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Thread: Help With Cycle!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Help With Cycle!

    Here is what i have.
    15 amps of sust 250
    100 thai d-bol
    what would be the best
    way to cycle this? Should i
    get some deca into the
    equasion? this will be my
    second cycle, i did a cycle
    about a year ago of just 10 amps of
    deca, had good gains
    15-20lbs! just askin for a lil
    knowledge and advice,

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    dbol and sust together will be could do 25mg a day but thatd be 35pills a week and it wouldn't even last 3 weeks, best bet is to get some more dbol, i dont think you'll notice much unless you're getting around 25, and 25 is like baseline...probably just enough to shut you down...and as far as the sust goes, run it 10-12 weeks and with the extra amps use them to frontload...dont really need any deca in the equation, maybe toss in some eq...bottom line is get some more dbol if you plan on running that at a useful dosage...good luck

  3. #3
    1....going to bump this reason to post this 2 other times in 2 different forums (member's pictures ??? and member's cycle results). do us all a favor and delete the other 2 so you we aren't writing the same thing over and over.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    sorry bro, just lookin for help!

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