Can we dilude oil base steroids mixing in the seringe some b12 ?
Can this reduce the chance of abcese?
Can we dilude oil base steroids mixing in the seringe some b12 ?
Can this reduce the chance of abcese?
i dont think your fully aware of what an abscess is..
it usually occurs from NON STERILE PRACTICES not OIL
not just non strerile practice but also if I hit a vein a nerve, the doctor said that the oil didnt spread in the muscle
sounds like a load...
u hit a vein.. ur gunna feel it... i have injected into a vein before even though i aspirate every time.. worst shit EVER.
i highly doubt you will be able to INJECT into a nerve.
Ok, its nothign to do with injecting in veins, or nerves... Abscesses can occur in response to dirty gear (bacterially speaking), or even if its clean. The former is worse. It can also be made worse if you cant tolerate or are allergic to the oil or preservatives they use...
Since b12 I think is suspended in water, I dont know if it will mix that well. I would personally inject seperately, maybe dilute with baked filtered oil, or bacteriostatic water. Then do a couple injections, and once its established your gear is good, you can do the b12 injections, mixed with bacteriostatic water...
Originally Posted by pr0digy9daniel
For reducing pain in the past i've used b12 and it helps even though it may not mix while oil based compounds.
Bac water wouldn't really be any different than using b12.
Sterile oil is a better option though
The more bacteria (dirty gear) you inject the better your chance at getting an abscess. If you hit a vein you can cause a hematoma (blood tumor) but it won't get infected unless there is bacteria in it. btw tumor means a mass whether it be a mass of accumulating blood or a mass of growing cells....
Last edited by sarcomere; 09-15-2007 at 08:22 AM.
sorry double post
Last edited by sarcomere; 09-15-2007 at 08:22 AM.
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