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Thread: stanobolin 20 work well with dbal ?

  1. #1

    stanobolin 20 work well with dbal ?

    I started a cycle with 4 tabs of dbal daily with .5 ml of stanobolin 20 daily will this help keep some of my gains of the dbal I have8 weeks of dbal and 4 weeks of stanabolin.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    I hope you're not taking 8 weeks worth of dbal in one cycle???

    What are your goals? Is there anything else in your cycle?


  3. #3
    I have 300 tabs of dbol should I up the dosage after a few weeks

    presently 5"6 185

    my goals are 195 lbs to 200lbs then after cycle try to cut up any input on what to take

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    BC, Canada
    I'm not an advocator of "dbol only" cycles...IMO you'll just end up losing what you gain. Lay off the A/S for awhile do tons of research and you'll find out that your goals aren't that far off. You need to have some sort of injectable (can you say TEST) as a base and use the dbol as a jumpstart. There are many bro's on here that are willing to help if you're willing to listen though. Take with it what you like but others will say the same thing.

    Need I say anything about Anti-E's and clomid?

    Good luck bro


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    If your going to use dbol only for that long make sure that you take nolvadex from the start of the cycle.You wont gain as much but it will help with the water retention and Aragorn said you will lose most of your gains when you come off(due to the water retention)
    As for putting the winstrol with it to keep gains it might work if its at the end of the cycle(last 4/5 weeks)Cant say for sure as ive never tried using this way.

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