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Thread: week 6.. shitty results..what to do??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    week 6.. shitty results..what to do??

    hey guys im on my 6th week of sust 250 @ 500mg shot twice a week, although i do notice a difference in size, its not what i wanted, i wanted to be bulkier, and at least noticeably bigger, most ppl say " hey man you look leaner" no ones telling my im big or huge, etc.. ive been eating like crazy for the last 6 weeks, i was told to add dbol which would blow me up.. is it ok to add it now? or should i just wait to see what happens, ive changed my sust now to Cyp. i have another 5 weeks left of it... any other suggestions, leave the dbol or through it in? or how bout fina??

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    You can throw it in, it would be alright. You should of took some time to think about your cycle. You could do a cyp,fina and dbol cycle but i would wait till next time. If you wanted to get big, theres others like Anadrol, which I gained 30pds on last cycle but some was water weight. Dbol is good too. When you get ready to do your next cycle holla at us, and im sure we can help you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    At your sixth week you might have just started to get some effects. Not everyone works the same. When we post a thread saying : in four weeks the test will kick in. That doesn't mean that anyone who takes it will start to get big on the fourth week, Its a general thing. I needed to stay on sus longer to get results I like. I would get my gains between week seven and twelve. But thats me.

    You can start some D's now, and get some size. The only bad thing is when you stop the D-bol, your not following up with something to try and keep the gains. you will more then likely loose what you gain off them. Maybe save them, get a good stack together, take enough time off from AS. stock up on everything you need ( steak,chicken, ala, cranberry, tuna, protein shakes, and ofcourse the gear ) And get a good cycle started for next time.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Yeah bro, everybody is different. My sus kicked in on week 3. I took Deca with it and gained 30 lbs. You'll be alright....give it time. Eat..Eat..Eat. That is the key. What does your workout look like? Lift heavy with low reps. I'm sure u know that already. Good Luck


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