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  1. #1
    vcfb57 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2007

    what should i do

    ok so here is whats up. i turned eighten over the summer im 6'3 almost 6'4 and about 215 and i lpay football. i got injurred and i havnt been able to play since the first day we started hitting. i have been out for almost a month and a half and i just started being able to condition again and do lower body stuff. i have lost a considerible amount of strength in my uppper body especialy chest and shoulders. and i have put on some weight since then too. im getting cleared to lift wieghts and play in about a week maybe a week and a half and want to get back to where i ws and more before i got hurt and try and get back whats left of the my football season. So. what i really want to do is trim all the fat off and build my mass and strength back up. what would be the best way to do this.

    (by the way i have been reaserching so i know about clen and i know about some of the other stuff but i want to know what is the best, fastest, safest way to get it going)


  2. #2
    nbkandrew13's Avatar
    nbkandrew13 is offline Member
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    Dec 2005
    dude your not done growing wanna get rid of the fat run, bike swim eat right .............. forget about drugs till your at least 22 , 23

  3. #3
    mx3 is offline Senior Member
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    May 2007
    if you just turned eighteen aas is not for you wait until you are at least 21.
    I started when I was 21 and wish I would have waited longer, I find it alot harder to put on mass naturally when off cycle after you have cycled then before and at 18 your body is giving you everything you need to build muscle fast and safe.

  4. #4
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Here's the answer you don't want to hear: Hard Work. There are no shortcuts, train hard, eat right, rest and grow. Don't bother with trying to find the holy grail of diet supplements either, they don't exist by themselves. If it was that easy, there wouldn't be so many out of shape people in the U.S..
    Good luck,

  5. #5
    millionairemurph's Avatar
    millionairemurph is offline Senior Member
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    you should bounce back quick from an injury at your age. so sense screwing your self up for higschool football.

    i wish i still had the recovery of a guy your age. I broke my left ankle earlier this year and my left leg withered away. Same thing happened when i was 18 and my leg was back in a month.

    I didnt know a single guy when i was 18 that had a proper diet, or for that matter put more importance on diet than on creatine monohydrate and andro etc.

    i grew another several inches in height and put on 50 lbs from 17-18 to about 23-24. And my diet wasnt even that good. -point being that you dont need/cant use properly, anabolic /androgenic steroids

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