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Thread: bromo and caber

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    bromo and caber

    after reading this I dont think Ill be using caber. hopefully they have bromo in the pharmacy here for my upcoming tren cycle

    Dostinex (Generic:cabergoline 0.05 mg) has been linked to serious heart damage. Cardiac valvulopathy involving one or more valves has resulted from some patients taking Dostinex. Dostinex is used to treat certain hormone problems (excess prolactin). The drug is also used to reduce or prevent breast milk production, except after childbirth (postpartum). The drug is also used for "restless leg syndrome." This drug may also be used for Parkinson's disease, prolactin-producing tumors and to adjust various hormone levels in certain diseases (ovarian diseases).

    Permax (Generic: Pergolide mesylate) has been linked to serious heart damage. Cardiac valvulopathy involving one or more valves has resulted in some patients taking Permax. Permax is used to treat Parkinson's Disease.

    The risk of heart valve damage with these two drugs for may be far greater than was known, new research suggests.

    Two studies were reported January 4th 2006 in the New England Journal Of Medicine. One study, by Italian researchers, found that roughly one-fourth of Parkinson's patients taking pergolide or cabergoline, sold as Permax, Dostinex and other brands, had moderate to severe heart valve problems. A second study, by German doctors, found that users of either drug were five to seven times more likely to have leaky heart valves than those on other types of Parkinson's medications.

    Dr. Brian Roth, Professor of Pharmacology and Medical chemistry of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill noted "these two studies reinforce the notion of a causal connection between 5-HT2B {Pergolide mesylate and cabergoline} and valvular heart disease. It's a bad side effect. As far as I know, there are no medications that can reverse it," and valve replacement surgery is the only solution, he said.

    Roth had no role in the studies but directs a drug screening program for the National Institute of Mental Health. He also published a paper several years ago warning that these drugs appeared to trigger the same heart-related mechanism that the fen-phen diet combination did. The diet pills, sold as Pondimin and Redux, were pulled from the market in 1997 after they were linked to valve problems.

    In one study, Dr. Renzo Zanettini and others at the Instituti Clinici di Perfezionamento in Milan obtained echocardiogram images of the hearts of 155 patients taking various Parkinson's medications and a comparison group of 90 healthy people. Moderate to severe valve problems were seen in 23 percent of those on pergolide and nearly 29 percent of those on cabergoline but none of those on other Parkinson's drugs and less than 6 percent of the comparison group. The study was paid for by the Milan clinic and two Parkinson's foundations.

    In the other study, Dr. Rene Schade and colleagues in Berlin and in Montreal used records from more than 11,400 Parkinson's patients in the United Kingdom. The rate of newly diagnosed leaky valves was increased among pergolide and cabergoline users but not the others, they found.

    The rights to Permax in the U.S. now belong to Valeant Pharmaceuticals of Aliso Viejo, Calif. A company statement said Permax is safe and effective, but Valeant is no longer promoting the product. All such drugs should be used "with caution," the statement says. Cabergoline is approved in the U.S. for treating a hormone problem, excessive prolactin in the blood, but not Parkinson's.

    Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder resulting from the degeneration of neurons in a region of the brain that controls movement. The degeneration creates a shortage of the brain-signaling chemical known as dopamine, causing the movement impairments that characterize the disease. In the United States, at least 500,000 people are believed to suffer from Parkinson's disease, and about 50,000 new cases are reported annually, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    do you know what dose a parkinsons patient takes?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by hugoboss
    do you know what dose a parkinsons patient takes?
    2-6mg ed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos
    2-6mg ed
    yeah exactly, we take like .25 mg twice a week. HEART DAMAGE HAS ONLY HAPEPENED AT HIGH DOSES...from what ive read i cant state that for sure.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    oh well in that case maybe i can take it cause its available here in the pharmacy and not bromo........ thats good to know cause after reading that it was a little scary.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    yeah relax. im even thinking i could get away with using .25 mg ONCE a week and still have no prolactin. last time i took it i got blood drawn like 2-3 weeks after i stopped and my prolactin was still almost zero. I was using .5 mg a week.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Lots of chems cause problems when you over dose them. Just do the research and take the right amount and you should be fine.

  8. #8
    yeah anything in excess can cause probblems...too much alchohol can kill you and too much sex can make your dick waterlogged...not sure if that counts as a problem though

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    God's colon.
    Also, those people are battling a terminal illness so they've probably been on caber for quite some time.

    I'd have leaky heart valves over more severe parkinson's symptoms anyday. You're not using your heart too much if you're unable to move your body.

    Good info though, thanks for sharing.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Brazil
    after reading this I dont think Ill be using caber. hopefully they have bromo in the pharmacy here for my upcoming tren cycle

    Dostinex (Generic:cabergoline 0.05 mg) has been linked to serious heart damage. Cardiac valvulopathy involving one or more valves has resulted from some patients taking Dostinex. Dostinex is used to treat certain hormone problems (excess prolactin). The drug is also used to reduce or prevent breast milk production, except after childbirth (postpartum). The drug is also used for "restless leg syndrome." This drug may also be used for Parkinson's disease, prolactin-producing tumors and to adjust various hormone levels in certain diseases (ovarian diseases).

    Permax (Generic: Pergolide mesylate) has been linked to serious heart damage. Cardiac valvulopathy involving one or more valves has resulted in some patients taking Permax. Permax is used to treat Parkinson's Disease.

    The risk of heart valve damage with these two drugs for may be far greater than was known, new research suggests.

    Two studies were reported January 4th 2006 in the New England Journal Of Medicine. One study, by Italian researchers, found that roughly one-fourth of Parkinson's patients taking pergolide or cabergoline, sold as Permax, Dostinex and other brands, had moderate to severe heart valve problems. A second study, by German doctors, found that users of either drug were five to seven times more likely to have leaky heart valves than those on other types of Parkinson's medications.

    Dr. Brian Roth, Professor of Pharmacology and Medical chemistry of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill noted "these two studies reinforce the notion of a causal connection between 5-HT2B {Pergolide mesylate and cabergoline} and valvular heart disease. It's a bad side effect. As far as I know, there are no medications that can reverse it," and valve replacement surgery is the only solution, he said.

    Roth had no role in the studies but directs a drug screening program for the National Institute of Mental Health. He also published a paper several years ago warning that these drugs appeared to trigger the same heart-related mechanism that the fen-phen diet combination did. The diet pills, sold as Pondimin and Redux, were pulled from the market in 1997 after they were linked to valve problems.

    In one study, Dr. Renzo Zanettini and others at the Instituti Clinici di Perfezionamento in Milan obtained echocardiogram images of the hearts of 155 patients taking various Parkinson's medications and a comparison group of 90 healthy people. Moderate to severe valve problems were seen in 23 percent of those on pergolide and nearly 29 percent of those on cabergoline but none of those on other Parkinson's drugs and less than 6 percent of the comparison group. The study was paid for by the Milan clinic and two Parkinson's foundations.

    In the other study, Dr. Rene Schade and colleagues in Berlin and in Montreal used records from more than 11,400 Parkinson's patients in the United Kingdom. The rate of newly diagnosed leaky valves was increased among pergolide and cabergoline users but not the others, they found.

    The rights to Permax in the U.S. now belong to Valeant Pharmaceuticals of Aliso Viejo, Calif. A company statement said Permax is safe and effective, but Valeant is no longer promoting the product. All such drugs should be used "with caution," the statement says. Cabergoline is approved in the U.S. for treating a hormone problem, excessive prolactin in the blood, but not Parkinson's.

    Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder resulting from the degeneration of neurons in a region of the brain that controls movement. The degeneration creates a shortage of the brain-signaling chemical known as dopamine, causing the movement impairments that characterize the disease. In the United States, at least 500,000 people are believed to suffer from Parkinson's disease, and about 50,000 new cases are reported annually, according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke
    Ive never used any of this stuff but it interesting how the information is played out. Research is a tricky business and even trickier to decifer. A little research professor taught me liars use statistic and statistics dont lie.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 39+1
    Ive never used any of this stuff but it interesting how the information is played out. Research is a tricky business and even trickier to decifer. A little research professor taught me liars use statistic and statistics dont lie.

    yeah even if the statistics were for a higher dose, that doesnt mean the drug is safe to use at any level. But I guess theres always a chance of some severe side effects no matter what medicine your talking about. I just know I didnt liek the sound of leaky heart valves so I posted the info......

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    trust me if you had excess prolatin or prolatinoma i believe they call it, youd be begging for caber.

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