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  1. #1
    Musulhed1010 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2007

    big ball on injestion sight

    hey guys, I have been taking winstrol for a week/week and 1/2. I have taken the painfull shots-drinking it some days. My last two shots have been the most painful. I started on my shoulder-virgin and had some serious pain. My ass takes the shots well with test so I said lets try the ass now. The 1st time wasnt that bad, but man i have developed a nice ball on the left and right cheeck. The left one is 4 days old and still hurts. The right is 2 days old and is much bigger ball than the left.
    I have read about people getting abcess here. When you get one do u have to drain it or will it subside. I did notice some scar tissue develop on my right cheeck when I injected. I am taking the pain but I dont like the ball of hardness that has develpoed. The area is not red and I dont have a fever.

  2. #2
    100%NATURAL-theGH's Avatar
    100%NATURAL-theGH is offline Senior Member
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    Use tiger balm and MASSAGE it... if you can break it up it will absorb and not abscess.. I had a buddy who had a purple lumpy shoulder and I litterally beat it till it was smooth... he got a little sick that night and the next day but it broke up and no abscess so it's worth it... I honestly believe you can prevent an abscess even if it's already formed by really beating it up... have someone else do it because more than likely that location and the pain is gonna make it hard to do alone... good luck!

  3. #3
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    i get what feels like a marble under my skin for a few days sometimes. I attribute it to bad injections when i first stated.
    I also have added ba to my gear and a few times added too much and gotten a marble sized lump from it. it subsides in a few days. I just think mine is irratation from the ba.
    I have never used winny. Might it be ba or bb concentration too high?

  4. #4
    domeyeahaigh's Avatar
    domeyeahaigh is offline Senior Member
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    Houston, TX
    keep a eye on it...if you it gets red, hot and more swollen..get some anti's

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