this be some type of deposit that never properly absorbed? Torn muscle? Something more sinsiter? I plan on going back to the Doc (specialist) instead of family doctor. I think he is a moron! I'll be starting my next cycle hopefully within the next 2 weeks and wanna try and find out something before I start. Sorry this f***** thing is so long. Just trying to give all info. for best answer. Oh yeah, it's good to be back. (haven't posted in a long time)
