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Thread: Question on Possible Dirty Gear

  1. #1

    Question on Possible Dirty Gear

    Sup fellas,

    I recently got a new batch of Test Enanthate in and I first injected about a week ago (glute). I got a pretty nasty abcess and had a hard time sitting. I used a clean syringe, cleaned the area (I know what I am doing I'm not new to this) Anyway...I thought it was maybe a fluke...anyway 3 1/2 days later its time for another pin. This time I take the shot in my Delt and I get another (much worse) nasty abcess and infection. High fever..sweats...basically debiltated me to the point where I prob should have gone to the hospital...anyways...Immediately...of course I think the gear is dirty. However, its from a really reputable underground source that produces quality gear. In fact I have run back to back 5 10ml bottles of the same shit without a problem ever. finally ask my question is there any way to sterilize the gear now to make it clean??? or put another way...can I heat it up (not to make the injection smoother) but to sterilize it. This may be a dumb question but I figured it was worth a shot...I really cant handle another abcess like these last two...but dont want to toss the vial either.

    Thanks in advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I suppose it would depend on what the vial was tainted with, but I had the same prob a few years ago with some mex. gear I had (starts with a Q). I heated it up for 10 minutes and didnt get another abcess.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    I would filter it.

    Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Three ideas

    1 - Filter it through a .45 and then a .22 whatman
    2 - Add 1% of total volume Benzyl Alcohol
    3 - Heat it rapidly and cool it several times for about 15 minutes...

    Although I had some dodgy gear and thought I got it sterile and it still was a pain to inject, I eventually threw it out because I got some better human grade stuff... Some UGL made down-right dirty bathtub crap which I wouldnt ever put in my body again... After all the effort sterilising it, your better off getting it from a better source and not a UGL...

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