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  1. #1
    Illusions's Avatar
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    How much lean mass can you gain in a cycle?

    I'm trying to figure out my diet for my first cycle. To do that I need to know how much lean muscle mass can be obtained in a 12 week cycle of:
    week 1-12 Test E 500mg weekly (250mg mon/thurs)
    week 1-4 Dbol 30mg ED

    I don't know if thats a loaded question, meaning that everyones physiology is too different to tell. Or is the a round about number like 25 lbs of lean muscle mass are possibly attainable or 35 lbs etc...

    Now lets see if my math is correct, if 25 lbs in the cycle that I described is an accurate attainable number and for the sake of argument my BMR is 3000cal per day:

    25lbs/ 12 weeks = 2.083lbs per week
    3500cal* 2.083lbs =7290.5 extra cal per week
    7290.5cal/ 7days = 1041.5 extra cal per day
    3000cal (BMR)+ 1041.5extra cal =4041.5cal per day

    So to actually gain that 25lbs in 12 weeks I would have to be consuming roughly 4041.5 cal per day. Is that a good way to figure this out? or should I be consuming even more cal per day to that?

    If it helps in figuring out the max possible lean mass increase in my first cycle:
    I'm 26
    BF 9-10%
    200 lbs

    Sorry I know this question sort of fits into the diet category as well but I had to pick one so ...

  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Boss
    Without becoming exhaustively technical, the average user can expect to gain anywhere from 15-30lbs of mass on a 12 week cycle of Testosterone and Dianabol .

    Of course, this depends largely on genetics, but it is safe to say you can expect at least 15lbs, and if you gain 30lbs+ you should be a very happy man! Most users will put on about 20lbs of muscle.
    very very unlikely.

  3. #3
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Boss
    1st cycle, that is definitely the avarage.
    not muscle .. water, fat, and glycogen make up a LARGE part of the weight attained from a cycle..
    if they werent ready for aas then maybe 15 but anyone w/ a proper base is very unlikely to acquire that much LBM

  4. #4
    MrTAME's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    very very unlikely.

    could be possible on a first cycle....I remember my first cycle ever...eight years ago now...I went from 170 to 210 off sust and d-bol and in the end stayed at around 195. My first cycle had the best gains ever...I wish I knew then what I know now about sust...what a waste that was.

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Boss
    Sustanon is fantastic, simply misunderstood. Mg for Mg, it is perhaps the most effective testosterone, as even lower dosages(1 amp[250mgs] per week) will provide significant gains in leans muscle mass and strength. For this reason, it also tens to produce less sides. Again, this is only at 1 amp per week, or 1 amp every four days.
    YOU have to be JOKING.. test is test and infact sustanon is utilized for trt protocols and not bodybuilding regiments.

    the multiple esters cause more fluctuations in blood levels in most cases where as a single ester are much easier to manipulate.

  6. #6
    MrTAME's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Boss
    Sustanon is fantastic, simply misunderstood. Mg for Mg, it is perhaps the most effective testosterone, as even lower dosages(1 amp[250mgs] per week) will provide significant gains in leans muscle mass and strength. For this reason, it also tens to produce less sides. Again, this is only at 1 amp per week, or 1 amp every four days.

    I have to say .... Sust for the most part is garbage. why would you base a 10 week cycle with four different esters mixed into your test? 1 amp a week dude....whew...I cant agree with you at all on that.

  7. #7
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Boss
    Actually, testosterone is not testosterone.

    "Testosterone Enanthate and Testosterone Propionate produce different results, despite being exactly the same parent molecule. The only thing that renders them DIFFERENT, is the particular ESTER attatched to the testosterone molecule. It can also be said that Sustanon and Omnadren (which are now identical) produce different results altogether than the other testosterones esters. So DOES the ESTER actually affect the behavior of the molecule?

    To an large EXTENT, YES...

    This is a a subject for another article altogether, but the principle remains important for the discussion of yet ANOTHER TESTOSTERONE, that also seems to produce quite different results than all of the other esterfied testosterones....

    Let me introduce you to the PUREST, MOST POTENT, MOST POWERFUL form of testosterone in existence: TESTOSTERONE SUSPENSION .

    Testosterone suspension is PURE TESTOSTERONE suspended in a water solution. The effects of this preparation are felt almost IMMEDIATELY, as your testosterone levels SPIKE within 1-2 hour of injection. Testosterone suspension is incredibly unique, in that it is in and out of the body within 24 hours, but as we will see, this does NOT neccessarily mean more frequent injections.

    Testosterone suspension will cause an IMMEDIATE and POWERFUL increase in androgen blood levels, usually resulting in a subsequent increase in DHT and estrogen. This is why users who inject 100mgs Testosterone suspension every day for 6-8 weeks at a time, experience drastic water-retention, and in many cases, aggrivated Gyno, Hairloss and/or Acne. "
    when you CUT AND PASTE you should attribute and cite your work.

    2ndly that post is idiotic, do you really truly think im unaware of how a ester group effects a molecule?.. congrats you increased your testosterone per mg by 20% in all honesty thats pointless where as you would still get more raw testosterone from 1 ml of a 250mg/ml dosing fo testE than you would from a 100mg/ml Test suspension thus you sir are AN IDIOT.. take ur ROSS LIKE PARROTRY some where else.

  8. #8
    Merc.. is offline Steroidpedia
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    I blow up like a balloon on suspension ..


  9. #9
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Big Boss
    Yup, because ester does infact affect the behavior and function of the parent molecule.

    Most people also don't realize that by adding a Methyl group at the 17aa also changes the properties of the parent molecule alotegther. For example, Boldenone and Dianabol are identical except Dianabol contains a 17aa modification whereas Equipoise does not.
    i think anyone who has read any of the pofiles is aware of that. Also that has NO RELEVANCE whatso ever to the reasoning behind him "BLOWING UP" on suspension.. its due to the rate of aromatization.

    just for once.. stop cut'n'pasting and think before you repond.

    THE ESTER ONLY AFFECTS THE RATE OF DEGREDATION! thats it for the love of god man..

  10. #10
    Illusions's Avatar
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    holy hi-jack, lol.

    So the million dollar answer to my question is... I'll have to wait and see... unless someone else has a say in the matter?

    Either way I'm going to keep my cal intake high, it is a bulking cycle after all.

  11. #11
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Illusions
    holy hi-jack, lol.

    So the million dollar answer to my question is... I'll have to wait and see... unless someone else has a say in the matter?

    Either way I'm going to keep my cal intake high, it is a bulking cycle after all.
    PM me w/ every question you have before i have an anuerism and we will get ou squared away.
    only reason im saying this is i like your avie ><

  12. #12
    Illusions's Avatar
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    hahaha I will, thanks

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Boss

    Let's perform a thought experiment...

    Imagine for a moment that we have 4 different male test subject groups each consisting of 10 different individuals(40 men), each group of test subjects utilizing a different testosterone drug at the SAME dosage for the same duration of time:

    Group A - uses Testosterone Propionate , 500mgs per week
    Group B - uses Testosterone Enanthate , 500 mgs per week
    Group C- uses Sustanon , 500mgs per week
    Group D- uses Testosterone Suspension, 500mgs per week

    These groups will NOT have statistically consistent gains. WITHIN each group, gains will be consistent, but each group will vary tremendouly from one another. This is because NOT ALL TESTOSTERONE IS EQUAL! Not ONLY because each ester actually WEIGHS different, thereby affecting the total miligram amount of ACTIVE HORMONE, but also because of the DELIVERY pathway.

    Testosterone suspension is EXTREMELY powerful and effective, requiring only 50mgs ED for REMARKABLE gains in lean muscle mass, strength, and even muscle HARDNESS! The BIGGEST MISTAKE PEOPLE MAKE, is failing to understand that Testosterone Suspension does not need to be run at the same dosages you would run other esterfied testosterone injectables. It is simply too powerful, and in most cases will produce DRAMATIC GAINS, but also a host of side-effects. Because it is so fast acting, you will need to use an aromatase inhibitor from the very begining, and dosages should not exceed 50-100mgs MAX per day. Contrary to pupular belief, testosterone susupension's side-effects are no greater than the other esterfied testosterone injectables, and in fact, it is arguably EASIER to avoid these side-effects while using testosterone suspension. However, because testosterone suspension is so fast-acting, these side-effects will manifest themselves much more readily.

    The MYTH that Testosterone Suspension needs to be shot multiple times a day is just THAT-- a MYTH! Agovirin Depot(The ONLY human-grade testosterone Suspension) is actaully TESTOSTERONE ISOBUTYRATE, allowing ED shots or EVEN IN SOME CASES, EOD injections. This would vary tremendously based on the individual's goals. It should also be noted, that EVEN FEMALES opt to use the fast-acting effect of Testosterone Susupension in an attempt to minimize the androgenic residual effect and control blood levels more efficiently.

    Based on this new information, I have developed a series of new protocols for using Testosterone Suspension. I am currently using a Blast-Protocol, where I utilize a multi-esterfied testosterone in conjunction with Testosterone Susupension:

    Weeks 1-4: Sustanon, 250mgs
    Weeks 1-4: Testosterone Suspension, 50mgs ED
    Weeks 4-10: Sustanon, 500mgs
    Weeks 1-8: Masteron , 100mgs EOD

    Testosterone Suspension can be used effectively as a BASE, a JUMPSTART and a FINISHER. In the NEXT part of this series, I will go over each of these individual protocols, and explore the MANY uses of the great and powerful Testosterone Suspension."

    Good bye Ross!

    Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days!

  14. #14
    lookintogetbig is offline Junior Member
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  15. #15
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by lookintogetbig

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