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  1. #1
    BrightShadow is offline New Member
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    Steroids, yes or no?


    I'm 18 years old, 175cm tall and my weight is 62kg, so I look like a "lollipop"(megahead with tiny body). This is why I decided to modify my body to get some normal look.The problem is that food doesn't help me since in my genes says "you are going to be skinny-boy whole your life".

    To solve a problem I first tried with food but didn't help since my metabolism is like at earthworm's.

    So next step was to try with modifying the body with fitness.Some gorilla guys said me that I have to eat lots of carbohydrates(200g/day) and proteins(300g/day) - all from food.I've been torturing with this for a month and the only thing which was done was populated toilette...I mean wtf?6 rations per a day, every day eating same get crazy..this is harder than a diet i think.

    The next idea was to mild this "animal feeding" somehow because eating every 3 hours was just too disturbing!So I still wanted to get the same amount of carbohydrates and proteins in my body but not with normal food, but ONLY with food addition (Protein powders...).I almost bought a truck of them when friend said:"Dude, you can't build only with food additions.."

    Are steroids my only hope?Because really want to get a rid of ollipop looking, to bring some mass around neck and shoulders....I can't wait...Im so desperate, help.

    thank you

    Anonime, 18

  2. #2
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    ... No they are not for you. If you can't eat then you won't keep the mass you gain from steroids . Not only that you risk wrecking havoc on your natural test production from taking steroids at such a young age. If you cannot deal with the 6 rations a day then you are going to stay skinny. Your buddy is right you cannot gain mass from just adding a protein shake here and there. If you are very skinny you do not have to eat 300gprotein 200g carbs. Try something less. Also the 6 rations a day are supposed to be smaller than a regular meal that you are most likely used to eating. You don't eat 1000 calories at each meal, more like 500.
    Last edited by Renesis; 09-11-2007 at 01:44 PM.

  3. #3
    Live4thePump's Avatar
    Live4thePump is offline Associate Member
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    Dude, you're 18! Enough said. If you can't even put down the food to make you grow, you definitely ain't ready for gear. Sounds to me like you need to try harder.

  4. #4
    longhorn814's Avatar
    longhorn814 is offline Anabolic Member
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    steroids are not magic have to learn how to eat 6-8 times a day if you wanna grow big with or without steroids. After a while, you will get to the point where you will be hungry every 2-3 hours and you have to eat. Building muscle is something that doesnt come easily. Sure you can use a protein drink for a couple of your meals, but most of your nutrients should come from food if possible. Steroids at your age and stats are a terrible idea. You are still very young and have lots of growing to do both physically and mentally. Read will show you how you have to eat to grow

    if you cant do it, then I guess you'll have to learn to accept to be a lollipop!! It all comes down to how badly you want it, but there are no short cuts in this game!

  5. #5
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    We all have to start somewhere. I was 6'3" tall at 155lbs when I started, twenty years ago. I'm still 6'3", but my weight stays around 210 to 220lbs. It doesn't happen overnight. I've tried every supplement available looking for that holy grail, when I realized that the most anabolic substance was right in front of me: Food. You've got to eat to grow period.
    Good luck,

  6. #6
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    And you still have a lot of growing to do. I think I grew more from 20 - 23 than I did from 16 - 19

  7. #7
    canyonbyker's Avatar
    canyonbyker is offline Associate Member
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    18 years old? No!

  8. #8
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    LOL if you think FOOD isnt going to help.. then STEROIDS will be the biggest dissapointment of your life..
    if you cant eat to gain a NORMAL physique natty how are you going to eat to support the gains you acquire through aas? just be a big ass yoyo and burn a whole in ur wallet.

  9. #9
    billybambam's Avatar
    billybambam is offline Banned
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    If all you are wanting to do it just to gain size, then NO, don't do it. Learn to eat. Now in some situations, (Such as mine was). I was about to begin playing College Ball, and needed AAS. My diet was already in check, and had been for some time. I was wei***ng 190lbs. before 2-a-days started, by the first game of season I was 228lbs Hard, running a 4.3 - 40.
    So see... I needed to, and I don't regret it one bit. I was also under a trainers care.
    Get your Diet in check, and a good training reg. down. Give it atleast 1 year of doing it right, and if you are still wanting to use AAS, then go from there.
    But don't just jump into shooting Juice thinking you'll get huge.... doesn't work like that.

  10. #10
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox
    We all have to start somewhere. I was 6'3" tall at 155lbs when I started, twenty years ago. I'm still 6'3", but my weight stays around 210 to 220lbs. It doesn't happen overnight. I've tried every supplement available looking for that holy grail, when I realized that the most anabolic substance was right in front of me: Food. You've got to eat to grow period.
    Good luck,
    perfectly stated

  11. #11
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    if u have ask whether or not your ready to use steroids , then the answer is no everytime, for a myriad of reasons

  12. #12
    BrightShadow is offline New Member
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    Ok.I won't use them because I don't want to regret.

    But is there some other substance to pump me up just a bit, at least to raise my confidence a little...(like creatine?)


  13. #13
    Ir0n's Avatar
    Ir0n is offline Associate Member
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    My advice is to get your diet in check. Try to eat at least 3 meals a day and cab/prot drinks in between if you can't stick with eating every 2 ,3 hours.

    Worked for me when i was lazy in eating.

  14. #14
    Booz's Avatar
    Booz is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    E London,no SOURCES given
    i commend the members in here for not flaming the newb...........

    Remember.............for us to help you you need to help us....................stats and exp.........

    Source checks and Ugl's to be kept to PM's
    dont ask for source checks unless you have 100 posts/and 45 days minimum as a participating member.........

    Booz.. a long-standing member of the AR Police:

    sorry but absolutely no sources will be checked at this present time....

  15. #15
    powerliftmike's Avatar
    powerliftmike is offline ~Elite AR-Hall of Famer~
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    Squats and peanut butter!! lots of both!

  16. #16
    customworksking's Avatar
    customworksking is offline Associate Member
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    18 freaking 18 big no,no....

  17. #17
    BrightShadow is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by powerliftmike
    Squats and peanut butter!! lots of both!
    I hope this works cus it sounds good.

  18. #18
    39+1 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrightShadow

    I'm 18 years old, 175cm tall and my weight is 62kg, so I look like a "lollipop"(megahead with tiny body). This is why I decided to modify my body to get some normal look.The problem is that food doesn't help me since in my genes says "you are going to be skinny-boy whole your life".

    To solve a problem I first tried with food but didn't help since my metabolism is like at earthworm's.

    So next step was to try with modifying the body with fitness.Some gorilla guys said me that I have to eat lots of carbohydrates(200g/day) and proteins(300g/day) - all from food.I've been torturing with this for a month and the only thing which was done was populated toilette...I mean wtf?6 rations per a day, every day eating same get crazy..this is harder than a diet i think.

    The next idea was to mild this "animal feeding" somehow because eating every 3 hours was just too disturbing!So I still wanted to get the same amount of carbohydrates and proteins in my body but not with normal food, but ONLY with food addition (Protein powders...).I almost bought a truck of them when friend said:"Dude, you can't build only with food additions.."

    Are steroids my only hope?Because really want to get a rid of ollipop looking, to bring some mass around neck and shoulders....I can't wait...Im so desperate, help.

    thank you

    Anonime, 18
    No, stop, wait, think, get some composure and quit looking at other people and comparing yourself. grow up first Stay in school, work hard and use your brain dam it.
    Be a thinker and not a stinker ( creed).

  19. #19
    AandF6969's Avatar
    AandF6969 is offline Made Up Of Wires
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrightShadow
    Ok.I won't use them because I don't want to regret.

    But is there some other substance to pump me up just a bit, at least to raise my confidence a little...(like creatine?)


    You're not eating enough.. plain and simple. Spend time in the diet forum.

    You can't build a house without bricks (calories) no matter how fast your workers work (AAS). Steroids can't replace food... you need calories wether or not you're using roids.

    Muscle doesn't come from thin air. It needs raw materials to build.
    Last edited by AandF6969; 09-12-2007 at 02:00 PM.

  20. #20
    Ir0n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969

    You're not eating enough.. plain and simple. Spend time in the diet forum.

    You can't build a house without bricks (calories) no matter how fast your workers work (AAS). Steroids can't replace food... you need calories wether or not you're using roids.

    Muscle doesn't come from thin air. It needs raw materials to build.
    Thats a really nice way to put it!

  21. #21
    Ir0n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969

    You're not eating enough.. plain and simple. Spend time in the diet forum.

    You can't build a house without bricks (calories) no matter how fast your workers work (AAS). Steroids can't replace food... you need calories wether or not you're using roids.

    Muscle doesn't come from thin air. It needs raw materials to build.
    Thats a really nice way to put it!

  22. #22
    Ir0n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AandF6969

    You're not eating enough.. plain and simple. Spend time in the diet forum.

    You can't build a house without bricks (calories) no matter how fast your workers work (AAS). Steroids can't replace food... you need calories wether or not you're using roids.

    Muscle doesn't come from thin air. It needs raw materials to build.
    Thats a really nice way to put it!

  23. #23
    YOKED's Avatar
    YOKED is offline New Member
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    NO! Workout till your 30, then hit it!

  24. #24
    BrightShadow is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by YOKED
    NO! Workout till your 30, then hit it!
    Hehe dude, I don't want to be a rambo, just want to bring normal look to my body, nothing else.

    -I'd like to know how healthy peanut butter is?Can you get high cholesterol, heart, circulation problems?
    Last edited by BrightShadow; 09-13-2007 at 09:51 AM.

  25. #25
    Renesis's Avatar
    Renesis is offline Anabolic Member
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    So long as it is natural peanut butter your ok. Seriously though don't expect peanut butter to be your savior. Get to the diet forum and go figure out what you need to eat.

  26. #26
    BrightShadow is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Renesis
    So long as it is natural peanut butter your ok. Seriously though don't expect peanut butter to be your savior.
    Maybe not but it should be great gainer since it's energy ratio is big.

    Here is what I got about diet:
    -100g of oat flakes
    -3x75 portions of rice
    -250g of cottage cheese
    -350g of meet(turkey, chicken...)
    -4 whole eggs
    (-100g of peanut butter -I would like to see this as substitution for smth rather than addition)

  27. #27
    abarton02 is offline New Member
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    18 on the gas LOL idiots

  28. #28
    kj101 is offline Junior Member
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    Yeah. Way too young and inexperienced. The good thing is your natural test levels are gonna be higher because you are so young and your body is naturally still growing. You can make some tremendous gaines naturally! You got years of gaining ahead of you naturally. I started lifting at age 13, was skinny as a rail, and didn't juice until age 25. And I'm happy with how stayed natural, because the gaines I made were easier to hold onto. Blah blah blah I'm rambling. Anyway. Just eat, eat, and eat. Don't overtrain. Don't worry too much about counting calories and nutrients. Just make sure you get enough of nutrients. Good luck.

  29. #29
    S431M7 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrightShadow

    I'm 18 years old, 175cm tall and my weight is 62kg, so I look like a "lollipop"(megahead with tiny body). This is why I decided to modify my body to get some normal look.The problem is that food doesn't help me since in my genes says "you are going to be skinny-boy whole your life".

    To solve a problem I first tried with food but didn't help since my metabolism is like at earthworm's.

    So next step was to try with modifying the body with fitness.Some gorilla guys said me that I have to eat lots of carbohydrates(200g/day) and proteins(300g/day) - all from food.I've been torturing with this for a month and the only thing which was done was populated toilette...I mean wtf?6 rations per a day, every day eating same get crazy..this is harder than a diet i think.

    The next idea was to mild this "animal feeding" somehow because eating every 3 hours was just too disturbing!So I still wanted to get the same amount of carbohydrates and proteins in my body but not with normal food, but ONLY with food addition (Protein powders...).I almost bought a truck of them when friend said:"Dude, you can't build only with food additions.."

    Are steroids my only hope?Because really want to get a rid of ollipop looking, to bring some mass around neck and shoulders....I can't wait...Im so desperate, help.

    thank you

    Anonime, 18
    My answer is NO, It ain't worth it, been there done that.

  30. #30
    soulstealer's Avatar
    soulstealer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrightShadow

    I'm 18 years old, 175cm tall and my weight is 62kg, so I look like a "lollipop"(megahead with tiny body). This is why I decided to modify my body to get some normal look.The problem is that food doesn't help me since in my genes says "you are going to be skinny-boy whole your life".

    To solve a problem I first tried with food but didn't help since my metabolism is like at earthworm's.

    So next step was to try with modifying the body with fitness.Some gorilla guys said me that I have to eat lots of carbohydrates(200g/day) and proteins(300g/day) - all from food.I've been torturing with this for a month and the only thing which was done was populated toilette...I mean wtf?6 rations per a day, every day eating same get crazy..this is harder than a diet i think.

    The next idea was to mild this "animal feeding" somehow because eating every 3 hours was just too disturbing!So I still wanted to get the same amount of carbohydrates and proteins in my body but not with normal food, but ONLY with food addition (Protein powders...).I almost bought a truck of them when friend said:"Dude, you can't build only with food additions.."

    Are steroids my only hope?Because really want to get a rid of ollipop looking, to bring some mass around neck and shoulders....I can't wait...Im so desperate, help.

    thank you

    Anonime, 18
    First of all dude IF your not goona eat because awww "its too hard" then give up trying to get big and go take up table tennis what the hell do you think your body uses for building blocks? what makes muscle and fat? food.... Steroids make you more efficient at using the FOOD Now I know what your thinking ooh then I will gain w/o eating so much NO!!! you have to be gaining weight without them to gain weight with them!!!! Period end of story besides that your 18 dont be one of these guys in there late 20's with a test lvl of 190 so NO not a good Idea at all If you listen to anything anyone here is trying to tell you its EAT MORE FOOD UNTIL YOUR WEIGHT STARTS TO GO UP AND THEN KEEP EATING UNTIL YOU GET TOO MUCH FAT ON YOUR BODY THEN DONT EAT SO MUCH and that my friend is the holy grail of gaining weight.

    Everything posted here is for your own good to help you dont think you know more than these people right now you dont...

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