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  1. #1
    Okiman is offline New Member
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    Anybody like me here that can help?

    I posted this in the over 30's forum a few days ago but got no response,so I thought I'd try here.
    I'm 42 and have been training on and off since I was 16.
    About 6 yrs ago I tried AAS for the first time. Due to finances (which haven't improved) I only did some short Deca dbol and later fina cycles. Although I gained some size I lost it all post cycle. I feel that it was mainly water retention from the dbol. I got the impression that after so many years of hard training that my body is really at it's limit.I feel that the only viable option would be Growth Hormone which would actually increase the amount of muscle cells I have so I could go on progressing. GH is beyond my budget though and I'm concerned about the protruding gut that you see on so many BB today, I prefer the small waists of the 80's.
    Can anyone with similar age and experience as myself give some advice as to what to do? There seem to be a lot more new substances being talked about now as to when I last checked out the boards.
    My stats are: age=42 ,wt=170,ht=5'7 ,Chest=44 ,Waist=31,Bicep=16 ,wrist=7.5 ,bf=9%

    My goal was always to reach 18-inch arms with the corresponding weight and size increases. Is that too much to hope for at my age?
    Appreciate any helpful comments.

  2. #2
    dupa95's Avatar
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    I would keep your cycle simple. One or two compounds.You will have to research wich are right for you. read read read

  3. #3
    dank1970's Avatar
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    I would add a good amount of test for sure if I were you and make sure you have a good pct or you most likely will lose your gains post cycle.

  4. #4
    pr0digy9daniel is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Okiman
    I posted this in the over 30's forum a few days ago but got no response,so I thought I'd try here.
    I'm 42 and have been training on and off since I was 16.
    About 6 yrs ago I tried AAS for the first time. Due to finances (which haven't improved) I only did some short Deca dbol and later fina cycles. Although I gained some size I lost it all post cycle. I feel that it was mainly water retention from the dbol. I got the impression that after so many years of hard training that my body is really at it's limit.I feel that the only viable option would be Growth Hormone which would actually increase the amount of muscle cells I have so I could go on progressing. GH is beyond my budget though and I'm concerned about the protruding gut that you see on so many BB today, I prefer the small waists of the 80's.
    Can anyone with similar age and experience as myself give some advice as to what to do? There seem to be a lot more new substances being talked about now as to when I last checked out the boards.
    My stats are: age=42 ,wt=170,ht=5'7 ,Chest=44 ,Waist=31,Bicep=16 ,wrist=7.5 ,bf=9%

    My goal was always to reach 18-inch arms with the corresponding weight and size increases. Is that too much to hope for at my age?
    Appreciate any helpful comments.
    Well, firstly, I would learn how to cycle properly before using Growth Hormone... A deca/dbol cycle? A fina cycle? Are you joking?

  5. #5
    Geeezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pr0digy9daniel
    Well, firstly, I would learn how to cycle properly before using Growth Hormone... A deca/dbol cycle? A fina cycle? Are you joking?
    I think that is Y he is asking ...

    Test Is best. TEST E
    500 a week ... 8 weeks, 10 weeks, 12 weeks, all good
    250 on Monday 250 on Thursday..Could also run some var though out the cycle 50 mg a day
    Or Winny for the last 4 weeks of your cycle.

    PCT Take a look at this link.
    There is so many Recomendations to pick from now adays.
    Good Lock,Bro

  6. #6
    Geeezer's Avatar
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    Important,this Is A No Flame Policy Board..

    listen up guys i know some of the newbs can be a tad on the irritating side and think they know everything but still ask what some of you ''MAY'' think stupid questions....
    well they may well be stupid to you but they are not to them,they are here to learn so stop the flamings please...........
    ok so most do not use the search button but still we are/you are here to help them so dont jump all over them.......
    if a newb gets shirty because he dosent want to hear what hes being told then stop posting in the thread and pm an admin or a mod thats around or just pm me and i will sort it as soon as i can,i will not ignore the pms.........
    theres more and more flaming going on here as each day goes by,
    i would like the vets/monitors to please try an avert this if they see it happening.....lets keep this board a good one.....
    help the newbs and if they are beyond helping then leave them be and pm a mod.............
    cheers guys n gals.........

  7. #7
    customworksking's Avatar
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    1st diet then Test-e ......without a good diet your not going to get anywhere

  8. #8
    Idunno is offline Banned
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    diet, test E.. at your age I'd prolly got for 600mg/week instead of the normally suggested 400-500 since you'll have reduced natural test levels compared to teh 20-30-somthings who are starting with 500mg/week.. that's jusmy $.02. that and a good PCT should get you decent gains that you can keep.l

  9. #9
    Okiman is offline New Member
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    Thank you for the replies.Even the negative one.When it comes to experience in lifting and BB I probably have a great deal more than most of you.Having been training since 1980 before some of you were born.So you don't have to mention diet as I'm well aware of it's importance.But when it comes to drugs I'm not a pharmacist as some of you seem to be.Before I put anything in my body however I make certain of what I'm doing.I never considered the artificial route before until I was in my late 30's ,by which time I had decided I wasn't going to reach my goals naturally.I wonder how long it took some of you before you went the easy way?
    Anyway,Test and Oxandrolone were what I was thinking,so that's been confirmed,I can get both in powder form from China.Problem is there's no way to get pins here.With HGH kits there doesn't seem to be a problem with customs.I've heard of people being searched at customs here in Japan where the officers just laughed when they found the vials and returned them to the bags but then confiscated the pins!

  10. #10
    Njord's Avatar
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    I don't see any mention of pct (post cycle therapy ) in any of your posts. If you are not doing your pct properly, it probably is a good indication of why you have been loosing your gains post cycle.
    Study up on pct and diet in the forums available here. There is no reason why you can't reach your goals if your training, diet and cycle/pct is dialed in.
    Forget about hgh. Too expensive, and need to be ran at high doses to achive similar results as AAS (and you still need slin needles).
    For needles, order them online, or have someone you know mail them to you (assuming APO mailing system).
    A basic 500mg/week Test cycle would do wonders for you, even at your old, old age of 42 (what a geezer).

  11. #11
    Okiman is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Njord
    I don't see any mention of pct (post cycle therapy ) in any of your posts. If you are not doing your pct properly, it probably is a good indication of why you have been loosing your gains post cycle.
    Study up on pct and diet in the forums available here. There is no reason why you can't reach your goals if your training, diet and cycle/pct is dialed in.
    Forget about hgh. Too expensive, and need to be ran at high doses to achive similar results as AAS (and you still need slin needles).
    For needles, order them online, or have someone you know mail them to you (assuming APO mailing system).
    A basic 500mg/week Test cycle would do wonders for you, even at your old, old age of 42 (what a geezer).
    I didn't bother to metion pct as I thought it was a no brainer.I did run only short cycles with relatively low dosages.At the time it was being promoted by one of the 'top' writers on AAS.As I said though I can't receive pins through customs.If you meant online sources in Japan then I've never been able to find one.I can't type 'kanji'.If there is anyone else on this board in Japan maybe they could help?
    What I find attractive about HGH is its ability to build NEW muscle fibres.This would allow me to go on making progress 'naturally'.And no I'm not a Yank I'm a Brit

  12. #12
    RA's Avatar
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    I would do a minimum of 12 weeks test e or cyp, kicking it off with some dbol .

  13. #13
    Stock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roidattack
    I would do a minimum of 12 weeks test e or cyp, kicking it off with some dbol.
    If you cant grow on that, then you might as well give up the gear.

  14. #14
    taiboxa's Avatar
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Stock
    If you cant grow on that, then you might as well give up the gear.
    welp if thats the case who wants my leftovers?!

    Anyways that is true.. a test/dbol cycle would be ideal to familiarize yourself w/ proper aas usage.

  15. #15
    Maldorf's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Okiman
    I didn't bother to metion pct as I thought it was a no brainer.I did run only short cycles with relatively low dosages.At the time it was being promoted by one of the 'top' writers on AAS.As I said though I can't receive pins through customs.If you meant online sources in Japan then I've never been able to find one.I can't type 'kanji'.If there is anyone else on this board in Japan maybe they could help?
    What I find attractive about HGH is its ability to build NEW muscle fibres.This would allow me to go on making progress 'naturally'.And no I'm not a Yank I'm a Brit
    I wouldnt mess with GH if I were you, especially since you have limited funds. It does not produce the kind of growth that AAS can. Main thing you will notcie is the ability to stay lean. I would just run some good courses of AAS and stick with that. I am also thinking at your age you could see a doctor about getting on HRT, you might qualify for it possibly. I am 37 years old now and for the first time I dont plan on doing PCT anymore. I am just going to cruise from now on. My normal levels just dont seem to be enough to maintain what I have for prolonged periods of time when off. When I was younger I could do it though.

  16. #16
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
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    First of all I didn't like people giving you crap about your cycles JUST BECAUSE they found this site LAST WEEK and now know a better way of cycling. Second thing is don't go calling steroids the easy way. Nothing is free. Some pay more so than others but if you think steroids are the easy way you have it all wrong. You're gonna hurt more, work harder, feel sick, and because of that grow. If you don't have much money don't mess with GH. IGF is an option for you ONCE you know how to run your anabolics. At your age your Test levels are so low you may want to consider administering your own HRT (hormone replacement therapy). Someone mentioned you needing more Test at your age because of your natural levels but once you start injecting test it doesn't make a difference how much natural test you HAD because you now have next to nothing, point being 500mg/week is just fine for you. Depending on your overall goal I wouldn't personally use Anavar . It's expensive for the results you get. Some like D-bol but if you are really having trouble putting on size I'd say go for Anadrol , or if you want to be more conservative then Turinabol . You have to research and pick for yourself. Learn about proper PCT (post cycle therapy ) if you don't plan on staying on test. At your age I would stay on test as HRT as mentioned above. EAT! If you don't eat with this stuff your not gonna grow.

  17. #17
    2bshredded's Avatar
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    All good info. in the above posts.
    I'm 47 and did my first cycle last year Test and Eq., if I was to do it over I would have used Deca's not to say that I didn't good results becasue I did. I think the Deca would have given me more size for that 1st cycle.
    At 47 I'm not ready for HRT, if you don't need it don't go there. IMO

  18. #18
    Okiman is offline New Member
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    If I were to go on Test E injection of about 300mg each week indefinaetly, what would be the likely result?

  19. #19
    plzr8's Avatar
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    what you are describing would be a very high dosed HRT program...

    at your age, HRT might be a good option but at a lower dose...i'de consult your doctor, get tested, and try to get a script

  20. #20
    Okiman is offline New Member
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    I already saw a doctor and he said my level is normal,but when I checked with others online it was slightly low.I'm in Japan and their men aren't known for having much in the 'Test' department!I don't think I could find a doc here who would put me on.

  21. #21
    sincere81oo0 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Okiman
    I posted this in the over 30's forum a few days ago but got no response,so I thought I'd try here.
    I'm 42 and have been training on and off since I was 16.
    About 6 yrs ago I tried AAS for the first time. Due to finances (which haven't improved) I only did some short Deca dbol and later fina cycles. Although I gained some size I lost it all post cycle. I feel that it was mainly water retention from the dbol. I got the impression that after so many years of hard training that my body is really at it's limit.I feel that the only viable option would be Growth Hormone which would actually increase the amount of muscle cells I have so I could go on progressing. GH is beyond my budget though and I'm concerned about the protruding gut that you see on so many BB today, I prefer the small waists of the 80's.
    Can anyone with similar age and experience as myself give some advice as to what to do? There seem to be a lot more new substances being talked about now as to when I last checked out the boards.
    My stats are: age=42 ,wt=170,ht=5'7 ,Chest=44 ,Waist=31,Bicep=16 ,wrist=7.5 ,bf=9%

    My goal was always to reach 18-inch arms with the corresponding weight and size increases. Is that too much to hope for at my age?
    Appreciate any helpful comments.

    if you just want to put on size try a test/deca stack maybe with some orals the first 4 weeks to kick start it... some var/drol/dbol one of these will suffice. you lost everything because you didnt pct correctlly. if you did you would have kept atleast something. your pct is just as important as the cycle. research pct to see whats best for that stack.. or ask me if you want

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