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Thread: Anabolics 2000 Book

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    Anabolics 2000 Book

    i've had it since it came out and it's not a huge amount of info i didn't already's just a guilty pleasure of mine to read about the stuff,haha.any suggestions on decent books.i hear the steroid bible sucks and obviously WAR96 is outdated.anyone have that book of steroid cycles.the one you can order online w/ marcus ruhl on teh webpage??always looking for new reading material so if anyone has input it's appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    anyone have?

    international online pharm book??

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    The Resistance
    id also like to know what the best steroid information book is which is available to me in the Uk.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 1969

    Read all published material that you can

    I can't say that I agree with ya juice. Don't get me wrong I really enjoy everyones input here and I have made some really good friends BUT the simple fact is that there is no replacement for published material. I especially am referring to published material in Scientific journals. These articles on the research that was preformed has been critquite by Professors from all over the world. Now I know that you will not find any thing on cycles in any scientific journal and that I really have kinda jumped the gun as well but published material is PUBLISHED. It gets published only because at least 1 publisher out there found some merit to what the author was trying to say. I'll always value the advice from my friends and there are some here at AR that I would listen to without question, but I could never let even that become my sole place of info and research.
    I presently have 9 differnt books on order that should be in Books A Million by tommorrow. I'm not obligated to buy them all only the ones that I pick out as when I was ordering them the caption about what each book was about was very breif.When I get them I'll scan through those that I think are prudent to the cause and list the authors for you to check out.
    Last edited by Tobey; 08-23-2001 at 07:00 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 1969


    Hey juice,
    After I got through and read my post it kinda sounded like I was in a flamming type of mode there. Sorry about that, just meant that I really believe in reading everything out there that you can get your hands on and then judge weather it's crap or not for yourself.
    Hope that I did'nt strike any nerves.

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