Heres a little rough draft of what Im considering.
wk 1-12: Test E 500mg/wk (shoot on mondays/thursdays)
wk 1-5: Anadrol (50/50/100/50/50) ED *Might keep at 100 for 4 and 5 depending on how I feel
wk 8-12: Winny (50/50/50/100/100/100) ED *run up to the day right before pct
wk 1-12: Arimidex .25mg EOD
PCT:..the one by Anthony Roberts (starting 12 days after last shot)
wk 1-6: Nolvadex 20mg ED
wk 1-5: Aromasin 25mg ED
wk 1-3: HCG 500iu ED
wk 1-3: Vitamin E 1000iu ED
wk 1-4: Myogenx 6 caps ED
*Amplify 02 and RawMCC
Supporting Supps:
I will probably do a front load a couple of weeks before I start the actual cycle.
lets see..theres..
milk thislte 4000mg ED
NAC 1200mg ED
hawthorne berry 2000mg ED
red yeast rice 1200mg ED
CoQ10 100mg ED
FF Naicin 1500mg ED
saw palmetto 1500mg ED
Glucosamine Chondroitin MSM for my joints
maybe some garlic and celery seed also.
How does that look?