What are the best substances for site growth? I usually inject propionate directly into the muscle...?
What are the best substances for site growth? I usually inject propionate directly into the muscle...?
Test prop is not going to give you any site growth nor is any other injectable AAS.
Syntherol will do it, but I am not a fan of it nor do I recommend it to anyone.
BTW, I sure hope you're injecting the prop IM.
No I wouldnt bother taking synthol.
isnt syntherol what that guy used (THE MAN WHO's ARMS EXPLODED?)
Testosterone Suspension gives a small amount of local growth. Don't count on it making any noticeable difference though.
For local growth you have syntherol ( yes, That's what Greg Valentino was inejcting in his biceps). One other option is IGF1-LR3 or MGF which are supposed to cause site growth though some say it does other say it doesn't.
The best thing you can do for sight growth is to train it. No AAS will do it for you and syntherol will "NOT" cause growth only swelling do to your bodies inflammatory response to the chemical....not good and would not suggest any one to try it.
SYNTHOL does not cause muscle growth. It streches the muscle facia allowing more blood and nutrients to flow into your muscle which in turn speeds up muscle growth but you still have to train and eat properly. Once again it is sterilized oil. no hormone in it. It does however cause instand size so some bodybuilders use it to bring out laggin parts for stage use. IGF1 LR3 and MGF have been shown for site growth due to being produced in the body part that was mechanically loaded naturally. However injections into sites i have not heard of anyone have locallized site growth. Check out the IGF/HGH/SLIN forum and look throught the stickies and peoples responses. my next off cycle will be IGF1 LR3 and i can post a log or something. It seems very interested and something that I want to try.
good reply Lego, but i wouldnt try it. i would rather be strong than look strong
Originally Posted by largerthannormal
Muscle and strength go hand in hand bud. What IGF and MGF should be doing is recruiting satellite cells and that combined with some other crap and a whole process
not only repair the mucle faster but also create more muscle fibers.
I really dont feel like going through shit and researching again then explaining. Check out the HGH/IGF/Slin forum, its a real good read!
not necisarily, u could have tighter denser muscles. and one could have larger not so dense muscles. everyones muscle fiber is a bit different. and yes you are correct.
Do a search. your off. its between fast and slow twich muscle fibers. Yes one can be stronger than one who is bigger BUT they are not a huge difference in size. I see guys at the gym all the time who are smaller than me but can bench more than me, although thats all they do is bench. its stupid. Genetics have a lot to do with it as well. But in reality muscle and strength go hand in hand. one could be bloated up full of water and be bigger then someone who is a bit smaller and cut up. Water is not muscle. Fat is not muscle, muscle is just that, muscle. so it does go hand in hand.Originally Posted by largerthannormal
Originally Posted by dildoman
I just noticed your name is dildoman.........![]()
A wise man once said... there is no such thing as a big weak muscle. Now while it may not be as strong as another muscle of similar size or slightly smaller is another thing.
so then we are all saying the same thing here!
i did do a search if you noticed we are both saying the same thing. no need to argue lego. read all before goin to the end of a thread then replying.
I did read the whole thing. I think we went on our own tangentOriginally Posted by largerthannormal
AND SERIOUSLY... does anyone think this guys name is funny?
Ok being serious tho, yeah i understand that. Bigger you are more than likely the stronger you are. it goes hand in hand but some people may have a bigger chest but are lacking everywhere else which is oging to make someone who is bigger all over look weaker when in reality they are pretty close to the same strength just for the chest exercise but the bigger guy will beat the other guy in all else. Its hand in hand dude, with size comes strength.
k agreed!! yeah i noticed his name earlier i was waiting for someone to say something. lmfao!
Originally Posted by dildoman
theres a debate about this even working. some say the gain is from inflammation and temporary. SEO's will give site growth. ive also heard IGF1 can possible do the same.
This is true, hence the reason some think they are getting site enhancement from some injectable AAS's. In the end it is only temporary inflammation of the injection site and dissipates after several days.Originally Posted by ****
I inject test prop locally such as my shoulders and rear delts and they seem to have grown and look more round. Even local injecting in my triceps has made my arms look bigger, so I think it may work or its just temporary...
Originally Posted by dildoman
Just temporary inflammation. For site groth pgf2a is apparently effective if you can handle the sides. I'd like to throw it in one day to find out.
so is it true that there is such a thing as sight growth because this would be very helpfull to me. i posted a thread about bk amputee. if anybody interested on this please read and get back to me. sight injection would be helpfull in my situatuion
I've always heard site growth to be more myth than fact.
^ Ok, we have the threadstarter named "dildoman" and a response now from a member named "sphincter".
And I hope someone doesn't say "Well, put two & two together".Originally Posted by Raven88
hehehe I got a chuckle out of that.... just what I was aiming for with the name![]()
hehehe I used to work in a adult book shop and my mates called me dildoman...
thats clarifies alot. thanks i will return to this subject now. seriously though u guys site growth with test come on. def infalmation didnt u notice them shrink a few days later. and those names gotta go!
Ive tried quite a few different AAS with no noticeable site enhancement with the exception of suspension. Ive put on appreciable size in my shoulders, bi's, and tri's with suspension. I cant explain why some muscles do not respond while others do.
I rotate my daily suspension injections hitting all three heads of my delts, tris and bis. I have seen no obvious growth with pecs, quads, glutes but still have them in rotation. The long head of my tri's (rear head) does not respond as well as the front. I use 100 mg ed of suspension when on.
what about sight on cyp. quad on one leg is half the size of the other.
MGF, PGF, IGF, Synthol.
Originally Posted by madmustang
Cyp isn't going to spot increase. If one quad is that much smaller then you better starting looking at your training routine.
im a right bk amputee so over time my quad det. so this would be helpfull to know
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