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  1. #1
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Cool First time Cycle Bulking Suggestions

    I am going to start my first cycle in a few weeks once I am done with CLEN .
    I was told by a friend, to start off with DECA and Test, and to have novadex and other things on hand in case of gyno and such.

    Id like to hear some others recommendations to what should be good for my first cycle, I am going for bulking.
    Here is my Clen Log from Members cycles
    Jack Jackson's CLEN LOG
    Here is my stats from Members Pictures.
    Cutting and CLEN? Seriously

    Thanks in Advance
    Last edited by jackjackson; 09-17-2007 at 03:43 PM.

  2. #2
    sitries is offline Associate Member
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    for a bulking cycle you cant beat a test deca cycle. if you eat and train right ul pack on some huge size from it. Although you could do this with test alone as its ur first cycle. leave the deca for ur 2nd cycle. ul pack on 30lbs and keep 20 with the test only cycle at 500mg per week for 10-12 weeks. make sure u follow up with a proper pct and keep nolva on hand in case on gyno

  3. #3
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    I will have my diet posted and critiqued on these boards before I go through with it all,
    So do test, alone?
    Is it just test, or test e?
    Also heard of deca giving people limp penis, any thoughts on that? but then again I see alot of people being really horny on test.

  4. #4
    Amuuzeng's Avatar
    Amuuzeng is offline Junior Member
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    I'm currently in my first cycle of Test Cyp 600mg/wk (testostere cypionate and testosterone enanthate seem to be the most used) for 15 weeks. I too wanted a big bulker and the more I read the more it made sense to start with one compound and that should be some form of Test. I spent the extra money buying ancillaries and books (Anabolics 2007 was the best read). Good Luck.

    BTW, I'm up 15lbs in 3 weeks.

  5. #5
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackjackson
    I will have my diet posted and critiqued on these boards before I go through with it all,
    So do test, alone?
    Is it just test, or test e?
    Also heard of deca giving people limp penis, any thoughts on that? but then again I see alot of people being really horny on test.
    deca can cause libido problems but when stacked with even a minimul dose of test that usually is not the case. I normally do at least as much test as whatever nor im taking just a personal preferance. As for your first cycle it preferred you do a test only cycle enth or cyp will be best cause you will be injecing less. Although for my first cycle I did test, deca, dbol and a great cycle it was.

  6. #6
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amuuzeng
    I'm currently in my first cycle of Test Cyp 600mg/wk (testostere cypionate and testosterone enanthate seem to be the most used) for 15 weeks. I too wanted a big bulker and the more I read the more it made sense to start with one compound and that should be some form of Test. I spent the extra money buying ancillaries and books (Anabolics 2007 was the best read). Good Luck.

    BTW, I'm up 15lbs in 3 weeks.
    15lbs, thats pretty good Ive never seen gains from cyp or enth until fifth or sixth wk unless I frontload.

  7. #7
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by mx3
    deca can cause libido problems but when stacked with even a minimul dose of test that usually is not the case. I normally do at least as much test as whatever nor im taking just a personal preferance. As for your first cycle it preferred you do a test only cycle enth or cyp will be best cause you will be injecing less. Although for my first cycle I did test, deca, dbol and a great cycle it was.
    Injectionless, meaning oral?
    I rather do injections than anything oral, from what I read and also people I know taken it oral.

    Whats your take on orals?

    What do you notice with the cycle of test your on

  8. #8
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    run test e for 12 weeks at 500mg/w
    arimidex on hand through cycle at .5mg ed
    you can add the deca if you want and change the cycle to be
    test 500mg/w 1-14
    deca 400mg/w 1-12
    get some letro on hand in case of gyno and make sure your pct is in order

  9. #9
    BigJames's Avatar
    BigJames is offline Senior Member
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    I would go Test alone for a first run and use Deca and Test for cycle 2.

    Test E @ 500mg/wk for 12 weeks.

    I gained 22 pounds solid on this cycle for my first run along with solid training and clean, but extreme eating....

  10. #10
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackjackson
    Injectionless, meaning oral?
    I rather do injections than anything oral, from what I read and also people I know taken it oral.

    Whats your take on orals?

    What do you notice with the cycle of test your on
    I didnt mean injectionless, I meant less injections with test e and c you can get away one injection every fourth day. I have total support for orals but I would never take them alone I include them into a solid base of injectables. I cant give personal results from a test only cycle cause ive never taken just test.

  11. #11
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    run test e for 12 weeks at 500mg/w
    arimidex on hand through cycle at .5mg ed
    you can add the deca if you want and change the cycle to be
    test 500mg/w 1-14
    deca 400mg/w 1-12
    get some letro on hand in case of gyno and make sure your pct is in order
    this is what i'd do. Letro helped me out with being bloated with water weight. I did almost this exact cyce. I frontloaded double dose for the first two weeks as well. This i recomend. I shot mon mornings and thurs nights , every 3.5 days. gained 30 or so

  12. #12
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    delete this post please
    Last edited by jackjackson; 09-19-2007 at 12:33 PM.

  13. #13
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    cant name prices bro, edit out.

  14. #14
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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  15. #15
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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  16. #16
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by jackjackson
    Good thoughts and suggestions, I assume this cycle would probably run me from $ With test, deca , letro, and arimidex on hand.

    Now Bigjames why do you suggest only test vs test + deca for a bulking phase?
    Im just curious
    no price talk, although im lau***ng over here when u find out how much it really costs

  17. #17
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    yeah its a lot more than you posted. cycles are damn expensive

  18. #18
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    bastards! LOL

  19. #19
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    lost in translation
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    yeah its a lot more than you posted. cycles are damn expensive
    got that right

  20. #20
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    i dont even want to think about the cost of my cycle when its time, test e, deca , 14 weeks, letro, arimidex , hcg , aromasin ....ugh

  21. #21
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    I have reviewed feedback here and I am going to roll with

    500mg Test E @ 14 weeks
    400mg Deca @ 12 weeks

    Now does anyone here recommend I use more than just LiquiDex?
    Also something for the hairloss factor, I was reading someones post eariler forgot thought.
    Feldina or something post/prolong hairloss

    Im still open to thoughts as I have not bought my gear yet

  22. #22
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    nizoral shampoo works for me. its 15$ at target. i did buy finasteride and dutas but forgot to take them. something called spiro is a topical over the counter too.
    ldex should be ok. With that exact same cycle i bloated horribly in the first 2-3 weeks gaining like 15lbs. I started to take letro (another ai) and my weight stayed the same but i slowly looked more and more cut until my weight went up again.
    b6 300mg a day helps combat prolactin gyno from decca. Nandrolone is a pretty mild aas in terms of side from what ive read and experianced. That being said i still ate some b6, couldnt hurt and dint cost much.

  23. #23
    jackjackson's Avatar
    jackjackson is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by millionairemurph
    nizoral shampoo works for me. its 15$ at target. i did buy finasteride and dutas but forgot to take them. something called spiro is a topical over the counter too.
    ldex should be ok. With that exact same cycle i bloated horribly in the first 2-3 weeks gaining like 15lbs. I started to take letro (another ai) and my weight stayed the same but i slowly looked more and more cut until my weight went up again.
    b6 300mg a day helps combat prolactin gyno from decca. Nandrolone is a pretty mild aas in terms of side from what ive read and experianced. That being said i still ate some b6, couldnt hurt and dint cost much.
    B6 pills?
    I think I seen some injectables

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