11-02-2001, 05:25 PM #1Female Member
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What has been the biggest mistake you've made in regards to AS...
Whether it be you started too young...didn't research enough...injected in the wrong place (no need to say where) etc.
I think people can learn just as much, if not more, from mistakes as they can successes so i'd like as many replies as possible. Thanks.What happens here, stays here
11-02-2001, 05:27 PM #2
Thinking about the injection too much. If you sit there and keep rethinking "Am i doing this right?" "Is this the upper outer quadrant?"
Just shut up and shoot, because when you think too much, that's when you screw up. This post should be filled to the max by the end of the night. Good thinkin Primo.
11-02-2001, 05:31 PM #3
Had 10cc of blood drained out of my leg one time from bad injection, injected shoulders after workout well they were still pumped, and juice came shoting back out. Few other's but nothing "life or death" sometimes i do too much reseach on what to take etc.. and drive myself crazy.
11-02-2001, 05:42 PM #4
deca only cycle
or maybe it was that o-ring incident...
11-02-2001, 05:47 PM #5Anabolic Member
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starting.now i'll never stop
11-02-2001, 06:09 PM #6
I would have to say starting way too young. My best friend's middle school football coach gave us gear at 13 years old. My second biggest regret after that would have to be running dbol only cycles cause I was uneducated.
11-02-2001, 06:12 PM #7The Iron Game Guest
I have to say my biggest mistake was not being open minded enough which led me to saying on more than one occassion some rediculous things about dnp , lasix, insulin , t3, anadrol etc. Now I've tried them and most other things I can see how my closed mind limited myself and knowledge. Theory is all well and good but until you try things you cannot really talk about ideas, medications and suggestions in the same light.
11-02-2001, 06:20 PM #8
Not knowing about clomid!!!!!!!!! CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!
11-02-2001, 06:52 PM #9
injecting anything before i discovered AAS discussion boards
11-02-2001, 07:02 PM #10Junior Member
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getting scammed...
trusting source with too much cash at once...
11-02-2001, 07:07 PM #11
No regrets really. I fucked up before but not really stuff I could have done much about - like hitting a blood vessel and having a big ass painful lump for days.
11-02-2001, 08:06 PM #12
my first cycle was completely unresearched. i used winny only. i got good results, but it could have been much better if i had stacked it.
11-02-2001, 09:08 PM #13
ijecting improperly. pain, pain, unnecssary pain!
11-02-2001, 09:09 PM #14
worst mistake
Useing Anadrol 50 for my first cycle, and by itself at that. I did not know much about it at the time other than I wanted to get big. I gained about 25 lbs. ,and alot of strength, but lost half the weight, and strength.
11-03-2001, 02:07 AM #15New Member
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Using to much orals and orals only in the beginning cuz Iwas afraid of the needles!
Don´t be afraid of the needles!
11-03-2001, 10:45 AM #16
not enough research. I don't seem to ever stop learning!
11-03-2001, 11:52 AM #17Ranger Guest
A long, long time ago...in a far away place....a 15 year old no-it-all used a 14 guage pin to inject 50mg's of EQ once per week with dreams of getting huge....
End result=A sore ass, infection, needle phobia...etc.
Positive notes=read, researched, didn't ever use a 14 guage pin again, didn't inject in Dad's barn where he would be caught week 5(a blessing actually)....Found out, with experience, and knowledge of your own body comes the gains....
This person still learns everyday, still makes error's and has mis-haps....BUT, not as frequently as it once was....
Wonder who this " Old Timer " could be...??? *wink*
11-03-2001, 12:42 PM #18
my mistake was doing my first cycle without doing any research. a friend of mine who had done a few cycles already planned out everything from the dosages to when we were gonna inject. it didnt end up to be too bad, it was a good stack of decca and sust but i had no idea at that time. from then on i wouldnt inject anything or even think about it before reading anabolics 2000, the profiles on this site and most importantly everyones posts on this message board. so thanks for everyone who is posting, i have really learned a lot from you!!!
11-03-2001, 01:09 PM #19Originally posted by baby mac
My best friend's middle school football coach gave us gear at 13 years old.
I've only done one cycle so far....I kinda wish I thought about doing this earlier (I'm 34).
11-03-2001, 01:22 PM #20RETIRED VET R.I.P.
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I took roids for a long time before I knew what they really did or even knew what clomid or nolvadex is! I am glad I found the boards!
Also juicing for years without taking hardly any breaks!
11-03-2001, 03:42 PM #21New Member
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I have 3 so far: 1) Not finding out about this board earlier in life 2) Not starting AS earlier and finally the biggest to date is beginning a cycle and not having ALL of the gear to finish it. I thought "hell I have ten weeks to get the rest" and then our country went to shit!
11-03-2001, 03:57 PM #22Originally posted by Pete235
I've only done one cycle so far....I kinda wish I thought about doing this earlier (I'm 34).
11-03-2001, 04:21 PM #23
Worst mistake was I spent $410 on a bottle of test and 1 bottle of Deca ...I trusted this guy and he SCREWED me on prices...Oh well you live and you learn.
11-03-2001, 04:59 PM #24
My biggest mistake has been to trust a big Gorilla to get my gear for me...
which I still haven't got. 2nd was to start my cycle down in TJ without having all my gear - which has now not allowed me to start my cycle the way I would have liked. 3rd was trusting the big Gorilla that it would be here in time knowing that I will be needing gear on hand the following week. Now I will probably have to make trips down to TJ till my shit gets here. Never trust anyone- don't start your cycle without having everything! I don't like GOrilla's all that much anymore.
11-03-2001, 08:14 PM #25
My first cycle was Primobolan only and at just 200mg/wk! Well not dangerous, but if I had this board back then.....well....
11-04-2001, 12:42 AM #26Junior Member
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Dropping a grand on test cyp to make some money only to have it stolen in my hotel room in TJ
11-04-2001, 12:51 AM #27
You had some bad Karma on that one bro - what you do to deserve that?
Originally posted by tackle78
Dropping a grand on test cyp to make some money only to have it stolen in my hotel room in TJ
That sucks..._SOLID
11-04-2001, 12:57 AM #28Junior Member
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Yeah, my so called "friend" made a deal with the pharmacist after I left that he'd give it back and hook him up with a prescription from his dr. friend in Tucson. That was my last time with roids and I am just wanting to start a cycle. So I have been very cautious.
11-04-2001, 05:47 AM #29The original jason Guest
well I researched pretty well and long so I dont have any regrets about that my main one is not starting getting into this shit when I was younger and waisting half my life on rec drugs although i dont really regret that cos it made me what I am today by having that experience then
11-04-2001, 08:05 AM #30
Definitely my worst mistake was starting a cycle before having all the gear in.......
Actually, an even worse mistake was doing it again for a second time!!!!
11-04-2001, 08:34 AM #31Female Member
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Mine had to be using Fina. Had I known what it was I never would have. Luckliy I did such small amounts, that I had no sides. I'm older and wiser now.
11-10-2001, 01:47 PM #32Originally posted by Latgirl
Mine had to be using Fina. Had I known what it was I never would have. Luckliy I did such small amounts, that I had no sides. I'm older and wiser now.
11-10-2001, 02:05 PM #33
i have no regrets...on contrary to most i wish i had started back in the summer goin into my senior year. Alot of my buddies on my team did and they 20lbs+ all got d-1a rides .... i have taken a nightmare bus to get where i am today because i hated gear...I looked at it as cheating. I havent grown since hs and am totaly happy with my frame staying where it is. I think in my case i would have been better off starting early.
11-10-2001, 02:44 PM #34The Iron Game GuestOriginally posted by EmptyWallet
Why didnt you like fina?
11-10-2001, 03:13 PM #35Associate Member
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worst mistake was using 250mg of test/week....grew hair on my chest but nothing else happened, I was 18.
11-10-2001, 03:42 PM #36soul shaker Guest
getting a great 1st cycle together (6000mg test enanthate , 1500mg winstrol - it was my first cyle, 20yrs. old), transforming my body with a sick diet, and ending with no clomid. lost half of what i gained, got really fat, and depressed. the good part, found a board, learned about clomid and nolvadex , came back the next summer 25 pounds heavier and 4 percent bodyfat lower.
11-10-2001, 04:03 PM #37
I'd have to say I have a few.the first one being that the first cycle I did,I didnt know a thing about as except I wanted to get huge,and took anadrol 50's alone.I blew up like a baloon,lost every bit of my gains and really didnt get a thing out of it except looking bloated.the second(and worst)is going down to mexico,buying about $2000 worth of gear,having a buddy's girlfriend totally blow it for us,getting busted and having to not only fork over $5000,but watch all the asshole customs guys talk about how great deca and sus and winstol was,knowing all the while I just bought half the customs agents thier next cycles and third would be not starting sooner becauseI've never been happier with myself or my body in my life,its been a totally positive experience so far and I've actually made some of the best friends I've got through hooking up and talking gear...
11-10-2001, 10:51 PM #38
My biggest mistake was waiting til I was 38 before I ever did a real cycle. My second mistake was doing a 100mg of deca every other week for 6 shots in 1983 when I was 19. Got decent gains but I started too young and wound up injuring my back.
11-10-2001, 11:48 PM #39
I didnt have a board like this to give me knowledge. I did Ttokkyo sus for 5 weeks, gained nothing and got huge sores on my ass
11-11-2001, 12:54 AM #40
a long, long time ago, i listened to people who didnt have a fu**in clue what they were talkin about. got me in some trouble a.s. wise, but nothing major thank god. results are better now, diet is cleaner(much) and my workouts have never been better. its been a long road to get to where im finally seeing the results i want, and its definitely a work in progress..................
peace bb79
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