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Thread: Prescription for Ritalin/Adderall/Dexedrine

  1. #1

    Prescription for Ritalin/Adderall/Dexedrine

    Alright fellas, college has started and is already a beotch. I've heard a lot of talk about the amphetamines listed above to help study. From any of you non-ADDrs who take it w/ prescription, could you give me a detailed rundown of what I'm gonna go through to get it? Seems to me like if I just go in and ask they are gonna bitch slap me and then kick me out... what kind of tests and all do they do to see if they can prescribe it?

    2. If I do get one of those, but want to try another to see how it works vs. the one, is it easy to change which one you are on once you are on one?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey
    stick with Coffee and dont get wrapped up in that shit. I have been there, late at night, need to study, get shit done. Just dont go there with that shit.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Calgary Canada
    you can try getting a prescription-but it might be a little tough going to a new doc and pretending you have ADD. just go black market.
    University is the only place you'll be able to buy Ritalin relatively easily.

    never tried aderall, but I loved ritalin. it kicks the crap out of dexadrine.
    And you can switch from one to the other, or mix. it's like jumping from coke to speed.

    You will love ritalin. Its better than coke, and you study like a mad man, and retain it all.

    For reference- $1/pill is a good price. Over $2 is a rip. And crush and snort the ritalin/dexadrine pills.

  4. #4
    I just want to bump this up, don't feel like I got a good answer.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Mid-Atlantic U.S.
    Originally posted by Pippin035
    I just want to bump this up, don't feel like I got a good answer.
    Okay, my child, allow me to assume the lotus position...

    You don't stand a snowball's chance in hell. (Ba-da-bum! )

    Seriously, there is no clinical indication for (reason to take) Ritalin or Adderall these days except ADD/ADHD. Ditto dexadrine, which used to be used as a diet pill but is generally no longer used for that purpose due to its increased cardiac risk.

    If you are a non-ADD'er and approached a physician for a prescription for any one of these, he or she would probably laugh (or moralize) you out of the office. If you tried to come off as an ADD'er, especially with a strange physician, you would likely be referred to a neurologist or psychiatrist for the prescription, and he or she would put you through a battery of tests before prescribing any of them.

    All of these are Schedule III drugs - they have the same legal status as anabolic steroids or opiates. Thus, they are not likely to be prescribed lightly, unless you were a young kid suspected of having ADD (for whom they are prescribed way too often).

    Sorry, bro, but that's reality. I shall now move from the lotus position to the clean-and-jerk...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    yah no doubt, my buddy has a adderall perscription 30mg/daily and i love them bitches, i wont lie to you their great...cleaned my house for 14hours before i moved out and wasn't out of energy, helps me study/remember, its nice, you feel like shit the next as with many drugs...back to the question though, shouldn't be too hard to find, TONS of kids out here on the shit...but asking a doc? dont, i asked mine and he wasn't pleased, said id have to go through tons of tests (like tnt said earlier) and also like he said, SCHEDULE III, they are amphetamines bro, come on...heh...high propbability for addiction and abuse...its not something you want to make a habit of thats for sure..any more questions just hit me up, good luck
    Last edited by djdjdjddjon; 09-03-2002 at 07:58 PM.

  7. #7
    i used to take ritalin, and now am perscribed adderall, which i feel doesnt fuck with my emotions as bad. depending on how old you are, they might now believe you if you are just asking for it. i started getting ritalin at 16, which is very late for most kids with adhd... i just didnt know there was somethign i could do to help me, but it worked beautifully. the only thing is that if makes you want to work TOO hard, and you stress over it, when you probly shouldnt be. besides that, you wont sleep for hours either, just lay in bed drooling and never actually falling asleep for a while. i suppose if you really want it, you could go to your doc and say something like "for as long as i can remember, i have had a hard time paying attention in class, sports, everything really... im always daydreaming and shit. but now that i have some really tough courses, its getting to be a big problem, is there anything that i can do about this?" change that around if you want, but i honestly dont tihnk it will be a big problem. if they make you take some written bubble tests or something, try to pretent what it is like to be like me, in space when something important is being lectured, and the answers should be pretty obvious. peace.

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