Some time ago,this appeared in a steroid handbook under the title the perfect cycle.I was wondering if anyone here had tried it or something along the same lines and what was your result.Thanks.
One: It will produce the most gains with the least amount of suppression.
Two: It will be virtually impossible to cause gyno.
Three: The gains will be as permanent as possible.
If that's your idea of a good cycle, this is for you.
Week One:
25 mgs of D-bol every day. Spread out to 4 daily doses. (Note: If you are extremely sensitive to gyno, use 30mgs of Oxandrolone instead of D-bol).
Day 1: Sustanon 250.
Day 2: 100mgs Primo
Day 3: 100 mgs Primo.
Day 5: 100 mgs Primo.
Day 7: 100 mgs Primo.
Week Two:
30 mgs of Oxandrolone every day. Same administration as above.
Day 8: 200 mgs Testosterone cypionate or enanthate
Day 10: 100 mgs Primo
Day 12: 100 mgs Primo
Day 14: 100 mgs Primo
Week Three:
20 mgs of oral Winstrol every day. Take last dose of Winstrol no later than 6.00 P.M.
(Note: Ox may be substituted for Winstrol if LDL is a problem.)
Day15: 100 mgs Primo
Day 16: 100 mgs Primo
Day 18: 100 mgs Primo
Day 21: 100 mgs of Primo
For the following week, take one 25 mg Proviron tablet each morning along with 1000
mgs of Avena Sativa 3 times a day.
There it is. Any more will cause too much suppression and you will not have enough endogenous testosterone to maintain the gains.
Solid muscle. No crash. No gyno. No anti-e's. It's perfect.
Following this cycle, work the entire body just 3 times a week for no more than 45 minutes a session