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Thread: Future Second Cycle

  1. #1

    Future Second Cycle

    Well, I'm 3 weeks into my first cycle, and am starting to think about what my next one will be (After pct of course.). I'm looking at something like this:

    Testosterone Cypionate @ 250mg every three days
    Dianabol @ 15mg twice a day
    Anavar @ 30mg daily

    The Dianabol dose is lower than the one I'm on now, but that is because at the rate I'm gaining weight now (probably a lot of water), I do not want to just "explode" and show up for duty one drill weekend looking like The Hulk (Can we say retarded?). I want to try Anavar to help add strength and maybe burn off a little fat. Oh, and to be able to make solid gains that will be easier to keep. I'll probably adjust this as my current cycle progresses, and I know exactly what my body will do after pct.

    My big question is this: Has anyone who has done a cycle like this one ever had the stuff interact in a negative way? Your advice is appreciated as always.

    *edited* I may raise the Dbol dose, depending on how much of the gains from my current cycle I can keep. Currently on Test cyp @ 200mg every three days, and Dbol @ 20mg twice daily.
    Last edited by NorseTemplar; 10-02-2007 at 12:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    Firstly, in case you don't know, you will want to be off the first cycle equally to the amount off time you were on this cycle, including the amount of time you will be on PCT. In other words: time on + PCT = time off.

    I like the looks of your proposed second cycle. 30mg/ed of dbol is a nice dose IMO. Not to high, not too low. However, I think you will really like the effects of anavar if you run it a bit higher dose than 30mg/ed, but that is entirely your call.

    One question though. You never laid out the lengths of time you expect to run each compound in your next cycle. So what will it be? I would not run dbol for more than 4-6 weeks tops. I think anavar is an excellent oral to run during the back half of some cycles.

  3. #3
    Sorry for the lack of times, I was in a hurry to get that post off before work. Through these forums, I know I should wait 14-16 weeks after my cycle (includes pct) to start a new one.

    My intended times on each of those products are:

    Test for 12 weeks, easing off the dosage starting week 9
    Dianabol for 5 weeks at the dosage listed
    Anavar for the same duration as the Dianabol at the doage listed

    What dose would you suggest for the Anavar? I have heard of dosages up to 80mg.
    Last edited by NorseTemplar; 10-03-2007 at 07:32 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    i think people run orals too high their first run. you can easily get away with running var at 30mgs ed and love the results.
    i think your best bet is to bookend your cycle with the orals.
    e.g. dbol weeks 1-5 and var weeks 7-12
    this will help solidfy your gains on the end and purge yourself slowly of the water brought on by the dbol.
    also, i would split the dbol up even more if possible.. 2 servings a day is probably not going to give you the results you can obtain by splitting it 3 or 4 doses
    lastly, why are you tapering the test? i never understood that concept.
    run it out to 12 weeks at the dosage you start with... wait 14 to 15 days and start pct. i think you will like that better.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    No need to taper the test in my opinion. You could a taper protocol if you want, but I wouldn't do it with a long-acting test. You could taper with some test prop after your last cyp injection. Your call though.


  6. #6
    The idea behind tapering off the test near the end of the cycle is to allow the body to slowly return to normal levels, rather than jumping directly into pct. Oh, and the cycle listed in this post will be my second. (Although I am still several months from starting it. I need to finish my current one with pct, then wait the appropriate length of time.)

    Got this post off before the last reply.

    Really? Well, the advice of the members of this board has been good thus far; I'll try not tapering.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    i agree that there is a concept with it but i do not believe it is intended for a long estered compound... prop, yes... suspension, yes... i believe it would be more effective that way.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Den sitta på huk ställ
    Taper or not, as long as you are administering exogenous test to your body, you will be in a state of suppression. Natural test production will not resume until you begin PCT. I would prefer to stay as anabolic as possible right up until PCT starts. This is why I switch to short-acting compounds at the end of my cycles containing long-acting compounds.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Raven88
    Taper or not, as long as you are administering exogenous test to your body, you will be in a state of suppression. Natural test production will not resume until you begin PCT. I would prefer to stay as anabolic as possible right up until PCT starts. This is why I switch to short-acting compounds at the end of my cycles containing long-acting compounds.
    def good advice bro. i agree 100%

  10. #10
    Definitely food for thought. I think I'll adjust my current cycle a bit. Spread out the Dbol farther throughout the day, screw tapering, etc.

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