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Thread: The Perfect Cycle.Has anybody tried this?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    The Perfect Cycle.Has anybody tried this?

    Some time ago,this appeared in a steroid handbook under the title the perfect cycle.I was wondering if anyone here had tried it or something along the same lines and what was your result.Thanks.


    One: It will produce the most gains with the least amount of suppression.
    Two: It will be virtually impossible to cause gyno.
    Three: The gains will be as permanent as possible.
    If that's your idea of a good cycle, this is for you.

    Week One:
    25 mgs of D-bol every day. Spread out to 4 daily doses. (Note: If you are extremely sensitive to gyno, use 30mgs of Oxandrolone instead of D-bol).
    Day 1: Sustanon 250.
    Day 2: 100mgs Primo
    Day 3: 100 mgs Primo.
    Day 5: 100 mgs Primo.
    Day 7: 100 mgs Primo.

    Week Two:
    30 mgs of Oxandrolone every day. Same administration as above.
    Day 8: 200 mgs Testosterone cypionate or enanthate
    Day 10: 100 mgs Primo
    Day 12: 100 mgs Primo
    Day 14: 100 mgs Primo
    Week Three:
    20 mgs of oral Winstrol every day. Take last dose of Winstrol no later than 6.00 P.M.
    (Note: Ox may be substituted for Winstrol if LDL is a problem.)
    Day15: 100 mgs Primo
    Day 16: 100 mgs Primo
    Day 18: 100 mgs Primo
    Day 21: 100 mgs of Primo
    For the following week, take one 25 mg Proviron tablet each morning along with 1000
    mgs of Avena Sativa 3 times a day.
    There it is. Any more will cause too much suppression and you will not have enough endogenous testosterone to maintain the gains.
    Solid muscle. No crash. No gyno. No anti-e's. It's perfect.
    Following this cycle, work the entire body just 3 times a week for no more than 45 minutes a session

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    roughly how much will this cost versus a conventional test/deca cycle? I am thinking the longer it takes to gain the muscle the more solid it is. That idea is why I am staying away from 4-6 week oral cycles.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexN343
    roughly how much will this cost versus a conventional test/deca cycle? I am thinking the longer it takes to gain the muscle the more solid it is. That idea is why I am staying away from 4-6 week oral cycles.
    Would depend on your sources.I can get Primo and Var in powder form which can make it a great deal cheaper.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by TexN343
    roughly how much will this cost versus a conventional test/deca cycle? I am thinking the longer it takes to gain the muscle the more solid it is. That idea is why I am staying away from 4-6 week oral cycles.
    price discussions are prohibited as per the board's rules.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Looks dumb and needlessly complicated.

  6. #6
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    okiman, The Primoblan (methenolone acetate) description on this site states:

    "In addition, as this steroid can actually aid in reducing breast tumors, no ancillary products need be considered for use with Primobolan, and in fact, it may actually be a useful ancillary agent in it´s own right, similar to Masteron. Also, just like Masteron, Primobolan has no propensity to aromatize (convert to estrogen). Since it doesn´t aromatize, alot of the side effects commonly associated with estrogen will not be of concern. This means water retention, acne, and gyno will be non-existent more or less. this lack of water retention combined with the slow and steady gains provided by Primo may help to explain why it has earned a reputation for creating quality muscle gains. This also helps to explain why it is so expensive. Although estrogenic sides are not a concern, hair loss still, remains a very real concern with Primobolan, as with many DHT-Derived steroids. Many primobolan fans always include Finasteride and Ketoconazole (shampoo) in cycles containing Primobolan."

    "AIDS patients aren´t really in need of Bulking Drugs, so an immune enhancer like Primo which will add small, quality gains in muscle is perfect for them. And since we aren´t even going to vaguely consider the use of Primobolan as a bulking agent, clearly this leaves us with considering it primarily for use in gaining and maintaining lean tissue."

    "Primobolan is a very unique steroid, as it is one of the few that comes in both an oral as well as an injectable version. I suppose Winstrol does also, but Primobolan actually has a different ester on the oral (acetate ) and injectable (Enanthate) versions. The oral version is one of the more interesting oral compounds I´ve looked into. For starters, it´s one of the few compounds available to athletes and bodybuilders which is both oral as well as non-17-alpha-alkylation."

    Oxandrolone is also mild on the sides, but will raise cholesterol and impact the liver since it's a 17-aa.

    If I were to run this cycle I'd be doing the suggested substitution of Oxandrolone for D-Bol. I'd also opt for Furazabol (Miotolan) over Winny, or use the suggested Oxandrolone substitution for Winny. Furazabol is supposed to be comparable to Winny but easier on the cholesterol levels.

    Testosterone Propionate or Suspension might be good alternatives to Sustanon if the 3 month detection time of Sustanon is an issue, as it would be for me.

    I haven't run this cycle, but an consider doing somethine along these lines. Thanks for posting it and post your results if you try it.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    Looks dumb and needlessly complicated.

    Agreed. Far from the perfect cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    More like The Expensive Cycle.

    This is from that book Bottomline Bodybuilding by Nelson Montana. The guy reccomends dosages so low that they won't do anything. He also reccomends no cycle be ANY LONGER THAN 4 WEEKS. How can you possibly make gains on a 4 week cycle with steroids that have long esters??

    Also complicated.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    Looks dumb and needlessly complicated.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    Looks dumb and needlessly complicated.
    How would you go about simplifying it?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Okiman
    How would you go about simplifying it?

    One: It will produce the most gains with the least amount of suppression.
    Two: It will be virtually impossible to cause gyno.
    Three: The gains will be as permanent as possible.
    If that's your idea of a good cycle, this is for you.

    1. Well for one I have never been a fan of running more than 3 compounds in the same cycle. I think it's a waste of money.

    2.If your concerned about the gyno, run an anti-e like arimidex or letro. Even an serm like nolvadex would help. I think it's more cost effective to run test and an anti-e. I feel you will get the same results in the long run for cheaper.

    3. I believe gains being permanent has more to do with proper diet and pct than what compounds you run during your cycle. Just my 2 cents.

    Maybe run 1 or 2 other compounds along with your test.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    GTA, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Okiman
    How would you go about simplifying it?
    Run a simple cycle of 8-12 weeks of Testosterone Enanthate. Done.

    There is no such thing as a perfect cycle, and it all depends on the user's cycle history and stats. Saying such and such cycle is a perfect cycle is like saying one size of clothes fits everyone. No it doesn't.

  13. #13
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    first of all that cycle sucks. you pretty much run 3 different orals, one for each week, and ur running long acting testosterones for only 3 weeks as well, when in reality they PEAK at week 3-4, and people typically see gains from week 4-12, 14, or 16 if its a really long cycle. Primobolan also is a weaker steroid, are the gains quality? yes, but not MASSIVE. you obviously need to do A LOT more reading. stick around here for a while, and you will get it.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    making a comeback.....
    Looks like one of those ridicilous cycles out of -flex-

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    i'll stick with my tren

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    RIP Brother...
    It looks like a cycle by "The Ross"

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    nah if it was a ross cycle u'd have like test in there w/ 8 different esters, one for each day of the week

  18. #18
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    Apr 2007
    sometimes i think alot of people would get more benefit from aas if they just kept it simple and focused on their dieting. Thats where the gains come from, aas just helps (alot). Maybe complicated cycles do have some merit, i wouldnt know. just my .02

  19. #19
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    nah if it was a ross cycle u'd have like test in there w/ 8 different esters, one for each day of the week
    LOL - That boy is on his own!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Its probably written by some wanabe guru on a site with 6 people registered.

    What a load of shit.

    There is no such thing as the perfect cycle for everyone.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    City of Angels
    Wow that cycle is absolutely retarded. It's not nearly long enough. The dose of your test with just primo is going to do virtually nothing except supress your natural testosterone or a touch more but not what it COULD do the only thing adding any size would be the dbol. The most effective cycles that give the most gains VS suppression are short with use of short estered injectables. For instance an 8 week cycle of 700/700 Test Prop/Masteron and 50-75mg Oral Winstrol or Anavar or even D-bol if bulking. They all kick in fast so it's quick results. They all kick out so you can start a proper PCT within days meaning you are not heavily suppressed by the compounds used nor the length of use and you can drop your estro levels (clean out receptors IMO) and start again growing like a weed. Ever noticed the lull around week 9 or 10 and you just kinda plateau out as far as INSANE growth goes??? Well stop before that recover and start growing again! That is what makes the most sense to me as well as switching your compounds between cycles you just have to be willing to inject frequently.

  22. #22
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    Also the aim of my cycle is good quality gains and not super huge sloppy gains. This is assuming you have either good base already or wish to put on lean solid gains from the start. Some long estered drugs are superiour for bulking but I have never enjoyed the look they tend to produce so I prefer to avoid them as well. Matter of opinion really but I know running cycles like that is the best way for me to gain hands down and I've tried everything.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Cant say i like this cycle at all

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    looks awful to me... A perfect cycle is based on which compounds work best for the INDIVIDUAL. whats good for the goose isnt always good for the gander....

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto

    Its probably written by some wanabe guru on a site with 6 people registered.

    What a load of shit.

    There is no such thing as the perfect cycle for everyone.
    It's written,as was already pointed out ,by Nelson Montana.Progress in most things is made by people who think along different lines to the masses.
    By the way I didn't say i was going to do this ,I asked for your opinions on what you thought!Sorry for the delay in replying as I'm in Japan and I suspect most of you are in a different time zone.
    Nelson's cycle did make me think of doing a Primo Anavar cycle though.
    Perhaps for 4-6 weeks with equal time off then repeat.
    I've trained naturally for 20 yrs before ever touching the juice,so I'm really only interested to keep making reasonable progress at my age.42.
    I agree with the poster that steroids are only an aid to the far more important
    subjects of diet and training.

  26. #26
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    RIP Brother...
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    looks awful to me... A perfect cycle is based on which compounds work best for the INDIVIDUAL. whats good for the goose isnt always good for the gander....
    Yeah, 4g of primo a week may not suit the gander!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    well most often primo is found as the enanthate ester so therefore running it for four to six weeks would be an expensive cycle that wouldn't yeild much in the way of results. Save the cash and to prop anavar.

  28. #28
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    RIP Brother...
    Where did those other posts go?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by NotSmall
    Yeah, 4g of primo a week may not suit the gander!

    Thats not a good cycle,its 20 years old things have moved on.: I love Primo, People think it's weak because it doesn't produce water weight.I've often made that point, but it's amazing how many people don't "get" it. The low-dosed drugs build the most muscle,200 of Winny tabs will blow 200 mg of drol out of the water.Winstrol is a very potent tissue-building drug in the truest sense!
    Last edited by goose; 09-19-2007 at 06:01 AM.

  30. #30
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    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Thats not a good cycle,its 20 years old things have moved on.: I love Primo, People think it's weak because it doesn't produce water weight.I've often made that point, but it's amazing how many people don't "get" it. The low-dosed drugs build the most muscle,200 of Winny tabs will blow 200 mg of drol out of the water.Winstrol is a very potent tissue-building drug in the truest sense!
    That's exactly my point.I'm not interested in water weight but actual muscle fibre.As for the cycle looking 20 yrs old,well I prefer the look from 20yrs ago over the freaks of today.People like Reg Park are still around to this day but I doubt that will be the case for the Ronnies and Jays !
    Obviously after training 20yrs naturally I'm not in any big hurry to ruin my health with heavy drug use.I think moderation in all things is a wise course.You don't know you've gone too far until it's too late to change it!

  31. #31
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    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by goose4
    Thats not a good cycle,its 20 years old things have moved on.: I love Primo, People think it's weak because it doesn't produce water weight.I've often made that point, but it's amazing how many people don't "get" it. The low-dosed drugs build the most muscle,200 of Winny tabs will blow 200 mg of drol out of the water.Winstrol is a very potent tissue-building drug in the truest sense!
    yeah well.. TREN eats WIN.. so checkmate! i win!

  32. #32
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    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Okiman
    That's exactly my point.I'm not interested in water weight but actual muscle fibre.As for the cycle looking 20 yrs old,well I prefer the look from 20yrs ago over the freaks of today.People like Reg Park are still around to this day but I doubt that will be the case for the Ronnies and Jays !
    Obviously after training 20yrs naturally I'm not in any big hurry to ruin my health with heavy drug use.I think moderation in all things is a wise course.You don't know you've gone too far until it's too late to change it!
    What are you talking about, the look of present is not that of water weight. The cycles are more effective so the guys are bigger. A greater number of crappier cycles is in no way better for your health. Stop buying books from the past and take the time to understand the principals of the drugs. Cutting and pasting cycles is teaching you nothing and you have much to learn.

  33. #33
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    i aggree.. the pro's of today have some krazy striations that those of the past could never attain.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i aggree.. the pro's of today have some krazy striations that those of the past could never attain.
    Why cant i have straited glutes like ronnie

  35. #35
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic
    Why cant i have straited glutes like ronnie
    kuz ur not black.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    kuz ur not black.
    And i dont have big legs because im not short.

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    DONT USE DOULBE NEGATIVES... it confuses the fvck outta me

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    DONT USE DOULBE NEGATIVES... it confuses the fvck outta me

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    Looks dumb and needlessly complicated.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    yeah well.. TREN eats WIN.. so checkmate! i win!

    You have AAS and tren.

    I class tren in its own world.Its a veterinary drug too.

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