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  1. #1
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    Test Enanthate, NPP and Dbol Cycle

    Hi All. This will be my 5th cycle, previous history cycles are 3 x 25mg dianabol a day for 8 weeks, 1 x 100mg anadrol a day for 6 weeks, and my latest one which im currently on PCT for, 750mg sus a week for 10 weeks and 50mg dbol a day for last 6 weeks (****ed up there i know!) Im currently 210lbs, around 15-17% bf, aged 19 been cycling since 16, 6ft tall. Chest 44" Arms 16". On my previous bulking cycle my diet was spot on, eating every two hours and consuming roughly a day 7000cals, 1000g carbs and 600g protein. Dont know how much fat, quite a bit, Cardio took place twice a week (boxing). Supplements that were used were weight gainer, amino acids, creatine and glutamine. Generally happy with the weight and muscle i gained from my previous cycle. However i now dont see the point in shooting multi ester test, as IMO it just sends ur blood levels up and down as in sus there is not enough of one short ester to make a noticeable difference.

    My next cycle which i plan to be a bulking/mass cycle to start 6 weeks after the last day of my current PCT will be:

    Weeks 1-10: Testosterone Enanthate (750mg/week)
    Weeks 1-10: Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (600mg/week)
    Weeks 1-6: Dianabol (50mg/day)

    Liv 52's and NAC will be taken to help the liver during cycle.

    My questions for you all are:

    1. Does my cycle look correct in your opinion?
    2. In your opinion, do you believe i will need any anti-estrogens?
    3. If so, which anti-e should i use e.g. tamoxifen , clomid, etc.
    4. NPP and test e are both oil based products rite, so they should be ok to mix in a) injection site (delts) and b) in multi-use vial?
    5. If i mix the test and npp in a multi use vial for the week, how much should i shoot a day? 1ml, 1.2ml, 1.5ml? The test e is 250mg/ml and the NPP is 100mg/ml so therefore 9ml a week, do i just divide 9 by 7 and thats the amount i shoot each day if its mixed?
    6. Will i suffer from deca -dick running NPP at 600mg/week? If so, should i lower it and what too?

    lol im sure im forgetting a question.

    Anyhow please critique my cycle and help with my questions, I know ive prob done something wrong and some of you are probably thinking god id love to do to him!

    Thankyou for your time.

    Yours in training.


  2. #2
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    why would u suffer impotence if your running an exogenous form of test?
    why would the dose of npp matter in this scenerio?
    i personally wouldnt run nolva during cycle.
    i dont see a point in running test so high, or mixing the npp and test together.

  3. #3
    Johny-too-small's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzive_T

    My questions for you all are:

    1. Does my cycle look correct in your opinion? Why not just run Deca? NNP needs to be injected EOD imo, and with deca you can just inject with the enan. If you insist on running NPP, then run it 1 week past your last enan injection. It has a shorter ester and you might as well.
    2. In your opinion, do you believe i will need any anti-estrogens? Depends on if your gyno prone...
    3. If so, which anti-e should i use e.g. tamoxifen , clomid, etc. <<< None of those. Try letro or l-dex. Nolva is a no-no with deca or npp. and clomid wont help during cycle all that much.
    4. NPP and test e are both oil based products rite, so they should be ok to mix in a) injection site (delts) and b) in multi-use vial? Yes.
    5. If i mix the test and npp in a multi use vial for the week, how much should i shoot a day? 1ml, 1.2ml, 1.5ml? The test e is 250mg/ml and the NPP is 100mg/ml so therefore 9ml a week, do i just divide 9 by 7 and thats the amount i shoot each day if its mixed? Oh, your injecting ED? Why not run Prop? Much better with NPP and less bloat...
    6. Will i suffer from deca -dick running NPP at 600mg/week? If so, should i lower it and what too? No, your test dose will keep the deca-dick away.
    Man youre young. Good luck.


  4. #4
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzive_T
    aged 19 been cycling since 16,
    Am I reading this've been juicing since you were 16....?

  5. #5
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    Am I reading this've been juicing since you were 16....?
    yeah krazy the stuff people do eh?

  6. #6
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    Am I reading this've been juicing since you were 16....?
    Yeh. I know what ur going to all say but theres reasons behind it. Did tablets for 3 years, this last cycle was my first injection one.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzive_T
    Yeh. I know what ur going to all say but theres reasons behind it.

    I wasn't gonna say anything....

    I just wanted to make sure I was understanding what you said....

    No flames wouldn't help and it's none of my business really....

  8. #8
    PEWN's Avatar
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    7000cals, 1000g carbs and 600g protein
    holy shit.....

    aged 19 been cycling since 16

    wow... youngin....

    Also any particular reason why you are running a long ester test and a short ester 19nor ?

  9. #9
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    I think i will run deca . The only prob is that deca stays active in your system for 18 months and if i want a job thats drug tested i run the risk of being caught. But in england it costs £400, (thats around 850$) to look for traces of nandrolone or look for 17cc orals.

    The deca i get is norma hellas 100mg/ml in a 2ml vial.

  10. #10
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    holy shit.....

    wow... youngin....

    Also any particular reason why you are running a long ester test and a short ester 19nor ?
    hey buddy. problem replied too in #9

  11. #11
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    can i just thankyou all for your input. It means a lot that i have people to refer to, almost look up to, that will give me guidance and advice.

  12. #12
    Dizz28's Avatar
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    I've never heard of a company doing random drug tests for steroids though. They usuall test for Recs.

  13. #13
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    the fire service and police service do in england.

  14. #14
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    oh, I don't think they do here in the states but I know some police agencies do a polygraph.

    They also do hair follicle tests alot here (for police dept.). They can detect controlled substances for up to a year after use if they test arm or leg hairs.

  15. #15
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    8000 cals 1000g carbs and 600g protein was hard to stomach at first but i grew used to it.

    I used mass-tech as my weight gainer and from that daily i got 2000cals, 300g carbs and 120g protein.

    The rest of my diet was based around oats, rice, pasta, boiled potatoes, wholemeal bread, turkey, chicken, tuna, steak, egg whites, and milk.
    Last edited by Mazzive_T; 09-04-2007 at 06:22 PM.

  16. #16
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    So my cycle now looks like:

    Weeks 1-10: Testosterone Enanthate (750mg/week)
    Weeks 2-11: Deca Durabolin (600mg/week)
    Weeks 1-6: Dianabol (50mg/day)

    My jabs will be every day, approx 107mg Test E a day, and 85.6mg a day Deca , as the 6ml deca and 3ml test e will be in a mixed vial.

    Or should i just shoot:
    Mon, wed, fri, - test e
    tue, thur, sat, sun. - deca shooting 1.5ml each time.

    wait 21 days then begin PCT.
    Last edited by Mazzive_T; 09-04-2007 at 06:11 PM.

  17. #17
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    run test longer than deca .

  18. #18
    PEWN's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazzive_T
    So my cycle now looks like:

    Weeks 1-10: Testosterone Enanthate (750mg/week)
    Weeks 2-11: Deca Durabolin (600mg/week)
    Weeks 1-6: Dianabol (50mg/day)

    My jabs will be every day, approx 107mg Test E a day, and 85.6mg a day Deca , as the 6ml deca and 3ml test e will be in a mixed vial.

    Or should i just shoot:
    Mon, wed, fri, - test e
    tue, thur, sat, sun. - deca shooting 1.5ml each time.

    wait 14 days then begin PCT.

    whoa hold up one min bud.....

    your shooting deca or npp ? which one... if you shooting npp you should shoot it ed and test twice a week...

    Do not mix them both in one big vial... keep them in there seperate vial... mix them when you suck it up in the syringe... that way you can be accurate on what you are taking....

  19. #19
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    run test longer than deca.
    Johnny too small just told me to run deca a week longer then my last test shot?

  20. #20
    PEWN's Avatar
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    johnny was refering to npp... and tai was talking about deca ... you need to specify which you are using..

  21. #21
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    whoa hold up one min bud.....

    your shooting deca or npp ? which one... if you shooting npp you should shoot it ed and test twice a week...

    Do not mix them both in one big vial... keep them in there seperate vial... mix them when you suck it up in the syringe... that way you can be accurate on what you are taking....

    ok bud i hear u. Ive decided to run deca now, its far cheaper and easier to get hold of. so the 600mg a week dosage is ok? when should i shoot? is the jab times i suggested ok?

    Mon, wed, fri, - test e
    tue, thur, sat, sun. - deca shooting 1.5ml each time

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    johnny was refering to npp... and tai was talking about deca... you need to specify which you are using..
    your quite right. apologies. Im intending to run deca now.

  23. #23
    PEWN's Avatar
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    run test two weeks longer than deca ... shoot e3d or twice a week....

  24. #24
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    Weeks 1-10: Testosterone Enanthate (750mg/week)
    Weeks 1-8: Nandrolone Decanoate (600mg/week)
    Weeks 1-6: Dianabol (50mg/day)


    Mon, wed, fri, - test e
    tue, thur, sat, sun. - deca shooting 1.5ml each time

    that look ok to everyone?

  25. #25
    PEWN's Avatar
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    not understanding you injection methods....

    shoot test e and deca together in the same syringe...

  26. #26
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    theres 9ml to be injected though over a 7 day period. And you shouldnt inject more then 2ml a time should you?

    So how do you suggest i do it? Could you break it down into daily amounts please?

    also if i frontload how will this affect it? cos thatd mean my first shot would be 2ml test and 2ml deca if i frontload?

    sorry to be a pain bro. and thanks for replying.

  27. #27
    PEWN's Avatar
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    you could inject eod ..

  28. #28
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    that would put you where you wnt to be ... with only injecting 2 ml at a time...

  29. #29
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    no cos that means per 14 days there would be 14ml. And its 9ml a week so it would need to be 18ml. So the only option i guess would be injecting ed, and alternate left and right glute and left and right delt.

  30. #30
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    alright i wasnt paying attention here i will break it down for you....

    assuming its 250mg/ml test and 200mg/ml deca ....

    1ml test and 1 ml deca = 2ml total 1ml test 250mg and 1ml deca 200mg do this eod you 750mg test and 600 mg deca after 6 days....

  31. #31
    Mazzive_T's Avatar
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    no its 100mg/ml deca .

  32. #32
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    well that makes a diff.... inject 3ml then... i do that all the time... 1 ml test and 2 ml deca and you should be peachy..

  33. #33
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    or i could split it 1.5ml in each cheek or delt, 3 times a week. Mon, wed, fri! that sound ok?

  34. #34
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    sure ... sounds good ... good luck with you cycle.... and make sure you get you diet and pct correct..

  35. #35
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    so its 3ml, 3 times a week.

    1.5ml in left delt, 1.5ml in right delt every mon, wed fri.

    what about frontloading? Do i just do 500mg test (2ml) and 200mg deca (2ml) for my first shot then?

  36. #36
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    will do buddy. and thanks for all your help.

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