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Thread: Newbie question on orals

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Raleigh, NC

    Newbie question on orals

    Hey all,

    I've been doing some research, well atleast trying to.. I prefer to do orals rather then injectables, just can't take shots for some reason.. I was wondering what else I could take along with dbol's, being that dbols seems pretty weak taken alone and you often don't keep your gains. Would it be possible to take some winny along with that? And of course clomid for the end. Any suggestions or thoughts are appreciated.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    my experience w/ winny tabs

    my experience w/ winny tabs and winny inject are two opposite sides of the spectrum.i'm a freak about being ripped.i have good size but i'll take being ripped's not that common.look around at your gym, you'll see.anyway, winny tabs in my experience are too low grade and you'll have to be taking a shit load.whereas, i only do 50mg shots of winny eevery other day and i look like an anatomy it that you are worried you won't do teh shots correctly?if so, we can all give you teh advice you need on that.or you just don't like teh idea of stabbing yourself, because believe me, it not only grows on you, but you'll actually start to lok forward to it for addition, winny being waterbased means you can use a very small gauge so you won't even feel it.somedays i'm like fuck i have to stab myself again, but hey it's the price you anythign else, a little sacrafice for success.hope everythign works out for you.

  3. #3
    Mike Guest
    Bro I can't really suggest a good oral cycle - I dont think one really exists - I dont know one cycle that isnt purely a fat burning cycle that would put mass on you and not be just silly to do without some injectable in it - please look harder into injections they are NOT as scary as they would seem - I wish to hell I could come to your house and everyone elses that thinks they are scared of injections and just show you how menial it is - hell i LOVE it now - it's nothing - trust me you will open a world of possibilities if you consider injectables further....good luck be safe

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Raleigh, NC
    Ok, I guess I'm willing to try an injectable. It's too bad that I don't have anyone that can shoot it in me, might help me break my fear you know? So with that all said and me being ready ( I hope ), what do you think would be the best, or most common used with dbol? My goals aren't to get HUGE HUGE, I'm 6'1 and 215, mostly in my legs, just trying to thicken up my upper body/back and arms etc, get to about 230. Then after that is done I would like to go into a cutting cycle perhaps.. I'm taking it one step at a time.. Can someone perhaps help me with a cycle?

    Again I appreciate your timeand your help.

  5. #5
    The original jason Guest
    bro u will get over your fear and as the guys say injectables are so much better and safer for the body i used to be a drug addict for years i mean rec drugs and i mean an addict of the worst kind but i wouldnt use needles my fear of injections was the biggest fear i ever had and even when i got clean thats 7 years ago now the whole 7 years i wouldnt like to go for blood tests anything like that i just hated it fear would eat me up and my first injection of aas was funny i laugh when i look back but its cool now no fear no pain its ok im sure you will feel the same


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2001

    get over it bro

    i'm sure it's easy for us to say, but it's not bad at all.more importantly, GOOD TO HEAR YOU CHANGED YOUR WAYS JASON.i was the same as you.partying insanely for years w/ no regard for my safety.i still party alot but it's so scaled down that now i look back and can't belive i'm alive.i'm not a drinker, but you name anythign else and i did it for years.partying w/ strippers is no good!!always lots of drugs and they are always free.ANYWAY, I COMMEND YOU ON GETTING CLEAN.7 YRS IS ALONG TIME BRO.KEEP IT UP.FROM ONE BROTHER IN THE GEAR GAME TO ANOTHER, GOOD TO HAVE YOU AROUND.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Hey I,ve never injected and when I used to give blood I swear my toes use to curl up when that needle went in.I hate needles...but I realise if I want to achieve what I desire I,m going to need to inject and once I,ve done it there will be no prob.You can do it no prob if you seriously thought you could,nt you would,nt be here on this site collecting info!!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Raleigh, NC
    Guys, Your right, I'm willing to do it, I just have to figure out which one is best for my first time. I'm sure in a few months from now, after I finally do my first shot, I will look back and laugh at it all, and see how silly my fear really was. Anyone have any suggestions on what works well for a first cycle with dbol's? Just trying to put some mass on for now, then worry about the next step when the time comes. Billy, just curious, you say that you have never injected before, what orals do you usually cycle with?

    Thanks guys.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ah AAS I,m a virgin bro never used them...............yet lol


  10. #10
    Mike Guest
    Alright bud I would think a Deca/Dbol cycle or a EQ/Dbol cycle unless you're willing to go with the traditional sus/deca/dbol which I think you would LOVE, and yes it really helps if you know someone experienced that can help you get into it and ease your mind on injections - or atleast some there with you that can learn with you - tell ya what - look up Pete235 on here and email him - he is new to juice and was worried bout injections but he had his wife research with him and she gives him some of his shots now and they both are doing really well with it - hell he even fell in love with it so much he took a whole 6wk winny cycle injecting himself EOD instead of ddrinking it JUST cause he liked to inject (he was a bit nervous beforehand) so anyway - email him - he has done lots of research on it and can ease your mind as he was inyour spot not too long ago - also - go to the link in my signature and go to the injections page that I wrote and that should act as a good set of safe guidelines for you when you get ready

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    heading west
    Originally posted by ravaz
    Ok, I guess I'm willing to try an injectable. It's too bad that I don't have anyone that can shoot it in me, might help me break my fear you know? So with that all said and me being ready ( I hope ), what do you think would be the best, or most common used with dbol? My goals aren't to get HUGE HUGE, I'm 6'1 and 215, mostly in my legs, just trying to thicken up my upper body/back and arms etc, get to about 230. Then after that is done I would like to go into a cutting cycle perhaps.. I'm taking it one step at a time.. Can someone perhaps help me with a cycle?

    Again I appreciate your timeand your help.
    I don't know how the others feel, but I TOTALLY prefer to inject myself. I think you may have an easier time calming yourself down if you are alone, and you won't feel any pressure and can take all the time you need. At this point for me, I am the only one I trust to inject myself.

    Realize that once you break the skin, there should be no pain at all. And breaking the skin can be no big deal - I use to stretch the skin with two fingers from my other hand to help the needle break through. I think Mike posted a big instruction list on the other aspects of it - follow that. Anyway, don't let your ignorance (and I don't mean that in an insulting way) hold you back. Really, none of us are lying when we say it's no big deal.

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